Викторина для 4 класса "Времена года"
презентация по английскому языку на тему

Ковехова Анна Ивановна

Материал данной викторины может быть использован на уроках английского языка по теме "Времена года" в 4 классе. Красочный материал поможет закрепить в игровой форме лексику по данной теме


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

The game «Guess». Yes / No questions Is it (big,…)? Is it (red,…)? Can it (run,…)? Does it live in the (river,…)? Is it a (dog,…)?

Слайд 3

«A GOLD FISH» Gold fish, gold fish, Fulfil my wish: Do my homework every day, Dance with me and sing and play.

Слайд 4

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each of them lasts three months. Read short texts and guess what season described is. Start your answer with I think it's… because… This season comes in March and ends in May. Snow melts. It often rains in … , especially in April. People say," April showers bring May flowers.” The weather is changeable. Usually it's cool. But sometimes it's very cold. In April winds bring warm weather.

Слайд 5

Of course! It's spring!

Слайд 6

What season is this? It's the hottest season of the year. Days are long, nights are short. Usually the sky is cloudless, the sun shines brightly. There are storms in June. The thermometer always shows the temperature above zero. The season brings fruits, vegetables and berries.

Слайд 7

You are right! It's summer!

Слайд 8

Then comes…. The weather is rainy and stormy. People must wear raincoats and umbrellas if they don't want to get wet. The leaves on the trees are yellow, brown and red.

Слайд 9

That's it! It's autumn!

Слайд 10

When … comes, we spend a lot of time at home because it's snowy, frosty and windy outside. Rivers and lakes are frozen. In … the temperature is always below zero. Everything is white with snow. Children make snowmen and snowwomen, play snowballs, skate and ski.

Слайд 11

You are not mistaken! It's winter!

Слайд 12

Make up sentences. 1. Mike, ten, is. 2. The, kittens, funny, are. 3. Russia, are, from, We. 4. A puppy, little is. 5. friends, have, many, got, I.

Слайд 13

“ Snake”

Слайд 14

Find the odd word. Spring, autumn, cold, winter Hot, frog, foggy, frosty Interesting, walking, cycling, swimming

Слайд 15

Find “a rhyming twin” for each of these words. Sam cow toy day bye see fine nine we how Pam boy play my

Слайд 16

Match the first and the second columns cof ba but choco che pud ding late ese ter fee con

Слайд 17

Find the odd word in each line. a) a bottle, a can, a packet, a top; b) cake, scone, bread, milk c) a table, a timetable, a bed, a chair d) a hospital, a school, a worker, a bank

Слайд 18

You are great Thank you for your work

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