Урок для 3 класса "Toys for Little Betsy!"
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс)

Ольга Сергеевна Неклега-Таран

Подробная разработка по английскому языку для учащихся 3 класса. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок в 3 классе

Topic: Toys for little Betsy!


 - to teach talking about toys;

- to extend pupils` knowledge about toys;

 - work grammar skills (possessive case);

- to use lexical material in pupils` speech;

- to develop pupils` imagination;

- to provide culture of communication;

- to bring up love to toys .

Equipment: laptop,  pictures, toys, cards


I Greetings

T: - Good morning, children!

P: - Good morning, dear teacher,

       Good morning, how are you?

T: - I am very happy

       To say hello to you.


T: - How are you, Ann?

P1: - I am fine, thank you.

T: - How are you, Dan?

P2: - I am OK.

T: - Everybody is OK, then let`s begin our lesson. Look at the screen and say. What will we speak about?

Ps – About toys.
T: You are right.


1. Interaction

T: What toys do you know?

P1: - Balls.

P2: - Cars.

P3: - Dolls.

T: - Do you like to play with toys?

Ps- Yes, I do.

T: - You are right. Well done!

T: - Children, let`s learn some new words. Listen and repeat. Ex 1 p 58

Ps repeat the words in choral.

T: Please, look at the pictures and repeat the words

Ps repeat the words individually.

T: - You are right. Well done! Let`s play. What is missing?

We can see a lot of toys. They are on the table. Close your eyes. I take one toy and you can say what toy is it. Don`t cry. Let`s begin.

Ps play several times.

GAME ‘Snake”

T: -Well done! OK. Continue. Open your copybooks and write down day and date. Class work. We can find 8 words and write down them. Write as quickly as you can.

Check your answers. (Marks)

2. Focus on grammar

a). Teacher`s explanation 

We write `s when something belongs to someone.

b) write

 It`s Varya`s doll. It`s Semyon`s car. It`s Nikita`s cat. It`s Sonya`s house.

3 Pair work Ex 2 p 58

Example: Whose is this musical box?- It`s mum`s.

P1:Whose is this tea set? – P2:It`s mum`s.

P2:Whose is this doll? – P1: It`s Lulu`s.

P3:Whose is this elephant? –P4: It`s Lulu`s.

P4:Whose is this rocking horse? – P:3It`s Lulu`s.

P5:Whose is this aeroplane? – P6: It`s Larry`s.

P6:Whose is this aeroplane? – P5: It`s Larry`s.

P7:Whose is this train? – P8: It`s Larry`s.

P8:Whose is this ball? – P7: It`s Larry`s.

4. Relaxation.

T: Now it`s time to have a rest. This song will help you.(Slide 10)

“Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

4. Listening Slide 11


T: Do you like to play?

Ps: Yes, I do.


T: - We have got texts. Look through the text. Now listen to the text and complete the sentences, using the words.


                    Lego,       I,       love,        they,      play,       old,       toys

I love _______. And I’m nearly 50 years _______. I think they’re great fun. Of course I only _____ with toys with my grandchildren. Toys of any kind keep children happy. Even if it’s a horrible, cheap, free toy from McDonalds,______love them. The thing that amazes me is how little toys have changed. The same toys are in the shops  today as when ______ was a kid. I guess some toys will  never change. There’ll always be _________ and cars and toy telephones. The biggest difference with today’s toys is that many are digital. Today’s toys speak to you and children interact with them more. They’re not so good in the bath, though. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of toys. I still_____ going  to toy stores and buying them – as presents, of course.


                                   you,    they,      I,    are,       love,      toys,      fun

I love toys. And I’m nearly 50 years old. I think they’re great ________. Of course I only play with _______ with my grandchildren. Toys of any kind keep children happy. Even if it’s a horrible, cheap, free toy from McDonalds, they ______ them. The thing that amazes me is how little toys have changed. The same toys ________ in the shops today as when I was a kid. ____ guess some toys will never change. There’ll always be Lego and cars and toy telephones. The biggest difference with today’s toys is that many are digital. Today’s toys speak to ________ and children interact with them more. ________’re not so good in the bath, though. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of toys. I still love going to toy stores and buying them – as presents, of course.

Post- listening

T: Say what is this about.

Ps: This text is about toys

5. Reading


T: Listen the dialogue Ex 3 p 59 and find possessive case in the text

P1: Betsy`s toys.

P2: It`s mum`s.


T: - Read the dialogue Ex 3 p 59

Ps read the dialogue


T: Answer the question Ex 4 p 59

Whose are Lulu`s and Larry`s toys now?

P1: - Betsy`s

6. Speaking

T: Now it`s turn to speak about your toys. Tell about your toys.

P1:I`ve got a lot of toys. I like to play with dolls, teddy bears and balls. My favourite toy is a doll. Its name is Mary.  It`s very nice. I like playing with Mary very much.

P2: I`ve got a lot of toys. I like to play with cars, aeroplanes, balls. My favourite toy is a aeroplane. It`s red/ It`s nice.

IV Summing up

T: - Did you like our lesson? You worked very well. Your marks are ….

T: - At home we`ll write the words into vocabularies Ex 1 p 58 and learn, Ex 2 p 58 –chit-chat, Ex3 p59 - read

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