введение структуры Have something done
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Как ввести структуру Have something done Объяснение, примеры, упражнение
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Предварительный просмотр:
How to use Have something done
There are 2 pictures on the board. In one picture a man is painting a picture himself. In the other a painter is painting this man’s portrait. Under the first picture it is written Jack is painting a picture. Under the second one it is written Jack is having his portrait painted.
Ss repeat these sentences chorally and individually.
T points to picture 1 and asks Is Jack painting the picture himself? (Yes)
T. points to picture 2 and asks Is Jack painting the picture himself? (No)
Is someone else painting the picture for him? (Yes)
T writes on the board have + object + past participle
T explains that we use this structure to say that we arrange for someone to do something for us.
T writes on the board
1 She has the car washed every week
2 She is having the car washed now
3 She had the car washed on Monday
T asks Ss What tense is used in sentence 1? ( present Simple has)
What tense is used in sentence 2? (present cont is having)
What tense is used in sentence 3? Past simple had)
T writes on the board past continuous was having and future will have
T writes Do you have your hair cut every month?
He doesn’t have his post delivered.
Did she have the TV repaired?
I didn’t have the house cleaned
T explains that questions and negatives of the verb have are formed with do , does, in the present simple and did, in the past simple.
T write on the board Tom had his car stolen yesterday. Then asks
Is this pleasant or unpleasant? (unpleasant)
Is it possible that Tom arranged for someone to steal his car? (No)
So, we can also use have something done to express that something unpleasant happened to somebody.
T writes We must get our house repaired. T explains that we can use get instead of have only in informal conversation.
Test. Rewrite the sentences using have something done.
- Ann’s new fridge will be delivered in the afternoon.
- My car was serviced yesterday
- My dog was examined by the vet in the morning.
- Tom’s flat will be painted next month
- His new book has just been published
- Tony’s hair is cut every week.
- Her dinner was cooked by her mother an hour ago.
- My eyes are tested by the optician.
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