Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку по теме "Пикник. Picnic" для 4 класса
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (4 класс)
Методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме "Picnic"
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Предварительный просмотр:
T.: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! What date is it today? And now look at the screen and try to guess what’s the topic of our lesson today?
Dasha: Travelling!
Darina: Holidays!
Egor: Picnic!
T.: Right! Picnic! The topic is “We are going to have a picnic”! Look at the screen! As you can see we’ll have …… items there: today we are going to ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………We repeat construction “to be going to”, preposition, we have writing and reading a text and then we watch a cartoon. Our aim is to ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Let’s start! Soon you will have spring holidays . Tell me, Egor, do you like spring? And you Darina? And Nikita? Now we do a phonetic exercise. Repeat a rhyme about one of the most beautiful season:
Spring is here,
Summer is near,
grass is green,
So nice and clean.
Winter, spring, summer, fall –
I like spring best of all.
T.: Very well! Of course holidays are great! And what are you going to do?
Pavel: I’m going to watch TV and play computers games.
Nikita I’m going to visit my grandma.
Vika: I’m going to go to Egypt.
Vanya: I’m going to go to the cinema.
T.: Great! And who wants to have a picnic? Everybody! But where are we going to have a picnic? Let’s check your hometask! Your task was to draw a map and tell about it!
Vanya: First I’m going to ride my bike. I’m going to ride along the street and past the circus. Then I’m going to go round the cinema. Next we are going to go by car. We are going to go under the bridge and round the playground. Finally we are going to go to the park.
Vika: First we are going to go by car. We are going to go along the street. We are going to go past the beach. Next we are going to go by boat to the Island.
T.: Great! We chose the place and now we have to discuss who is going to go with us because it’s so boring to travel alone. Look at the screen! There are two invitations. Read them.
Dear Sam We’re going to have a picnic on Saturday, March 20th. Please come to the park at 12.30. From, Ned P.S. Bring your skates. | |
Dear Emma Come to my house on Sunday at 3 o’clock. We’re going to have a picnic. We are going to go to the Rocky Island. From, Jill. |
Good. You get these papers and write your invitation. Let’s check! Good work!
But before we start our travelling we have to know the weather. It’s spring and the weather is very changeable. There is a 7 day forecast. Tell me what is the weather going to be like on the 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th ,26th ,27th ,28th of March.
Mon 22nd | Tue 23rd | Wed 24th | Thu 25th | Fri 26th | Sat 27th | Sun 28th |
-9 Cold Cloudy Snow | -8 Windy Cloudy | -5 Windy Sunny | -1 Cloudy Rain Foggy | -4 Sunny Windy | -2 Sunny Warm | -1 Rain Windy |
Nikita: On the 22nd of March it’s going to be cold and cloudy. It’s going to snow.
Ira: on the 23rd of March it’s going to be windy and cloudy.
Dasha: On the 24.th of March it’s going to be windy and sunny.
Danya: On the 25th of March it’s going to be cloudy and foggy. It’s going to rain.
Darina: On the 26th of March it’s going to be sunny and windy.
Vanya: On the 27th of March it’s going to be sunny and warm.
Egor: On the 28th of March it’s going to be windy and it’s going to rain.
T.: Now you know the weather and what do you have to wear. I have a crossword. There are 12 words of the topic “Clothes” Find them and say what are you going to wear.
Vanya: I’m going to wear a T-shirt and jeans.
Darina: I’m going to wear trousers and a jacket.
Ira: I’m going to wear a coat and boots.
Egor: I’m going to wear jeans, socks and boots.
Vika: I’m going to wear a T-shirt, trousers and trainers
Pavel: I’m going to wear trainers, jeans and a jacket.
T.: The next task is reading. “Sue is going to have a picnic”. Read Danya, please.
Sue is going to have a picnic
On Friday Sue is going to have a picnic with her friend. They are going to go by boat to the Rocky Island.
She is not at school today. She is going shopping now. She has a shopping list. She is going to buy some new boots and a ball. She is going to buy some cheese and some tomatoes. She wants to buy some lollipops and some biscuits, too.
She is very happy because she likes to go shopping.
T.: No we do some exercises.
- Say true or false
- Sue is going to have a picnic on Friday.
Vanya: Yes, she is.
- She is going to go with her parents.
Egor: No, she isn’t. She is going to have a picnic with her friends.
- They are going to go to the mountains.
Pavel: No, they aren’t. They are going to go by boat to the Rocky Island.
- She is going to the cinema now.
Ira: No she isn’t. She is going shopping now.
- She is very sad because she doesn’t like going shopping.
Danya. No, she isn’t. She is very happy because she likes to go shopping.
- There is Sue’s shopping list. What’s wrong? What is she going to buy? What is she not going to buy?
Shopping list Boots flowers Milk tomatoes Cheese ball Cakes biscuits Lollipops orange juice |
Nikita: She is going to buy some boots, a ball, some cheese, some tomatoes, some lollipops and some chocolates.
Vika: She is not going to buy some flowers, some milk, some cakes and orange juice.
- Which shops is she going to go to? Match the words in list A with the words in list B.
Boots Cheese Ball Tomatoes Lollipops biscuits | Market Sweet shop Bakery Sports shop Shoe shop Toy shop Flower shop |
Darina: She is going to go to the market, sweet shop, bakery, shoe shop and toy shop.
T.: It’s very good work and now imagine you’re at the supermarket. You want to buy something for your picnic. Let’s act the dialogues out.
Vanya, you are a customer and Egor, you are a shop assistant.
V.: Good morning!
E.: Hello!
V.: How much are tomatoes?
E.: They are 35 pence. Would you like some?
V.: Yes, please. Can I have some grapes?
E.: Of course.
V.: Thank you!
E.: Good Luck!
Dasha – Vika
D.: Good afternoon! Can I have some strawberries?
V.:Please. They are 24 pence.
D.: Thank you! Bye!
V.: Goodbye!
Pavel –Nikita
P.: Excuse me, are there any oranges?
N.: Yes, there are some oranges. Would you like some?
P. Yes, please. How much are oranges?
N.: They are 15 pence.
P.: Thank you!
N.: Goodbye!
Ira – Darina
I.: Excuse me, where is the orange juice?
D.: On the right, please.
I.: Are there any lemons?
D.: Yes, there are. Would you like some lemons?
I.: Please. Yow much are they?
D.: They are 12 pence.
I.: Thank you very much! Good luck!
D.: Bye!
T.: Very well! You are so polite! And now I have a cartoon for you “Tiger and Pooh and a Musical too”. Read the question before we watch it:
1) Where is the picnic?
2) Are the friends happy?
3) What’s the weather like?
4) What are they eating?
5) What are the doing?
Then answer the questions.
Danya: The picnic is in the park.
Vika: The friends are very happy.
Ira: It is hot and sunny. The sky is blue.
Pavel: They are eating biscuits, honey, cakes.
Darina: They are playing, dancing, singing and eating.
T.: Great! Winnie the Pooh and his friends are happy. They like picnin. And do you like picnic? Is it funny? And now we sing our final song about picnic.
T: My dear! Our lesson is over! You were excellent! Your answers were good. So you enjoed this lesson and I like it very much. Your marks: 5 for everyone! I wish you nice holidays!
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