Чтение для 2-4 классов
материал по иностранному языку
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ЧТЕНИЕ 2-4 классы
Aa – [ ei], [ æ ], Bb - [ b ] Cc - [ k ], [ s ], Dd - [ d ], Ee - [i:], [ e ], Ff – [f ],
Gg – [ ɡ ], [ ʤ ], Hh – [ h], Ii – [ ai ], [ i: ], Jj – [ʤ ], Kk – [ k ], Ll – [ l ], Mm – [ m ], Nn – [ n ], Oo – [ әu], [ ɒ ], Pp – [ p ], Qq – [ k ], Rr – [ r ], Ss – [ s ], [ z ], Tt – [ t ],
Uu – [ ju:], [ ʌ ], Vv – [ v ], Ww – [ w ], Xx [ ks ], Yy – [ j ], [ ai ], [ i ], Zz – [ z ]
Exercise 1
Name the letters / Назови буквы
1)F, L, S, R, K, Z, D, J, Q, V, P, W, X, C, N, B, H, T, G, M; m, g, t, h, b, n, c, x, w, p, v, q, j, d, k, r, s, l, f.
2) G, M, T, B, H, N, V, C, P, W, D, J, Q, X, K, R, F, L, S, Z; z, s, l, f, r, k, x, q, j, d, w, p, c, v, n, h, b, t, m, g.
3)S, V, H, G, N, B, M, T, C, W, P, Q, D, X, J, F, K, R, Z, L; l, z, r, k, f, j, x, d, q, p, w, s, t, m, b, n, g, h, v, s.
4) T, V, X, Z, W, M, P, N, S, Q, R, L, K, J, H, F, G, C, D, B; b, g, d, c, f, h, j, k, l, r, q, s, n, p, m, w, z, x, v, t.
5) L, S, F, Z, J, K, Q, R, X, W, C, P, V, N, D, G, H, M, T, B; b, t, m, h, g, d, n, v, p, c, w, x, r, q, k, j, z, f, s, l.
Exercise 2 Name sounds/ Назови звуки
1) [ b ], [ d ], [ r ], [ k ], [ s ], [ p ], [ t ], [ m ], [ n ], [ f ], [ ɡ ], [ v ], [ ks ], [ w ],
[ l ],[ h ], [ ʤ ].
2) [ t ], [ s ], [ w ], [ r ], [ p ], [ d ], [ f ],[ ɡ ], [ h ], [ k ], [ l ], [ z], [ v ], [ b ], [ n ],
[ m ], [ ks ], [ ʤ ].
3) [ m ], [ ks ], [ ʤ ], [ t ], [ w ], [ r ], [ d ], [ f ], [ h ], [ k ], [ l ], [ v ], [ n ], [ p ], [ s ], [ ɡ ], [ z], [ b ].
4) [ l ], [ d ], [ h ], [ b ], [ ʤ ], [ r ], [ ks ], [ v ], [ ɡ ], [ m ], [ f ], [ n ], [ k ], [ t ], [ s ],
[ p ], [ w ], [ t ].
Exercise 3 Read / Читай
Ee [i:]
he pen dress
me ten end
Pete desk leg
we bed well
Exercise 4
Ii [ ai]
[ai] [i]
I site in milk
like nine is six
kite lie it pig
Mike fine his lip
time mine big hill
Exercise 5
I like it. It is big. His dog and his pig. It is his desk. Pete likes me. I like Mike.
Exercise 6
Oo [ou]
[ әu ] ([ou]) [ ɒ ] ([ɔ ])
no coke not dog
go pole pot hot
bone rope on hop
hello lone doll log
hope stone pond top
Exercise 7
Aa [ei]
[ei] [ æ ]
Kate same cat hand
lake date have tram
make hate cap bad
plate tale bag dad
table cake hat has
I have got a cat. I am six. I am ten. He is nine. He is fine. Hello! I am fine. It is a rat. It is a bed. I have got a bad dog. He has got a cat. His cat is fat. We have got a tram.
