Презентация к уроку биологии по разделу ЭКОЛОГИЯ "Трагедия Чернобыля"
методическая разработка по биологии (10 класс) на тему
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The presentation was prepared by the teacher of biology of the highest category of the State Institution « School-lyceum No. 8 for gifted children » in the city of Pavlodar Irina Sinitsyna
The 28 of April 1955 The construction of the Baikonur cosmodrome began.
The International Labor Organization (ILO) announced April 28 as World Day for Safety at Work, or World Day for Safety and Health at Work, in order to attract world attention To the scale of the problem, as well as to how the creation and promotion of a safety culture can help reduce the annual death rate in the workplace. For the first time this day was celebrated in 2003. The 28 of April 2003
One of the most famous festivals in Scotland is the Spirit of Speyside Whiskey Festival. Each country has its own national product, its own national pride. Scots are proud of their whiskey. With the onset of spring in Scotland, it's time for festivals and celebrations dedicated to whiskey. The Spirit of Speyside Whiskey Festival is the first to start, which lasts 5 days. He is followed by Feis Ile - a festival of Malt and Music. And so until September, when the last begins - Autumn Speyside Whiskey Festival. Speyside is the place where the highest density of viscourt is in the world. The factories that produce the famous drink there are over 100. There are the most famous distilleries - Glenfiddich , Glen Grant, Strathisla ... The 28 of April 1494. 1988.
In the 20th century only cosmonauts and astronauts flew into space - this was their main job. True, sometimes there were official trips to orbit. For example, in 1990, a Japanese television company sent its journalist to the Mir station, and earlier a McDonnell Douglas employee flew to the shuttles. In the new millennium, it was possible to go beyond the atmosphere by its own will, that is, a tourist. On April 28, 2001, the Russian spacecraft Soyuz TM-32 started with cosmonauts T. Musabaev and Yu. Baturin and the first space tourist American millionaire Dennis Tito on board. On April 30, the ship docked with the International Space Station (ISS). The 28 of April 2001
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