Сценарий праздника
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (2 класс)

Обрядова Наталья Вадимовна

Сценарий праздника алфавита для учащихся 2 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

         Праздник английского алфавита.

Автор сценария: Обрядова Наталья Вадимовна

(приглашенные гости – ученики первых классов)

Учитель: Good morning children!

Дети: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning I am glad to see you!

Учитель: I am glad to see you, too. Welcome to our ABC party!

Буква A: Hello. I am the letter A

                A is for alphabet and for ABC.

               Can you say the alphabet from A to Z?

Дети: Yes, we can.

Буква А: Let’s sing “The ABC” song.

Дети:     A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z.

               Now I know the alphabet!

Буква A: A is for apples and apple trees.

               You can see apples on apple trees.

Буква B: B is for books and for bookcase.

               I have many books in my bookcase.

Буква C:C is for cat. My cat is grey,

              And with me it likes to play.

Буква D: D is for dog and for doggy.

              I have a dog, not a doggy.

Буква E: E is for eight and for eleven.

              How much is eight and eleven?

Буква F:Flowers here, flowers there,

              Flowers are growing everywhere.

              I am the letter F.

              F is for flowers, red and blue,

              White and yellow, and rosy, too.

Учитель: But I think, F is for family.

Дети:     How is your mother?

              She is fine, thanks.

              How is your father?

              He is fine, thanks.

              How is your sister?

              She is fine, thanks.

              How is your brother?

              He is fine, thanks.

Буква G: Look at me! I am the letter G. G is for girl and also for a garden.

Буква H:I am the letter H.

              H is for hand.

              I have two hands.

              This is the way

               I clap my hands.

Дети:     Clap, clap, clap your hands… (песня)

Буква I: Ice cream starts with the letter I

              But I think, I is for I.

              I am a boy, and I am ten.

              I like to play with my brother Ben.

Буква J:J is for jam.

             This is an apple jam.

             Jimmy likes it and so does Sam.

Буква K:  K is for kite.

             Kate has a kite.

             It is little and it is white.

             My kite is white,

             My kite is light,

             My kite is in the sky.

             Now left, now right

             We fly the kite,

             We fly it, you and I.

Буква L: I see a big yellow lion, a big yellow lion!

             What a big yellow lion!

             What a lion, what a lion!

             L is for lions!

Буква M: I am the letter M. M is for a mouse.


Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

        Where is your house?

Mouse: Little cat, little cat, I have no flat.

             I am a poor mouse, I have no house.

Cat:  Little mouse, little mouse,

         Come into my house!

Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

            I do not do that.

            You want to eat me!

Буква N: N is for numbers.

               N is for nine, ninety and ninety-nine.

Буква O: O is for one.

               One and two is three.

                Three little cats are in the tree.

 Учитель: Let’s count all together!

 Дети:      One, one, one, little dogs run.

                Two, two, two, cats see you.

                Three, three, three, birds in a tree.

                 Four, four, four, toys on the floor.

Буква P: I am the letter P.

               P is for pencils.

               With them I can draw:

               A red pen, a green tree or a blue door.

               P is for picture.

               In it you can see

               A car or a bus, a street or a tree.

Буква Q: I am the letter Q.

                Q is for questions: How are you?

               How old are you? And how do you do?

Буква R: I am the letter R.

               R is in brown, grey and green, too.

               But not in white, yellow or blue.

Буква S: Street begins with the letter S.

                 S is for street.

                  This is my street!

Буква T:  T is for tick and for tock.

                “Tick-tock,” says the clock.

                 It can tell you all the day:

                 Time to sleep and time to play.

Буква U: U is for under, but not for at.

              “I am under the tree,” says Pat.

              “Little children, come to me.

               Let us play under the tree.”

Буква V: V is for vegetables!

                This is the season

                When vegetables grow.

                 I come to the garden

                 And make water flow.

Буква W: W is for where, when, who and what.

                Who is in the garden and who is not?

 Дети:       Oh, where, oh, where

                 Can our John be?

                 He is not here,

                 He is not here,

                 Oh, where, oh, where

                 Can our John be?

                 Here I am!


I found a cow! How?

I found a bear! Where?

I found a hen! When?

I found a bear,

I found a hen,

I found a cow,


Буква X: X is in six. Let’s count up to six!

Дети:       One, two, three, four, five, six!

Буква Y: Y is for yard where children play.

               They play in the yard every day.

               Our yard is your yard,

               Welcome to our yard!

Буква Z: I’ m the last letter, the letter Z.

               Z is for the Zoo.

               Let’s go to the Zoo.

               I like to go to the Zoo.

               And you?

   Дети:    Yes!

               Tomorrow on Sunday we go to the Zoo.

               Tomorrow, tomorrow we go to the Zoo.

               There is a giraffe there and a zebra too,

               A bear and a monkey and a kangaroo.

Учитель: Now we know the alphabet.

Дети поют песню :

              A B C D E

              Stand up and look at me!

              F G H I J

              I play football every day!

              K L M N O

              I like cake, oh, oh, oh!

              P Q R S T

             Hey people. Listen to me-

             U V W X Y Z

              The alphabet is in my head!

Дети:     We can read, we can write,

              We can speak English too.

              We love learning English!

              And what about you?

Учитель: А вы хотите изучать английский язык?

               Тогда добро пожаловать на будущий год во второй класс!!!

               И ещё примите от нас скромные презенты.

               Это весёлый алфавит!

Дети:   Good morning, when it’s morning,

             Good night, when it’s night,

              And when it’s time to go away

              Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye.

 Учитель:  Good-bye, my dear friends!

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