Holidays in the USA
презентация к уроку (английский язык, 5 класс) по теме

Соботюк Юлия Петровна

В данной презентации описывается то, когда отмечают праздики в США. Красочная презентация для использования на уроках английского языка.


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Holidays in the USA

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Feast and festivals serve to meet specific social and psychological needs of the people of the country. Holidays can be religious and secular, national and local, official and unofficial.

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In the USA there are 50 states, and there are many holidays. Such as New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas and so on.

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celebrates the start of a new year. Americans celebrate New Year’s Day on the first day of January, but the celebration actually begins on December 31, New Year’s Eve, the night before New Year’s Day. Some people blow horns and whistles at midnight to announce the beginning of a new year. Some people shake hands, kiss, sing, and shout ‘’ Happy New Year!” New Year's Day

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Valentine's Day Valentine's Day People celebrate this holiday on February 14. It is day of love and friendship. They send greeting cards to their sweethearts and friends and ask them to “Be My Valentine”. This means be my friend or love.

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Easter This holiday is celebrated on a Sunday in April or May. The week before Easter people color eggs. On Easter Sunday children wake up to find that the Easter Bunny has left them a basket of candy.

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Independence Day On July 4, the United States celebrate Independence Day. It is called Independence Day, because on July 4, 1778, founding fathers declared that the United States would be free and independent from England.

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is one of the best holidays for children. American children celebrate Halloween on October 31. Children wear masks and colorful costumes. The most popular costumes are ghosts, witches, and skeletons. The children walk door to door in the neighborhood and shout “ trick or treat!”. Most people give them a treat – candy or fruit. Halloween

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Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday in November. This is a family holiday. On this holiday American families meet for a special dinner, usually with turkey and pumpkin pie. They give thanks to God for the past year. Thanksgiving Day

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Americans celebrate Christmas on December 25. Christmas is a religious holiday and one of the happiest holidays of the year, because it is the day that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas

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