Сборник стишков, рифмовок , песен на английском языке на английском языке для младшеклассников.
книга по иностранному языку (2, 3, 4 класс)
Данное учебное пособие "Сборник стишков и песен на английском языке для младшеклассников" предназначено для учащихся начальных классов. Сборник содержит более 100 стишков и песенок и охватывает всю тематику начального курса.
Предварительный просмотр:
Управление образования Верхневилюйского улуса
Верхневилюйская средняя общеобразовательная школа №4
Сборник содержит более ста стишков, рифмовок и песен. Пособие предназначено для школьников младшего и среднего возраста и охватывает всю тематику курса. Стишки и песни помогают закреплению языкового материала, совершенствованию фонетических навыков, расширению и закреплению лексических единиц и речевых образцов.
Рифмовки, стишки и песни отвечают возрастным и психологическим особенностям детей. Пособие может быть использовано для работы на уроках, на факультативных занятиях и в кружках.
Составитель: АбрамоваЕ.А., учитель английского языка
This is Lew.
He is two
This is Guy.
He is five.
This is Kevin.
He is seven.
This is Kate.
She is eight.
This is Caroline.
She is nine.
This is Pen.
She is ten.
One is number,
Two is number,
Three is number,
Number five is before six,
And number seven is more!
Eight is a number,
Nine is a number,
Now we come to ten…
And we are back at
One again!
One, two, one, two,
One, two, three, four, five.
Five, three, five, three,
Five, four, three, two, one.
Six, seven, six, seven,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Ten, eight, ten, eight,
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six.
Hello! Hello!
How are you? How are you?
I’m fine, thank you.
I’m OK, thank you.
The bear’s white.
The bird’s blue.
The dog’s black.
The puppy’s, too.
Watch this dog!
He can play
Watch that dog!
He runs for a frog
His name is Mark
He likes to bark.
Watch the cat!
He runs for a rat
His name is Nick
He can play hide-and-sееk.
Sport is fun for girls and boys
It’s much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski, and skate
And play snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run.
You can have a lot of fun.
Do you know Mary?
Mary who?
Mary McDonald.
Of course, I do.
Do you know her parents?
Yes, of course, I do.
I know her father
and her mother, too.
Do you know her grandparents?
Yes, of course, I do.
I know her Grandpa
and her Granny, too.
Do you know her cousins?
Yes, of course, I do.
I know her nieces
and nephews, too.
Goodnight, Father!
Goodnight, Mother!
Kiss your little son!
Goodnight, sister!
Goodnight, brother!
Goodnight, everyone!
Father Duck goes for a swim.
Mother Duck comes out with him
And behind them, nice and clean,
Seven yellow ducklings swim.
Seven little yellow balls.
«Quack, quack, quack,» the mother calls.
What a pretty sight they make
Swimming on the lake.
Tick- tock,
Tick - tock,
This is Big Ben.
Big Ben is a clock.
Day and night
With all it’s might
Big Ben, the clock,
Says: Tick - tock.
Now it’s six o’clock,
Six o’clock, six o’clock,
Now it’s six o’clock,
And what do you do at six o’clock?
-I get up.
Now it’s seven o’clock,
Seven o’clock, seven o’clock.
Now it’s seven o’clock
And what do you do at seven o’clock?
-I do exercises.
Now it’s eight o’clock,
Eight o’clock, eight o’clock.
Now it’s eight o’clock
And what do you do at eight o’clock?
-I take a shower.
It’s seven o’clock in the morning.
Get up, get up, get up!
It’s eight o’clock! It’s eight!
It’s eight! Come on! It’s late.
It’s nine o’clock in the morning
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.
It’s nine o’clock, It’s nine o’clock,
‘it’s nine, it’s nine’-says the clock.
It’s ten o’clock in the evening.
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight.
It’s ten o’clock, it’s time for bed
Say ‘Goodnight’ and go to bed.
You take your little hands
And go clap, clap, clap;
You take your little hands
And go clap, clap, clap;
You take your little hands
And go clap, clap, clap;
Clap, clap, clap your hands.
You take your little toes
And go tap, tap, tap;
You take your little toes
And go tap, tap, tap;
You take your little toes
And go tap, tap, tap;
Tap, tap, tap your toes.
