Конспект интегрированного урока английского языка и обществознания в 11 классе по учебнику В.П.Кузовлева.
план-конспект урока английского языка (11 класс) по теме

Конспект интегрированного урока английского языка с презентацией.


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Конспект интегрированного урока английского языка и обществознания

 в 11 классе по теме  IS THE SYSTEM OF SOCIAL WELFARE FAIR ?

(Учебник В.П. Кузовлева)

Тип урока: повторение и закрепление полученных знаний по теме.

Цели :

 развивающий аспект — развитие способности к целеустремленной работе, к самостоятельному труду, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия — к подбору речевых средств, адекватных цели и ситуации, к импровизации, к планированию своего высказывания, воображению:

воспитательный аспект — формирование гуманитарного мировоззрения — способности к решению проблем, связанных с выживанием и милосердием, воспитание правового созна-ния, воспитание уважительного отношения к достоинству других людей,способность к пониманию чужой точки зрения на социальные проблемы; воспитание чувства патриотизма как потребности и способности к активному участию в строительстве государства всеобщего благосостояния;  

учебный аспект — развитие речевых умений, на основе творческого использования  усвоенного ранее материала в новых ситуациях общения формирование у обучающихся представлений изучаемых дисциплин.

Методические принципы, использованные на уроке:

1. Интеграция и дифференциация.

2. Коммуникативная направленность обучения.

3. Принцип индивидуального подхода.

Методы обучения :  - проблемно- развивающий

                                        - исследовательский

Оборудование: цифровая доска.

                                      Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

Объявление темы  и задач урока. Объявление этапов урока и системы оценивания рультатов.

We'll discuss:

  • a Welfare state
  • Social Security
  • Medical Health Care


II. Учебная часть по предмету- английский язык.

We'll start with a Welfare State.

What does the word combination a welfare state mean?                                                    

The welfare state – a system of caring for the citizens of a country through a range of services.

The welfare state operates in five main areas: education; social security; community care; health; housing. The services provided by the WS are divided into those looked after nationally by central government and those looked after at a local level by local authorities. At the national level the government is responsible for the National Health Service, National Insurance and social security.

The local government authority is responsible for housing, social services, education, public health and planning.(LCG p.298 )

The welfare state  

  • education
  • community care
  • housing
  • medical care
  • social security

social security - the system of welfare payments to people for unemployment, illness, housing and old age pensions.

 National level                    local level

central government          local authorities

are responsible for

the NHS, the NI,               housing

social security                   education



 What is the National Health Service?


The National Health Service (in Britain) – a public service providing medical care, paid for by taxes. The services provided by NHS include family doctors, dentists, opticians, health centres, ante- and post- natal clinics, health education, day centers  for the mentally and physically handicapped, ambulance services and others. Everybody has the right to use the medical services. ( LCG

p.289 )

What does National Insurance mean?

National Insurance (in Britain)is a system of compulsory payments made by employees and employers to enable the State to provide assistance to people who are ill, unemployed or retired: National  Insurance contributions.(LCG p.289 )

The social services are organized services providing help and advice to the community, esp. concerning health, education, and housing. (LCG p.295)

Блок – Обществознание. Историческая справка.

Let's discuss the system of Social Security in the welfare state.

The questions are:

What benefits do people receive in Britain / Russia?

What categories of people receive benefits in Britain /the USA /Russia?

How is financial help distributed?

What benefits are you or your family entitled to?

In Great Britain some categories of people are entitled to financial help. The benefit paid to retired people is the state pension or retirement pension, to which women are entitled to at the age of 60 and men at 65. Anyone below the retirement age of 65 who has previously worked for a certain minimum period of time receive unemployment benefit.

Women who leave work to have a baby receive maternity pay from their employer. Women who do not qualify for this, for example, the self- employed, receive a maternity allowance from the government.

 A  women whose husband dies before retires, receives a widow's pension if she is aged 45 or over. If she has children, she receives a widowed mother's pension.

   Some people are entitled to neither pension nor unemployment benefit. These people can apply for income support.

   Child benefit is a small weekly payment for each child, usually paid directly to mothers.

    Family credit is for working families on modest incomes. Income support is for those without work and with low financial resources.

    There is also mobility allowance available to the disabled to pay for transport or to buy a special vehicle.

     Invalidity pension is paid to a person who is unable to work after a sickness period.( Scripts p.344 )

Блок - Обществознание.  Пособия в России.

Say a few words about social security in Russia.

Do all people support the idea of a welfare state?

 What are the main disadvantages of this system?

Bad points:

Some people who are entitled to various benefits do not receive them, because they don't understand the complicated system and they are not able to fill in all the forms.


Some other people do not know what they are entitled to receive. The poor simply don't know

about their rights to receive particular benefits and sometimes don't claim them.

Others are too proud to apply, so they refuse to accept help.

The provision of benefits weakens the family. If there was less provision by the state, families would have to cope and this would make the family stronger.

The provision of benefits deprives individuals of their desire to look after themselves.

There is no need to help the unemployed or the homeless. They are to be guilty for their being unemployed and homeless and nobody else. People should be responsible for what they do and have.

Good points:

The state helps the disabled, people who are unable to work to earn money on their own.  Without

financial help, many people would have been reduced to begging.(L.5 ex.1 )

  1. Medical Care.

We'll discuss the following questions:

What characterizes medical care services in Britain/Russia.

What are good and bad points in the health care services in Britain /Russia?

In Britain, medical care is organized by the Government is compulsory, while in some other countries is not.

The country doesn't spend a lot of money per person on health care, whereas in some other western countries health care systems are much more expensive.

Despite the shortage of money, the system of medical care works well.

The British spend a small proportion of their wealth on health service, because of its simple administration.

In spite of being poor, you can get good medical care in Britain.

The exceptions to free medical care are teeth and eyes, thou even this care is available to large numbers of people who do not have to pay.

Although Britain has public health care, it has a private sector, too. The biggest is BUPA.

Because of the central organization of public health care there is little cooperation

between public health  care service  and the private sector ( L.2,ex.1., p. 154 )

 Блок - Обществознание. Система здравоохранения в России.

Describe the situation in our country.

  1. Now we have to decide if our citizens live in the welfare state?


       V.  Your home-task    will be to write an essay   “Do the citizens of our country live in the welfare state? “

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