Урок английского языка в 3 классе по теме «My Toys»
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс)

1. Закрепление лексики и речевых структур, изученных ранее; 2. Введение новой лексической единицы по теме «Игрушки».


Предварительный просмотр:

Новикова Ирина Сергеевна

Урок английского языка в 3  классе по теме «My Toys»

Цель урока:

  1. Закрепление лексики и речевых структур, изученных ранее;
  2. Введение новой лексической единицы по теме «Игрушки».

Задачи урока: 
1. Развитие умения описывать любимую игрушку (цвет, размер).
2. Развитие умений во всех видах речевой деятельности.
3. Развитие у детей интереса к английскому языку через игру.

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент (greeting). 

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls!

Children: Good morning, teacher!

Teacher:  I am glad to see all of you. Sit down, please.

Children: We are glad to see you, too.

Teacher:   Answer my usual questions, please. What date is it today?

Children: Today is the fifth of October.

Teacher: What day of the week is it today?

Children: Today is Monday.

Teacher: What is the weather today?

Children: Today is ______________________________________

Teacher: What time is it now?

Children: It is twenty minutes to ten.

Teacher: Thank you very much. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is__________________________________

2. Повторение прилагательных. Игра «Дополни предложение». 

Teacher:   Can you tell me, what animal is it?
Children:  It is a mouse .
Teacher:  Yes, you are right. Look at the board and let’s read the word, adjectives.

  • Happy, sad, big, small, new, old, good, bad.

Teacher: Now you must complete the sentences.

Жил мышонок на планете.
Был счастливый, значит- happy 

Никаких не знал он бед
Не был грустным, значит - sad 

Он нашел большущий гриб
По-английски значит -  big 
Маленький грибок нашел
По-английски – это small 

Новый друг мышонка - Sue
A ведь новый  -  это  new 

Был дружочек очень молод
Он не старый, он не -  old 

И cосед был Робин Гуд
Был хорошим
Значит - good 
A в лесу жил людоед
Он плохим был, это-  bad 

3. Повторение речевых структур «Yes, it is», «No, it isn’t. It’s a …» 

Teacher :  A little mouse has got many friends. Now I will show you the pictures and you must answer my questions. Say «Yes, it is», «No, it isn’t. It’s a …» 

Is the task clear?

  1. Is it a rabbit?
  2. Is it a tiger?
  3. Is it a crocodile?
  4. Is it a bear?
  5. Is it a parrot?

Teacher: Good job. Now tell us, How many friends has the mouse got?

Children: The mouse has got 5 friends.

Teacher: What are they?

Children: They are rabbit, tiger, crocodile, bear, parrot.

4. Закрепление лексики и речевых структур (Тема «Игрушки»).

Teacher:  Have you got toys at home? What is your favourite toy?

Children:  I have got a cat.

Teacher: What colour is it? What size is it?

Children: It is brown. It is small.

Teacher: Do you like to play with a cat?

Children: Yes, I do. I like to play with my cat.

(Спросить каждого учащегося)

5. Физкультминутка.
Teacher:   Are you tired? Let's have a rest.  (Класс повторяет за учителем.)

Stand up! Hands up! Hands down! Sit down!
Stand up! Hands to the sides! Bend left! Bend right!
Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Sit down!

6.Teacher:  Now open your student’s books at page 56 and find exercise 1.

Read the task, please.

Children: Listen, point and repeat.

Учитель включает запись, и дети выполняют задание.

Затем учитель дает дополнительное задание по данному упражнению.

Teacher: I want you to look at the words with great attention and the close your books and now let’s try to spell the words (present, roller – skates, teddy bear, bike, car, camera, toy shop)

Children: p-r-e-s-e-n-t…..

Teacher: Welldone! Now let’s do exercise 2. Answer my questions. What toys can you see?

Children: I can see teddy bears.

Children: I can see roller skates.

Children: I can see camera.

Children: I can see bikes.

Children: I can see balls.

Children: I can see dolls.

Teacher: How many dolls are there in the shop?

Children: There are two dolls.

Teacher: How many teddy bears are there in the shop?

Children: There are two teddy bears.

Teacher: How many balls are there in the shop?

Children: There are two balls.

Teacher: How many cameras are there in the shop?

Children: There are two cameras.

Teacher: Very good. Now look at the board and tell the numbers- 32, 30, 40, 46, 50

Children: thirty two, thirty, forty, forty six, fifty

Teacher: Let’s say these numbers orally, one by one:











Children: thirty, forty six, thirty two, twenty eight, forty eight, twenty five, twenty four, twenty two and fifty.

7.Повторение глаголов.
Teacher:   Children look at these animals and say what can they do?

-A cat can jump.
- A dog can run.
- A crocodile can swim.
- A parrot can fly.
- An elephant can sit.

Teacher: Now tell us what you can do well.

Children: I can …..

8.  Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия. 
Teacher: Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Did you like the lesson? Was the lesson interesting? What was difficult for you? 

Teacher:  Good bye, girls, good bye boys
Children:  Goodbye our teacher.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Happy Sad Big Small New Old Good Bad

Слайд 8

30 28 24 46 48 22 32 25 50

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