Exercise 8
Uu [ju:]
[ju:] [ ʌ ]
you tube but dust
pupil student bus must
tulip stupid cup run
dune computer fun jump
I have got a cup. He is a pupil. Ann is a student. You have got a bus. He can jump and run.
Exercise 9
Yy [wai]
[j] [ai] [i]
yes my happy
yell fly family
yet bye puppy
yellow sky many
My kite can fly. His lorry is yellow. It is a computer. My family is very happy. Is it a puppy ? – Yes, it is. Have you got a family? – Yes, I have. Ann is a student. I can jump. He can run. Bob likes plums. Bye, Willy and Billy. Bye, Kate.
Exercise 10
ck [ k ]
back sack clock
black stick duck
neck trick rock
pick click sock
block cock luck
I have got black socks. Mike has got a clock. My duck is yellow. His duck can swim. I like my family. Hello, Pete. Hi,Dan. Bye, Mary.
Exercise 11
ng [ ƞ ] nk [ ƞk ]
long bring ink link
song evening pink rank
spring swing tank sink
bring ring drink pink
It is a king. It is spring. I like spring. My top is pink. Let`s drink milk. I drink milk. He drinks milk. I cannot fly. I like to swing. He is bad. Let`s sing songs. It is a long street. It is a nice song
Exercise 12
sh [ ʃ ] ch [ tʃ]
she ship chess cherry
dish shop chin chick
fish wish much child [tʃaild]
fresh lash lunch children
shelf cash rich kitchen
I like cherries. It is a big shop. I have lunch. It is a kitchen. She is Ann. She can play chess. His fish is fresh.
Exercise 13
th [ δ ] th [θ]
the they thin thank
this them thick thank you
that with think thanks
these then three fifth
those there teeth thing
There is a lamp on the table. There is a box on the desk. There is a kitten in the box. There is a puppy. There are three cats on the bed. There are five dogs in the kitchen.
Exercise 14
ee [i:] ea [i:]
see deep eat lead
tree meet meat meal
feet steel read speak
green bee clean please
sweet greet leaf weak
I can see a doll. It is on the shelf. She can see a top. You can see a duck. They can see a cat. It is a green tree. Frogs can swim. I like to eat meat. I can speak. Clean, please. Eat, please. Read, please. Speak, please.
Exercise 15
ar, ar + e [ α: ]
arm bark are
farm far party
car park garden
dark mark part
barn arm march
Exercise 16
or, oo+r [ɔ:]
form short
corn storm
for born
fork horse
sport door
I like sport. Open the door. Close the door. It is a fork. The fork is short.
Exercise 17
ir [ ɜ: ] er [ ɜ: ] ur [ ɜ: ]
girl her surname
bird derm curtain
first verb purple
shirt kerf turkey
skirt perfect fur
The turkey is on the farm. It is a girl. Her skirt is purple. The curtains are long. His shirt is short. I like this bird. They are her sisters. It is his fork
Exercise 18
er [ ә ] u [ u: ]
sister blue
summer true
teacher glue
paper clue
She is my sister. Kate is his sister. Her sister is seven. I like summer. He likes summer. This is a teacher. She likes her teacher. Look, the sky is blue. This is a blue paper.
Exercise 19
oo [ u ] oo [ u: ]
book room school
good look balloon
hook wood soon
took brook moon
cook broom cartoon
I can read. This book is good. I like cartoons. I go to school. He goes to school. She goes to school. We go to school. They go to school. You go to school.
Exercise 20
a+l, a+ll, alt, ald [ ɔ: ] all wall salt ball false halt call fall malt tall small bald |
I have got five balls. They are red, blue, green, yellow, purple. This man is tall. That hall is small. All children are good. I can cook.
- Call me, please.
– OK.
– Thanks. - Goodbye, Dan.
