Веб квест "Ломоносов-великий сын России"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Веб квест ”Ломоносов – великий сын России»- занятие, ориентированное на учащихся, вовлечённых в учебный процесс.
Работу по поиску информации в сети Интернет, (что предполагает веб квест), учащиеся выполняют в группах, сформированных по предметным интересам.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение Орловская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
Веб квест по английскому языку
«М.В.Ломоносов – великий сын России»
Автор веб квеста: учитель иностранных языков МБОУ ОСОШ №2
пос. Орловский,
Дождикова Алла Ивановна
Участники веб квеста: учащиеся11класса МБОУ ОСОШ №2,
пос. Орловский, Ростовской обл.
Веб квест ”Ломоносов – великий сын России» - занятие, ориентированное на учащихся, вовлечённых в учебный процесс.
Работу по поиску информации в сети Интернет, (что предполагает веб квест), учащиеся выполняют в группах, сформированных по предметным интересам.
Веб квест состоит из следующих частей:
- вступление, где описывается основная цель коллективной работы.
-процесс выполнения работы. В данном разделе представлены задания для групп: вопросы, которые направляют выполнение веб квеста, сайты или другая литература, где данные вопросы могут быть раскрыты. Цель участников – найти и отобрать необходимую информацию, отвечающую их запросам. В ходе изучения информации школьникам рекомендуется делать необходимые записи, которые лягут в основу статьи о великом учёном, М.В.Ломоносове.
- критерии оценивания работы участников веб квеста
-заключительная часть работы: создание статьи группой экспертов на основе материала, представленного группами.
Веб квест
«М.В. Ломоносов - великий сын России».
This web quest involves students into a discussion about the role of M.V. Lomonosov in the scientific world.
It promotes:
- developing students’ creative activity,
- realizing of innovative experience of students and teachers in the process of acquiring the basic national values and knowledge about traditions of Russia,
- developing of informational communicative culture,
- creating a joint educational product.
Lomonosov was a true Renaissance man.
Paul Austin
There have been a lot of well educated people in the history of mankind. But M.V.Lomonosov is a scientist whose scientific heritage in many branches of science is great. Sometimes it is beyond people’s understanding, how much one man could do for the whole scientific world. Only thorough studying of Lomonosov’s activity will help our contemporaries to understand and estimate his role and contribution to the world of science.
The purpose of our web quest is to systematize all knowledge about a great scientist and write a short article about his activity.
The participants of the web quest are students of senior school. While doing the quest they are organized into groups according to their interests in different scientific fields.
Group 1 should study material about childhood, adolescence, education of a scientist.
Group 2 should study and be ready to tell about Lomonosov’s achievements in physics, chemistry.
Group 3 should study and to be ready to tell about Lomonosov’s achievements in geography and geology.
Group 4 should study and to be ready to tell about Lomonosov’s achievements in Literature, Russian language.
Group 5 will be experts. They are expected to systematize all the material in one scientific article.
For all the groups:
- Study material on the Internet according to your task.
- Make notes of the most remarkable activities of the scientist.
- Organize your notes for a scientific article.
- Give your article to the experts.