Your take your little eyes
And go blink, blink, blink;
Your take your little eyes
And go blink, blink, blink;
Your take your little eyes
And go blink, blink, blink;
Blink, blink, blink your eyes.
You take your little lips
And go kiss, kiss, kiss;
You take your little lips
And go kiss, kiss, kiss;
You take your little lips
And go kiss, kiss, kiss,
Kiss your dear Mum and Dad.
I’ve got a friend
We like to play,
We play together
Every day.
He always helps me
When I’m in need
For he’s my friend,
Good friend indeed.
I like ice-cream.
She likes sweets.
I like cookies.
He likes cheese.
I like coffee.
She likes tea.
I love you.
Do you love me?
He likes chicken,
Chicken, chicken
And salad too,
Salad too.
She likes spaghetti,
Spaghetti, spaghetti
And pudding too,
Pudding too.
Jonathan Beam
Likes ice-cream
And he is in bed today.
He doesn’t eat,
He doesn’t drink,
He doesn’t want to play.
They like hamburgers,
Hamburgers, hamburgers
And pizza too,
Pizza too.
And I like chocolate,
Chocolate, chocolate
And orange too,
Orange too.
And we all like jam,
Jam, jam
And water too,
Water too.
Some of us like brown bread,
Some of us like white,
Some of us eat a lot of meat,
Some don’t think it’s right.
Some of us like apples,
Some drink juice at night,
Some of us eat many sweets,
Some don’t think it’s right.
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, happy birthday,
Happy birthday to you.
How old are you now?
How old are you now?
Happy birthday, happy birthday,
How old are you now?
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Helen!
Happy birthday to you!
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
And a happy New Year!
I’ve got a pet.
It’s a cat.
His name’s Fred.
I love my cat.
Please, tell me
What is green?
Grass is green,
So long and clean.
What is red?
Asks little Fred.
The ball is red?
Says his brother Ted.
What is grey?
Can you say?
Yes, I can.
The mouse is grey.
What is white?
I want to know
Milk is white
And so is snow.
Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me.
Put your finger on your head,
Put your finger on your head,
On your head, on your head,
Don’t forget, Alouette, oh!
Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me.
Put your finger on your eye,
Put your finger on your eye,
On your eye, on your eye,
On your head, on your head,
Don’t forget, Alouette, oh!
Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me.
Put your finger on your nose,
Put your finger on your nose,
On your nose, on your nose,
On your eye, on your eye,
On your head, on your head,
Don’t forget, Alouette, oh!
I’ve got a dog,
His name is Jack.
His head is white,
His nose is black.
I take him out
Every day.
Such fun we have!
We run and play.
Such clever tricks
Me dog can do.
I love my dog!
He loves me too!
I found a cow!
I found a bear!
A found a hen!
I found a bear!
I found a hen!
I found a cow!
I mustn’t say ‘I can’t’
I mustn’t say ‘I won’t’.
I mustn’t say ‘I’m not’.
I mustn’t say ‘I don’t’.
I must say ‘I will’.
I must say ‘I am’.
I must say ‘I do’.
I must say ‘I can’.
We smell with our nose,
We see with our eyes,
We see with our mouth
Tasty puddings and pies.
With legs and feet we walk,
With lips and tongue we talk,
And with our ears
We can hear.
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
And eyes and ears,
And mouth and nose.
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Arms and legs,
And feet and hands,
Feet and hands.
Arms and legs,
And feet and hands.
And eyes and ears,
And mouth and nose.
Head and shoulders
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
How many fingers have I got?
Five on my right hand.
Five on my left hand.
How many fingers have I got?
Without your tongue
You cannot talk.
Without your feet
You cannot walk.
Without your eyes.
You cannot see.
Without your heart
You cannot be.
I’ve got two legs
With which I walk.
I’ve got a tongue
With which I talk.
I’ve got two eyes
With which I see.
I’ve got one heart
To live and be.
What do you wear on your head? A hat.
What do you wear on your head? A cap.
A hat and a cap.
A cap and a hat.
What do you wear on your feet? Shoes.
What do you wear on your feet? Boots.
Boots and shoes.
Shoes and boots.
What do you wear on your hands? Gloves.
