Конспект урока по английскому языку Tasty Treats (Spotlight,4 класс)
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
A speaking lesson
Topic: Tasty Treats.
Level: Primary school. Elementary.Spotlight, 4th form
Learning Outcome:
By the end of the lesson learners will:
- Repeat vocabulary Numbers (1-100)
- Repeat vocabulary Food and Package
- Learn English currency
- Use a pattern: at the shop.
How will learners work:
- Frontal work
- Work in pairs
- Individual work
How will learners be assessed and given feedback: self-assessment, notes on mistakes by teacher (then giving marks).
Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEEhw5QjeAI&t=96s
Cards 1.
Cards 2.
Card 3.
Card 4.
Stage | Stage aims | Procedure | Interaction patterns | Timing | |
Teacher | Students | ||||
Setting up a speaking activity | |||||
Lead-in | to introduce the topic | What house chores can you do? Let’s watch the video! (video1) What do you see? What house chore is this video about? | Ss watch the video, answer the questions. | T-Ss | 3 minutes |
Giving the task | to create a communicative situation, to give a purpose for speaking and listening, to explain how to do the task | Do you go shopping? What money do we use? Imagine you are in Great Britain! Would you like to visit a shop in London? What do we need for visiting the shop? T explains British currency. (card 3) | Ss answer the questions. S listens about British currency. | T-Ss | 6 minutes |
Demonstration | to demonstrate how to do the task | We will work in pairs. One of a pair is a customer, the other is a shop-assistant. Customers, give your money! (coins)! (cards 2) Shop-assistants, give your products! (cards 1) Exchange your cards while speaking! Use a card 4 as a pattern. | Ss take the cards. | 6 minutes | |
Practising the language | to practise the language | T makes a list of numbers on the board(20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100). T uses choral drilling to practice the numbers. T makes a list of word-combinations: packages and food. (cards 1). T explains card 4, then choral drilling. | Ss repeat numbers, products, then take part in choral drilling of numbers, products and the pattern. | T-Ss | 7 minutes |
Scaffolding | to help students prepare for the task (to help with ideas, structure, strategies) | List of numbers on the board. Cards 1. Products. Cards 2. Coins. Card 3. Currency. Card 4. The pattern for speaking. | |||
Speaking practice | |||||
Speaking practice | to let student achieve the communicative aim | While speaking activity T is listening carefully and making notes on mistakes. | Oral speaking in group, exchanging cards (products and coins). Self-assessment. | S-S | 7 minutes |
Feedback | |||||
Getting feedback | to get feedback from students, to let students report back | Wow is for you? What difficulties did you have? Would you like to visit real British shop? | 4 minutes | ||
Giving feedback | to give feedback on content and language | While speaking activity T is listening carefully and making notes on mistakes. At the end of the class T and Ss discuss the mistakes. | Ss correct the mistakes. | T-Ss | 7 minutes TOTAL: 40 minutes |
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