Task for group 1:
Task for group 1: | These questions will help you: | These sites will help you: |
You are supposed to speak about Lomonosov’s childhood, adolescence and education. | When and where was Lomonosov born? | http://rusnauka.narod.ru/lib/lomonosov_m/lomonosov.htm www.native-english.ru/topics/mikhail-lomonosov http://www.cultnord.ru/mUserFiles/Image/lomonosov/l1_.jpg |
What was the situation in the family? | ||
Who taught him to read and write? | ||
Why did he decide to go to Moscow and how did he realize his plan? | ||
What academy did M. Lomonosov enter? | ||
What was a result of his hard work at the academy? | ||
What foreign country was Lomonosov sent to? |
Task for group 2:
Task for group 2: | These questions will help you: | These sites will help you: |
You are supposed to speak about Lomonosov’s achievements in physics and chemistry. | In what field of physics was Lomonosov a pioneer? | http://ritz-btr.narod.ru/lomonosov.html the magazine “The Arctic vector” № 11, November http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Lomonosov http://rusnauka.narod.ru/lib/lomonosov_m/lomonosov.htm http://ricolor.org/history/eng/enciklop/lomonosov/fizika/ http://www.alhimik.ru/great/lomonos.html |
How does physical chemistry explain chemical phenomena? |
Task for group 3:
Task for group 3: | These questions will help you: | These sites will help you: |
You are supposed to speak about Lomonosov as a historian and a statesman | What was Lomonosov concerned about as a historian? | http://lomonosov.pomorsu.ru/ http://www.lomonosovo.ru/300let/activity/symbol/ htpp://nordportal.ru/nordweast/news/detail/phn |
What articles did he write being a public figure? |
Task for group 4:
Task for group 4: | These questions will help you: | These sites will help you: |
You are supposed to speak about Lomonosov as a linguist. | What was the first grammar of the Russian language? | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Lomonosov http://www.izvestia.komisc.ru/Archive/i05_ann.files/tsypanov.pdf http://www.poemhunter.com/mikhail-vasilyevich-lomonosov/biography/ |
What theory played an important role in the development of the Russian literary language? | ||
What were the premises for creating new grammar regulations? |
Task for experts:
You are expected to analize all the students’ information and write a conclusion in the form of an article.
Критерии оценки web quest
| Отлично | Хорошо | Удовлетворительно |
Понимание задания | Работа демонстрирует точное понимание задания | Включаются как материалы, имеющие непосредственное отношение к теме, так и материалы, не имеющие отношения к ней; используется ограниченное количество источников. | Включены материалы, не имеющие непосредственного отношения к теме; используется один источник, собранная информация не анализируется и не оценивается. |
Выполнение задания | Оцениваются работы разных периодов; выводы аргументированы; все материалы имеют непосредственное отношение к теме; источники цитируются правильно; используется информация из достоверных источников. | Не вся информация взята из достоверных источников; часть информации неточна или не имеет прямого отношения к теме. | Случайная подборка материалов; информация неточна или не имеет отношения к теме; неполные ответы на вопросы; не делаются попытки оценить или проанализировать информацию. |
Результат работы | Четкое и логичное представление информации; вся информации имеет непосредственное отношение к теме, точна, хорошо структурирована и отредактирована. Демонстрируется критический анализ и оценка материала, определенность позиции. | Точность и структурированность информации; привлекательное оформление работы. Недостаточно выражена собственная позиция и оценка информации. Работа похожа на другие ученические работы. | Материал логически не выстроен и подан внешне непривлекательно; не дается четкого ответа на поставленные вопросы. |
Творческий подход | Представлены различные подходы к решению проблемы. Работа отличается яркой индивидуальностью и выражает точку зрения микрогруппы. | Демонстрируется одна точка зрения на проблему; проводятся сравнения, но не делаются выводов. | Студент просто копирует информацию из предложенных источников; нет критического взгляда на проблему; работа мало связана с темой веб-квеста. |
Taking into consideration Lomonosov’s great contribution in the development of Russian and world science the year 2011is declared the year of Lomonosov.
Lomonosov is a great son of Russia
Lomonosov was a true Renaissance man.
Paul Austin
There have been a lot of well educated people in the history of mankind. But M.V.Lomonosov is a scientist whose scientific heritage in many branches of science is great. Sometimes it is beyond people’s understanding, how much one man could do for the whole scientific world. Only thorough studying of Lomonosov’s activity will help our contemporaries to understand and estimate his role and contribution to the world of science.
The purpose of the article is to systematize all knowledge about a great scientist and show his contribution to different scientific branches.
M.V.Lomonosov was born in 1711 not far from Kholmogori in the family of a fisherman. From early childhood he learned all the hardships of life. But, on the other hand, it was the period when he got his best qualities which later helped him to overcome more serious problems. The greatest passion of a boy was reading. He learned to read thanks to a local priest.