What do you wear on your hands? Mittens.
Gloves and mittens.
Mittens and gloves.
What do you wear when it’s cold? A sweater.
What do you wear when it’s cold? A jacket.
A sweater and a jacket.
A jacket and a sweater.
What do you wear when it’s warm? Shorts.
What do you wear when it’s warm? A shirt.
Shorts and a shirt.
A shirt and shorts.
Shoes and boots,
Boots and shoes,
Come and buy
The size you use.
Try them on
Before you choose,
Shoes you boots,
Boots, and shoes.
Little Grasshopper lives in the fields.
He is a nice funny fellow.
His coat is green? His hat is blue,
His trousers are brown and yellow.
Jeans and trousers,
Sweaters and shirts,
Socks and tights,
And jackets and skirts.
I shall be a lion,
And you will be a bear.
I shall run after you
And you’ll hide under the chair.
Who said ‘Goodnight’
When I was a child?
My mother.
Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay
And showed me often how to play?
My mother.
Who ran to help me when I fell
And who could funny stories tell?
My mother.
Who sits at my head when I am in bed?
My mother.
Who is so nice, who is so kind,
Another so dear you’ll never find?
My mother.
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white,
Spring is green,
Summer is bright.
It’s winter now, so bundle up tight!
Warm mittens and caps will be just right.
Ice on the lake, snow on the ground,
Time to ski and skate all around.
Winter, spring, summer, fall –
I like winter best of all.
When does snow blow?
When do flowers grow?
Is it best to go a little slow
When streets are covered with ice and snow?
Spring is here,
Summer is near,
Grass is green,
So nice and clean.
Winter, spring, summer, fall –
I like spring best of all.
The summer sun shines hot and high.
Baby birds now learn to fly.
Green, green leaves and tasty fruit,
All the things are so good!
Winter, spring, summer fall,
I like summer best of all.
When trees are green and forests are green,
And grass is green and long,
It’s good to walk in the forest
And listen to little birds’ song.
When trees are white and forests are white,
Because they are covered with snow,
It’s good to be out-of doors and play,
Oh, I love it so!
Put in your jacket and jeans for fall,
Now it’s cold to play football!
Leaves turn orange, red and brown,
And they all are falling down.
Winter, spring, summer, fall,
I like fall best of all!
In the North it’s snowing,
And in the South it’s hot.
In the East the wind is blowing,
And in the West it’s not.
In the South the sun is shining,
And in the West the sky is blue.
In the East it’s raining,
And in the North it’s raining too.
Butterfly, butterfly,
Where do you fly,
So quickly and high,
In the blue, blue sky?
Little cabin in the wood.
Little man by the window stood.
Little rabbit hopping by,
Knocking at the door.
“Help me, help me, sir! He said,
“For the farmer bobs my head.”
“Come on in,” the little man said,
“Warm up by the fire.”
A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
To see what he could see, see, see.
But all that he could see, see, see
Was the blue, blue sea, sea, sea.
Stand up and show me red!
Hands up and show me blue!
Clap! Clap! Show me green!
Sit down, nice of you.
Stand up and me green!
Hands up and show me blue!
Hop! Hop! Show me red!
Sit down, nice of you.
Stand up and show me yellow!
Sit down and point to the blue!
Clap! Clap! Point to the red.
All right! Very nice of you!
One, two, three,
Play with me!
Four, five, six
Pick up sticks!
Seven, eight, nine,
Stand in line!
What does the cat say?
What does the cat say?
Meow, meow.
What does the dog say?
Bow, bow.
What does the donkey say?
Ee, aw.
What does the crow say?
Caw, caw.
What does the farmer say?
Shoo, shoo.
What does the cow say?
Moo, moo.
Put the pen in the box.
Put the box on the book.
Put the pencil in the book.
Put the bag on the table.
Put the book in the bag.
If you’re happy-march, march!
If you’re happy- hop, hop!
If you’re happy-smile, smile!
If you’re sad- cry!
If you’re happy-clap, clap!
If you’re happy- hop, hop!
If you’re happy- jump, jump!
If you’re tired- good-bye!
If you’re happy- dance, dance!
If you’re happy- hop, hop!
If you’re happy- smile, smile!
