конспект урока "In the park"
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс)

Мария Габдулловна Баластаева

Конспект урока тема: " In the park" 3 класс УМК " Английский в фокусе" 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема урока: «In the Park»

Задачи урока:

обучающие: отработка и закрепление грамматического материала, развитие навыков чтения, письма, аудирования;

развивающие: память, внимание, умение работать индивидуально.

воспитательные: умение вести себя в парке.

Оснащение урока:УМК «Английский в фокусе 3»,постеры с изображением парка, презентация, диск к интерактивной доске, игрушечные телефоны.


Good morning  dear  children, good morning dear guests. We are going to have an unusual lesson today.


Children, look please at this picture, What can you see? What are we going to speak about today?

About the park. The topic of our lesson is «In the Park». Let’s spend a day in the park.  Open your notebooks and write done  the date and the topic « In the Park»

Cлайд 2.

What can we do in the park?

- ride a bike                                     -fly a kite

- drink Coke                                    - eat a hot dog

- play basketball                              - play soccer

- sleep

All these children are in the park and they are doing different actions. Let’s read about them. For this we use Present Continuous длительноевремя. Аправильнопостроитьпредложениянампоможетдракон. So there is a dragon with three heads: am, are, is and V ing хвостик.

There are too questions: What is he doing? Or  What are they doing?

Read please the first sentence.

Open your books. Ex.1p.110 These children are also in the park. Let’s name their names. Repeat  after  me. Your task is to match these names with actions. Are you ready? Exchange your notebooks  and check the tasks. Who wants to be a teacher. Go to the computer and check your answers. Take please your cards and put on the marks.

Look please Ex.2 p 110 These children are not in the park, they are at home with their dad. What are they doing? You have read and complete this dialogue. Let’s listen prepared dialogue.

The weather is good we can go back to the park and have a restStand up

Now we’ll do some writing ex-s. You have the task for youг self. I give you 3-5 m.

Let’s continue our walking in the park. Ex.3 p111. Read yourself and answer the questions in the notebooks and check your answers.

Our walk came to the end, if you like it put your thumb up, if you don’t like put your thumb down. Your work was good, your homework to prepare ex.3 for good reading, ex1,2,3 p.56-57 WB.

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