Выступление на экологической ярмарке
материал по экологии на тему
The presentation of the project
“The Pechora region and ecology”
by the pupils of School № 10
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Предварительный просмотр:
The presentation of the project
“The Pechora region and ecology”
by the pupils of School № 10
Host: Dear ladies and gentlemen. Today we’ve met to discuss one of the most urgent problems of modern society – ecology. Please meet our experts: the representatives of the Pechora-Ilych reserve zone, a voluntary worker, Pechora ecological organization and our town government. Our special correspondent will present a brief overview of the problem.(заставка)
Correspondent: (музыка)
Is ecology a problem? – this question has been exciting the minds of million of people for years. Nowadays it’s relevant for our region.
Excessive hunting for fur and antlered beast, in the forests of the Pechora region, leads to almost complete annihilation of some species of animals. Poaching along the Pechora River and its tributaries reduced the number of fish.
Not only unlimited hunting and fishing do a lot of harm to the environment. The emission of chemical waste into air, drain of waste into rivers causes irreparable damage to Pechora nature. The Pechora hydroelectric power station emits over 200 thousand of contaminants yearly. Unfortunately the Komi Republic takes the first place in the North-western district for pollutants.
Deforestation, timber processing industry, ecological catastrophes played an important role in deterioration of ecological situation in Pechora. Dumping of waste in nearby forests, lawns, and marshes turns our forests into a scrapyard. Our town, its suburbs, recreation areas are full of waste. And that’s our fault. Day by day, we are destroying the planet we live on.
Host: So… it’s alarming, isn’t it? What is being done to save our home?
Representative of reserve zone: (видео)
You are right but the government do a lot to save our nature. Unique forests of the Komi Republic are divided into two natural areas: national park called "Yugyd Va" and the unique Pechora-Ilych reserve zone. The last one is situated inTroitsko-Pechorsky District, on the western slopes of the Ural Mountains and forms the core of the World Heritage Site Virgin Komi Forests.
In January 2017 The World Wide Fund for Nature in Russia included the reserve in the list of seven the most remarkable and especially protected territories of the country. Besides the large number of rare plants and animals Pechora Ilych reserve is famous for its World First Experimental Moose Farm.
Host: It’s nice that our native place is among the World Natural Heritage. But what events are organized to instill love of nature?
Volunteer: (фото)
The reserve takes part in different All Russian actions. In 2016 it won the first prize in the action “The phototrap.”
The staff of the reserve pay great attention to ecological education of the young generation. They organize competitions, quizes, ecological games, lectures, conversations, holidays and actions in schools and kindergartens. In summer children from all over republic spend their holidays in ecological camps.
Elder people can choose one of the tourist routs and visit such unique places as One of the Seven Wonders of Russia, The Manpupuner rock formations or the Seven Strong Men Rock Formations, foot hills of the Urals, picturesque coasts of the river Pechora.
Host: Thank you. But what events are held in your town to preserve local environment?
Town government: “River band” – is one of the biggest annual republican ecological actions held on the territory of the Pechora region.
Host: Who initiated the campaign?
Town government: The campaign was stated in Pechora in 2005 on the initiative of library №17.
Host: Who can take part in it?
Town government: Everyone is welcome to come and take part in the campaign. Over 300 citizens have joined us this year. There were members of the youth ecological organization, employees from around the town.
Host: So if people and government work together, they’ll overcome all difficulties. I’ve just learnt that there is a video address for us from the young citizens of Pechora, they are also worried about our future. (видео)
The text of the video address:
Dear friends!
The young citizens of Pechora worry about ecological situation in our town.
We ask you to protect the nature and keep it for the next generations.
Let’s follow our advices and we believe that together we can help our planet.
Don’t drive cars! Ride bicycles!
Plant trees and flowers around your houses!
Feed birds and animals in winter!
All woods are home for animal and birds. So behave as a guest!
When you hike leave the place clean!
Don’t wash your cars near rivers and lakes!
Give the second life to garbage. Recycle it!
Love the Planet and the planet will love you!
Host: So we see that we can be proud of our young generation. I’d like to finish our programme with the words from the Bible: «When God created the first man he took him and led him round all the trees of the Garden of Eden and said to him: Look at my works, how beautiful they are! Take care that you do not corrupt and destroy my universe, for it you destroy it no one will repair it after you.
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