If you’re mad- good-bye!
Stand up and show me orange!
Hands up and show me blue!
Clap! Clap! Show me yellow!
Sit down! Nice of you!
Stand up and show me blue.
Hop! Hop! Show me red.
Sit down. Nice of you!
Stand up and show me grey!
Sit down and point to the green.
Clap! Clap! Show me pink.
Stop! Very nice of you.
Wake up early in the morning!
Wash your face and comb your hair!
Wake up early in the morning!
Don’t forget to clean your teeth!
Wake up early in the morning!
Wash your face and comb your hair!
Wake up early in the morning!
Don’t forget to dress yourself!
Put on your shirt,
Put on your skirt,
Put on your sweater
And your stockings!
Put on your socks,
Put on your pants,
Put on your shoes
And say: “Good morning!”
Bread and butter,
Milк and tea,
Put your finger
On your knee.
Bread and butter,
Cake and ice,
Put your hands
On your eyes.
Bread and butter,
Duck and rose,
Put on your finger
On your nose.
Bread and butter,
Juice and eggs,
Put your hands
On your legs.
Chuck, chuck,
Click, click,
The train is rushing,
Train is rushing,
Train is rushing to the woods.
Can you talk? Can you talk?
I can talk with my mouth.
Can you walk? Can you walk?
I can walk with my legs.
Can you smell? Can you smell?
I can smell with my nose.
Can you touch? Can you touch?
I can touch with my ears.
Can you taste? Can you taste?
I can taste with my tongue.
I like to skip,
I like to jump,
I like to run about,
I like to play,
I like to swim,
I like to smile and shout!
I need some chicken
I need some chicken and cucumbers
For my salad, for my salad.
I need some carrots and some eggs
For my salad, for my salad.
Give me yellow onions!
Give me some, give me, please.
Give me some potatoes too
And some peas, and some peas.
I need some apples and cucumbers
For my salad, for my salad.
I need some carrots and some eggs
For my salad, for my salad.
Give me yellow onions!
Give me some, give me, please.
Give me some potatoes too
And some peas, and some peas.
Thank you very, very much
For all this, for all this!
Thank you very, very much
For all this, for all this!
First you take the butter,
Open it, open it!
Then you take the bread
And cut it, and cut it!
Next you spread the butter
On the bread, on the bread.
Then you take the jam,
Open it, open it!
Next you spread the jam
On another slice of bread.
Then you take the slices
And put them together.
Next you take the sandwich
And you eat, and you eat.
Припев:Yellow, yellow butter
And brown, brown jam.
One, two three, four,
Come in, please, and shut the door.
Five, six, seven, eight,
It’s time for school,
You’re very late.
Nine, ten, nine, ten,
Don’t be late for school again.
If you go to Rome
You’ll see the Coliseum.
If you go to London
Maybe you’ll see the Queen.
If you stay with me
You won’t6 see anything.
But you’ll be very happy
That’s for sure.
If you climb mountains
You’ll be above the noisy crowds.
If you catch a jet plane
You’ll be above the clouds.
If you stay with me
You won’t see anything.
But you’ll be very happy
That’s for sure.
If you leave me now
I’ll be sad and lonely.
If you walk away
I’ll search around for you.
If it takes a year
I’ll find you, my darling.
And you’ll be very happy
That’s for sure.
If I make some money
Will you come and live with me?
If I make some money
Will you change your mind?
If I ask you nicely
Will you make a cup of tea?
Then I’ll be very happy
That’s for sure.
Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?
Little cat, little cat,
I have no flat.
I am a poor mouse,
I have no house.
Little mouse, little mouse,
Come into my house.
Little cat, little cat,
I cannot do that,
You want to eat me
I cannot do that,
Little bird, little bird,
Look at me.
I have a bird-house,
Oh, come and see!
Little boy, little boy,
Under the tree,
I like this house,
Give it to me.
Why do you cry, Willy,
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy? Why Willy?
Why, Willy? Why?
One, two,
What must I do?
Three, four,
Close the door.
Five, six,
Look at the chicks.
Seven, eight,
Put the plate.
Nine, ten,
Buy our fat hen.
I have many pencils:
Red and green, and blue.
I can draw a picture
And give it to you.
