Сценарий спектакля "Друг познаётся в беде". 2 класс
материал по иностранному языку (2 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
Two butterflies are dancing. Another Butterfly enters.
Butterfly Hello, butterflies!
Butterflies Hello!
Butterfly You are so nice! Can I dance with you?
Butterflies No, you can’t!
Butterfly 1 Look at us: we have got many colours!
Butterfly 2 Green and yellow, pink and blue…
Butterfly 1 You haven’t got colours!
Butterfly 2 You are white!
Butterflies We don’t like you! Good bye!
Two butterflies fly away
Butterfly I am a poor Butterfly! I am not yellow, I am not pink, I am not blue… I am white!!!
The duckling enters
Duckling I am a duckling, quack, quack, quack
With yellow feathers on my back.
Splash, splash, splish, splish,
Where is my fish?
Butterfly Hello, Duckling! Give me the yellow colour, please!
Duckling OK!
Butterfly Thank you, Duckling! Good bye!
The duckling gives the Butterfly a yellow feather and goes away, the kitten enters
Kitten I am a kitten, meow, meow, meow
I would like to play with you
I can climb trees
Come and see, please!
Butterfly Hello, Kitten! Give me the pink colour, please!
Kitten OK!
Butterfly Thank you, Kitten! Good bye!
The kitten gives the Butterfly a pink bow and goes away, the frog enters
Frog I am a frog, my name is Jim
I can dive and I can swim
I can jump and I can run
I can have a lot of fun!
Butterfly Hello, Frog! Give me the green colour, please!
Frog OK!
Butterfly Thank you, Frog! Good bye!
The frog gives the Butterfly a green leaf and goes away, the mouse enters
Mouse I am a mouse, squeak, squeak
I like to play hide-and-seek
I like flowers, red and blue
Do you like them too?
Butterfly Oh, yes, I do! Give me the blue flower, please!
Mouse OK!
Butterfly Thank you, Mouse! Good bye!
The mouse gives the Butterfly a blue flower and goes away, the bear enters
Bear I am a bear, big and brown
I can stand up, I can sit down
I like berries, I like honey
I am clumsy, I am funny!
Butterfly Hello, Bear! Give me the red colour, please!
Bear OK!
Butterfly Thank you, Bear! Good bye!
The bear gives the Butterfly a red berry and goes away, the fish enters
Fish I am a little orange fish
Have you got a secret wish?
Butterfly Oh, yes! Give me the orange colour, please!
Fish OK! Now you look great, Butterfly!
Butterfly Thank you, Fish! Thank you, my friends!
All the animals come and sing( “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’)
Butterfly Green and yellow, pink and blue
I am fine, and how are you?
Mouse Green and orange…
Kitten Blue and red…
Frog I am glad!
Bear And I am glad!
All together This is how the story ends:
Many colours, many friends!
Two butterflies are dancing. Another Butterfly enters.
Butterfly Hello, butterflies!
Butterflies Hello!
Butterfly You are so nice! Can I dance with you?
Butterflies No, you can’t!
Butterfly 1 Look at us: we have got many colours!
Butterfly 2 Green and yellow, pink and blue…
Butterfly 1 You haven’t got colours!
Butterfly 2 You are white!
Butterflies We don’t like you! Good bye!
Two butterflies fly away
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