дополнительные задания к учебнику Spotlight 7
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
данный материал можно использовать как в качестве дополнительного на уроке, так и в качестве контроля после прохождения темы
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Module 7. In the Spotlight
7a Walk of fame
1. Who is your favourite film star? Describe him/ her. Why do you like him/ her? What films with this actor/ actress do you like best?
2. Find 12 adjectives from ex. 1, p. 66, SB and list them.
D | B | E | A | U | T | I | F | U | L | H |
A | O | H | R | I | C | H | G | V | S | A |
T | A | L | A | N | T | E | D | S | U | N |
T | S | X | C | V | H | N | J | M | C | D |
R | F | A | M | O | U | S | H | A | C | S |
A | E | D | C | V | G | F | J | R | E | O |
C | L | E | V | E | R | U | K | T | S | M |
T | H | G | Y | U | J | N | O | A | S | E |
I | A | R | T | U | N | N | E | S | F | H |
V | Z | E | G | I | B | Y | Q | D | U | J |
E | F | A | Y | J | F | D | X | F | L | U |
I | N | T | E | L | L | I | G | E | N | T |
3. Look at the pictures and describe 2 of them. Use words in ex. 1, p. 66.
4. Translate the sentences.
Some people say she is one of the most beautiful ladies in the world. | |
Он один из самых красивых актеров в кино. | |
He’s one of Russia’s most successful athletes. | |
Ты знаешь, о ком мы говорим! | |
He’s one of Russia’s most talented opera singers. |
5. Complete the sentences and use a comparative form.
- This actor is not very tall. I thought he is _____________________.
- This film isn’t very funny. I expected it to be _______________________.
- I think she is (talented) _____________________________than that actress.
- It is so noisy here. Let’s go somewhere ____________________________.
- This car is (fast) _______________________ than that car.
6. Compare things/ people using (not) as…as.
Oksana Fedorova | Beautiful | Claudia Schiffer |
Lexus | Expensive | Lada |
Jim Kerry | Funny | Ben stiller |
Britney | Famous | Madonna |
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________
7. Complete the sentences and use superlative.
- This actor is very funny. He is the ____________________ actor in the world.
- This singer is very successful. She is the ________________________________ in America.
- It’s a very famous film director. He is the ________________________________ film director in Hollywood.
- She is a very rich woman. She is one of the _____________________ women in the world.
8. Play a game. Think of a famous person. Describe him/ her to the class but don’t tell the name. Let everybody guess who it is.
9. Make a poster of your favourite actor/ actress/ sportsman (woman)/ singer etc. Find several pictures, show them to the class, describe him/ her, speak about his/ her career.
7b DVD frenzy!
1. Translate the words.
Мультипликация | |
Комедия | |
Фэнтэзи | |
Мелодрама | |
Фантастика | |
Триллер |
2. Work in pairs. Describe one of the latest well-known films and let your partner guess the film. Use ex. 2, p. 68 (SB) as an example.
3. Read the dialogue and complete the sentences.
- The boys have been there _________________________________.
- Adam __________ Mrs Doubtfire last weekend. It’s the ______________________ movie ever.
- According to the critics ___________________________ is the creepiest thriller.
- The Lord of the Rings has got the most ___________________________ action _____________________ ever.
4. Correct the sentences if they are incorrect.
- We have hired a DVD yesterday. ___________________
- Mary just started watching this comedy. ___________________
- They never saw a horror film. _________________
- I saw this film last weekend. _________________
- I have read the book but I didn’t see the film. ________________
5. Write about yourself. Use the ideas.
- (something you did on Saturday evening) _____________________________________________________
- (something you have done today) ______________________________________________________
- (something you have not done today) ______________________________________________________
- (something you didn’t do on Saturday evening) ______________________________________________________
6. Translate the sentences into English.
- А где мама? – Она уже пошла спать.
- _________________________________________________
- Выключи, пожалуйста, телевизор, я готовлюсь к экзамену.
- _________________________________________________
- Здесь так темно. Включи свет.
- _________________________________________________
- В новом клипе она превращается в русалку.
- ___________________________________________________
7c In the charts!