When Mikhail was 19 he left home and went to Moscow to enter the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy. Thanks to Lomonosov’s hard work, he graduated the Academy in five years. The next stage of Lomonosov’s studying was The Academy of Sciences in St.Petersburg. His creativity and scientific ability was noticed by the staff and he was sent to Germany to study chemistry and metallurgy. Living abroad Lomonosov made plans concerning the further development of Russia. He believed in prosperous Russia. After returning home he began to realize his ideas.
M.V.Lomonosov was a pioneer in formulating the principles of kinetic molecular theory of gases. The scientist wrote some works on atmosphere and static electricity. Lomonosov was a founder of physical chemistry, explaining chemical phenomena with the help of physical laws. He laid the fundamental principles of theory of heat.
In 1761, M.V.Lomonosov discovered that the planet Venus was surrounded by a noble atmosphere. The scientist made this discovery observing the Sun through the smoked glass. Night observation tube was Lomonosov’s invention. Besides, he introduced the new notions: ’horizon’, ‘atmosphere’, ‘Earth axis’.
M.V.Lomonosov supposed chemistry to be his main profession. In 1748, he created the first scientific chemical laboratory. His great success was developing coloured glass technology, setting up glass production and creating mosaic portraits. As a historian M.V.Lomonosov was concerned about the absence of real information about the roots of the Russians, about their historical deeds. He wanted to describe the might and glory of the Russians. And as a result, he wrote ”Ancient history of Russia”.
Lomonosov M.V. created a program of establishing Moscow University and introduced a position of historiographer. A.S.Pushkin said about Lomonosov: “He was a great man. He founded the first Russian University, or to express it more correctly, he himself was our first university”.
He was a public figure. In his articles “On the preservation and Propagation of the Russian people”, “On reforming the Morale and public Enlightenment”, “On the maintaining martial art at peace” he described his important ideas of glorifying Russia.
Belinsky said: “Our literature begins with Lomonosov: he was its father and mother, he was its Peter the Great”.
“Russian grammar” was the first grammar of the Russian language. It was first published in1755. It was proved that Lomonosov’s “Theory of three styles” played a significant role in developing a new Russian literary language.
What were the reasons for creating new grammar regulations?
Firstly, the influence of West-European languages on Russian language filled with numerous foreign words.
Secondly, the existence of Church Slavonic words within the Russian language. Lomonosov was the first to solve the problem of semantic differentiation.
In “Russian grammar” M.V.Lomonosov formulated the basic principle of his grammar observations over the language usage. He denied other scholars’ approach. He had extensive knowledge of his native language, exact sciences, foreign languages, such as Latin, Greek and west European languages, and this enabled the scientist to lay the foundations of the Russian scientific and technical terminology.
M.V. Lomonosov was greatly interested in geography and supposed the discipline to be a separate science connected with people’s economic interests.
A great scientist was also the first in giving the common description of Russia. The result of the work in this direction was a new geographical map of Russia.
M.V. Lomonosov proved the existence of islands in the center of the Arctic ocean and the possibility of navigation along North Seaway. The greatest contribution to the world of science was connecting economic processes with geographical conditions.
In 1761, M.V.Lomonosov discovered that the planet Venus was surrounded by a noble atmosphere. The scientist made this discovery observing the Sun through the smoked glass. Night observation tube was Lomonosov’s invention. Besides, he introduced the new notions: ’horizon’, ‘atmosphere’, ‘Earth axis’.
In addition to his academic talents, Lomonosov was a talented mosaic master. He made some stained glass pictures.
In1765, Lomonosov died at the age of 54.
M.V.Lomonosov was a scientist-patriot. His personal qualities and literary works played a great role in forming Russian self-conscience and left remarkable heritage in the history of Russian culture. He may be called a person of the epoch because of his enormous inventions and discoveries.
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