I can draw an apple,
I can draw a pear,
I can draw a lemon,
A peach and an orange.
Step-step, clap-clap,
Step-step, clap-clap,
Turn yourself around and
Clap, clap, clap.
Bend and clap-clap,
Bend and clap-clap,
Turn yourself around and
Clap, clap, clap.
Hands out, clap-clap,
Hands out, clap-clap,
Turn yourself around and
Clap, clap, clap.
Hands up, clap-clap,
Hands up, clap-clap,
Turn yourself around and
Clap, clap, clap.
“I am busy,” said the sea.
“I am busy. Think of me,
Making continents to be.
I am busy” said the sea.
“I am busy,” said the rain.
“When I fall, it is not in vain;
Wait and you will see the grain.
I am busy,” said the rain.
“I am busy,” said the air.
“Blowing here and blowing there,
Up and down and everywhere.
I am busy,” said the air.
“I am busy,” said the sun.
“All my planets, every one,
Know my work is never done.
I am busy,” said the sun.
Dear Mummy! Dear Daddy!
I love you, both of you.
Dear Mummy! Dear Daddy!
Do you love me too?
Mother lays the cloth for tea,
Cups for Jack and Mary and me.
Spoons and plates we all can see,
Sugar, milk, a pot of tea.
Wash the dishes, wipe the dishes,
Ring the bell of tea:
Three good wishes, three good kisses
My mother will give to me.
Mother the busy
From morning till night,
Keeping her family
Happy and bright.
Some little children
Have no brother small,
Have no little sister
To play with at all.
As soon as the sun comes
Up in the sky,
I’ll open my eyes
And lift up my head
And jump very quickly
Out of my bed.
Breakfast in the morning,
Dinner in the daytime.
Tea comes after dinner,
Then it’s our playtime.
Supper in the evening
When the sky is red,
Then the day is over
And we go to bed.
I have two legs
With which I walk,
I have a tongue
With which I talk.
And with it too
I eat my food
And tell
If it is bad or good.
I cannot reach the ceiling,
But a can sweep the floor;
And then when I grow bigger,
I’ll learn to do some more.
Learn this little lesson
As well as you can:
Be tidy like Tom,
Not dirty like Dan.
I’m not small, I’m so tall,
I can carry a tree on my back.
When it grows, I grow too,
That’s not very hard to do.
I’m not small, I’m so tall,
I can carry a rabbit on my back.
I’m not small, I’m so tall,
I can carry a tree on my back.
When it hops, I hop too,
That’s not very hard to do.
I’m not small, I’m so tall,
I can carry a rabbit on my back.
I’m not small, I’m so tall,
I can carry a guitar on my back.
When it plays, I play too,
That’s not very hard to do.
I’m not small, I’m so tall,
I can carry a guitar on my back.
I’m not small, I’m so tall,
I can carry a guitar on my back.
When it shines, I shine too,
That’s not very hard to do.
I’m not small, I’m so tall,
I can carry the Sun on my back.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Spin, spin, spin around,
Spin around together.
Spin, spin, spin around,
Spin around together.
Sing, sing, sing a song,
Sing a song together.
Sing, sing, sing a song,
Sing a song together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together.
Wash, wash, wash your face,
Wash your face together.
Wash, wash, wash your face,
Wash your face together.
March, march, march to bed,
March to bed together.
March, march, march to bed,
March to bed together.
I put my right hand in,
I put my right hand out,
I give my right hand a shake, shake, shake
And turn myself about.
I put my left hand in,
I put my left hand out,
I give my left hand a shake, shake, shake
And turn myself about.
I put my right foot in,
I put my right foot out,
I give my right foot a shake, shake, shake
And turn myself about.
I put my left foot in,
I put my left foot out,
I give my left foot a shake, shake, shake
And turn myself about.
I put my little head in,
I put my little head out,
I give my little head a shake, shake, shake
And turn myself about.
I put my whole self in,
I put my whole self out,
I give my whole self a shake, shake, shake
And turn myself about.
Snowflakes fall on trees and walk.
Snowflakes fall as white as chalk.
Snowflakes fall into my hand.
Snowflakes brighten up our land.
See the pretty snowflakes,
Falling from the sky:
On the wall and house-tops,
Soft and thick they lie.