1. Read the text about Avril Lavigne at p. 70, SB. Write 4 questions to the text. Work in pairs: ask and answer the questions.
- _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
2a Have you ever heard about the famous British band TRAVIS? Visit their official site www.travisonline.com and find 3 most interesting facts about the band. Download their hits #1 Sing or Side. Did you like it? Describe the members of the band and their music. Use ex. 3, p. 70 SB as an example.
2b Think of your favourite singer/ band. Make a presentation about them. Speak about their history, present a fact-file about them, bring some music and pictures.
Culture corner
1. Answer the questions to the text at p. 71, SB
- When did first rules appear?
- Where did they introduce most of the modern rules?
- Name the most famous English football clubs.
- What are D. Beckham and M. Owen for children?
2. What is your favourite Russian football team? Who is your favourite Russian footballer? Why? Write a short article about it.
Extensive reading
1. Translate the words and read out the sentences with these words from the text at p. 73, SB
- Accompany –
- To create moods –
- Sharp sounds –
- In the background –
- Spot –
Module 7
| B | E | A | U | T | I | F | U | L | H |
A |
| R | I | C | H |
| S | A |
T | A | L | A | N | T | E | D | S | U | N |
T |
| M | C | D |
R | F | A | M | O | U | S |
| A | C | S |
A |
| F |
| R | E | O |
C | L | E | V | E | R | U |
| T | S | M |
T |
| G |
| N |
| S | E |
I |
| R |
| N |
| F |
V |
| E |
| Y |
| U |
E |
| A |
| L |
I | N | T | E | L | L | I | G | E | N | T |
Some people say she is one of the most beautiful ladies in the world. | Некоторые считают, что она одна из самых красивых женщин в мире. |
He’s one of the most handsome actors in film. | Он один из самых красивых актеров в кино. |
He’s one of Russia’s most successful athletes. | Он один из самых успешных атлетов России. |
You know who we are speaking about! | Ты знаешь, о ком мы говорим! |
He’s one of Russia’s most talented opera singers. | Он один из самых талантливых оперных певцов России. |
- This actor is not very tall. I thought he is taller.
- This film isn’t very funny. I expected it to be more funny/ funnier.
- I think she is (talented) more talented than that actress.
- It is so noisy here. Let’s go somewhere quieter.
- This car is (fast) faster than that car.
- Oksana Fedorova is as beautiful as Claudia Schiffer.
- Lada is not as expensive as Lexus.
- Jim Kerry is as funny as Ben Stiller.
- Britney is as famous as Madonna.
- This actor is very funny. He is the funniest actor in the world.
- This singer is very successful. She is the most successful in America.
- It’s a very famous film director. He is the most famous film director in Hollywood.
- She is a very rich woman. She is one of the richest women in the world.
Мультипликация | Animation |
Комедия | Comedy |
Фэнтэзи | Fantasy |
Мелодрама | Romance |
Фантастика | Science fiction |
Триллер | Thriller |
- The boys have been there for hours.
- Adam saw Mrs Doubtfire last weekend. It’s the funniest movie ever.
- According to the critics The Sixth Sense is the creepiest thriller.
- The Lord of the Rings has got the most stunning action scenes ever.
- We have hired a DVD yesterday. – hired
- Mary just started watching this comedy. – has just started
- They never saw a horror film. – have never seen
- I saw this film last weekend.
- I have read the book but I didn’t see the film. – haven’t seen
- Where's mum? – She has turned in.
- Could you turn off the TV – I am getting ready for my exam.
- It's so dark here. Turn on the light!
- She turns into a mermaid in her new video.
Culture corner
- In the 19th century.
- At Cambridge University.
- Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United
- They have become role models for a lot of children.
Extensive reading
- Accompany – сопровождать
- To create moods – создавать настроение
- Sharp sounds – пронзительный звук
- In the background – на фоне
- Spot – замечать
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
дополнительные задания к учебнику Spotlight 7
данные задания к учебнику 7 класса Spotlight можно использовать как в качестве дополнительных упражнений на уроке, после прохождения соответствующего модуля, так и в качестве контроля по пройденной те...

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