Exercise 21
ay, ai [ ei ] ey [ ei ] oy [ ɔi ]
day they boy
gay grey toy
may hey coy
play prey soy
paint sley hoy
Exercise 22
ou [ au ] ow [ au ]
count mouse brown
sound house cow
cloud about down
ground loud how
shout pound now
Exercise 23
…….au [ɔ:] aw[ɔ:]
August fault saw law
because launch paw lawn
cause fault draw dawn
I can see clouds. The clouds are grey. Let`s count. We can draw. This cow is brown. It is a bad day. How old is she? How old are they? How old are you? Sit down.
Exercise 24
ear [ iә ] ear near dear hear |
The dog has got 2 ears. Its ears are long. The puppy is near the dog. Dear, come here. Do you hear? – Yes, I do. Do you read every day? – Yes, I do. Does [dʌz] he read every day? – No, he does not . Do we swim every day? – No, we do not.
Exercise 25
a [ α: ] o [ ʌ ]
father love come
grass son other
class mother colour
bath brother front
basket some son
Exercise 26
ow [ ou ] window narrow pillow shallow follow |
I can see a window. Three windows are in the room. This street is narrow too
Exercise 27
wa [ wɔ: ] was want water |
Water is hot. I have got a watch. I want to be a doctor. I want to be a teacher. Do you want to be a seller? – No, I don`t. I want to be a doctor
Exercise 28
air [ ɛә ] ear [ ɛә ]
chair pear
air bear
hair wear
Exercise 29
wh [ w ] what [wɔ:t] when where why |
Но who [hu:] |
- What is your name? What is his name? What is her name?
Why are you cry? Where do you live? Where are you from? Where is he from? Where is she from? - Who are you? Who is he? Who is she?
Exercise 30
qu [ kw ] quick quickly quiz queen squirrel |
It is a squirrel. It is big. The squirrel is red. I like squirrels. Look, this is a queen.
Exercise 31
Gg [ ʤ ] перед буквами e, i, y. gym gem gibe gyp |
This is a gym. We like to play in the gym. School gym is big.
Jj [ʤ ] jam juice jump jug |
I like jam. We don`t like jam. She likes jam. He doesn`t like jam. I can jump. She cannot jump. I like juice. He likes apple juice. I like plum juice.
Exercise 32
Cc [ s ] перед буквами e, i, y. city cinema centre face pencil |
I live in the city. I like my city. We go to the cinema. The cinema is in the city centre. This is my face. I wash my face. He washes his face.
I have got a pencil. My pencil is long.
Exercise 33
wr [ r ] write writer wrong wry |
I can write. He can write well. He is a writer. He is wrong. She writes well. I don`t write well.
Exercise 34
igh [ ai ] right light night high bright |
You are right. He is right. She is right. It is night now. Children sleep at night. Summer is bright. There is a high tree near the house. My house is high.
Exercise 35
kn [ n ] knee knife knight know |
There is a knife on the table. The knife is big.
I have got a bad knife. Look, there is a knight in this book. This is my knee.
Exercise 36
tion- [ ʃn ]
station attention
notion tradition
dictation emotion
Exercise 37
tain [tin] – [tn]
mountain curtain
fountain certain
captain Britain
Exercise 38
a) This is a table. That is a desk b) These are apples. Those are pears.
This is a plate. That is a glass. These are plums. Those are lemons.
This is a fork. That is a spoon. They are tasty.
Exercise 39
a) This is a tree. The tree is green. This is a bus. The bus is big. This is a car. The car is small. This is a tram. The tram is red and yellow. This is a lorry. The lorry is green.
Ann is a pupil. She has got a pencil – box. She has got a pen, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber in her bag. Her bag is in her hand. It is not black, it is brown.
Ann is wearing [weәriƞ] a hat, a dress, socks and shoes [ʃu:z]. She is a tidy girl/
b) This is a boy. His name is Alex. Alex is a big boy. Alex`s family is large. Alex has got a father and a mother. His father is a doctor. His mother is a teacher. Alex has got a sister and a brother. Their names are Oleg and Ira.
c)There are four seasons. They are spring, summer, autumn [΄ɔ:tәm] and winter.I like spring. It is warm in spring. I don`t like winter . It is cold in winter.
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