On the window-ledges,
On the branches bare,
See how fast they gather,
Filling all the air
Now the bare black bushes
All look soft and white;
See the snowflakes falling:
What a pretty sight!
Don’t forget the birdies
Now that winter comes;
Think, they may be hungry,
Throw them out your crumbs.
Come on, snowflakes, come with me.
There are many things to see.
Snowflakes: Come on, sisters, back we go
To where the ground is white is with snow.
Winter is white,
Springtime is green,
Summer is golden
And autumn’s flame.
Four lovely seasons
To make up a year,
Sing them by colour
And sing them by name.
Hands on your hips,
Hands on your knees,
Put them behind you,
If you please.
Touch your shoulders,
Touch your nose,
Touch your ears,
Touch your toes.
Raise your hands
High up in the air;
To the sides;
On your hair.
Raise your hands
High up in the air;
To the sides;
On your hair.
Raise your hands
As before,
While we clap:
One, two, three, four.
I love my cat,
It’s warm and fat.
My cat is grey,
It likes to play.
I will not hurt my little dog,
But stroke and pat his head;
I like to see him wag his tail,
I like to see him fed.
Once I saw a little bird
Come hop, hop, hop,
And I cried, “little bird,
Will you stop, stop, stop?”
I was going to the window
To say, “how do you do?”
And he shook his little tail
And away he flew.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, what do you do?
“In April I open my bill;
In May I sing all day;
In June I change my tune;
In July away I fly;
In August away I must.”
Baa, baa black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full;
One for the master,
And one for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
My dog is clever, strong and quick,
Its name is Spot, my name is Nick.
My dog is nice, my dog is funny
We play together every day.
Through heavy snow, rain and dog
I go walking with my dog.
My father always tells me: “Mind,
The dog must not be left behind.”
I love little pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don’t hurt her
She’ll do me no harm.
So I’ll not pull her tail,
Or drive her away,
But pussy and I
Very gently will play.
She will sit by my side
And I’ll give her some food;
And pussy will love me
Because I am good.
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Little brown bird,
Was that your singing
Through the wood ringing?
Sweeter music
Never was heard!
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Good news you bring:
Blossoms are waking,
Green leaves are breaking,
Come and tell us
It is the spring!
When the snow is on the ground,
Little Robin Redbreast grieves;
For no berries can be found,
And on the trees there are no leaves.
The air is cold, the worms are hid,
For this poor bird what can be done?
We’ll strew him here some crumbs of bread,
And then he’ll live till the snow is gone.
I wonder, have you ever heard
My parrot? He is a talking bird.
He says “Hallo” to any man,
Who says “hallo” to him.
He eats and sleeps and talks again;
But in his dreams he sees
Palms and unknown jungle trees,
And hides from tropical rains.
I love all kinds of animals,
Dogs and cats and rabbits.
I love all kinds animals,
I know their little habits.
if I had plenty of money,
Do you know what I would do?
I’d buy such lots of animals
And have my own little Zoo.
But they wouldn’t be in cages,
They’d be free to run around.
And there’s one thing they would know,
That thing is to be safe and sound.
Cat: little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?
Tell me, my sweet!
Mouse: Little cat, little cat,
Stay in your flat,
There is nothing here to eat!
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house,
Where do you live?
Mouse: Little cat, little cat,
Stay in your flat,
I have nothing to give.
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house,
Come out and talk to me!
Mouse: Little cat, little cat,
No, no, I won’t do that!
You want to eat me!
Bend your head,
Bend your knees,
Grow as tall
As New Year trees.
On your knees
Slowly fall,
Curl yourself
Into a ball.
Raise your head,
Jump up high,
Wave your hand
And say “Good-bye”
What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails,
And puppy-dogs’ tails,
That’s what little boys are made of.
What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice,
And all that’s nice,
That’s what little girls are made of.
What are young men made of?
What are young men made of?
Sighs and leers,
And crocodile tears,
That’s what young men are made of.
What are young women made of?
What are young women made of?
Ribbons and laces,
And sweet pretty faces,
That’s what young women are made of.
What are old women made of?
What are old women made of?
Bushes and thorns,
And old cow’s horns.
That’s what old women are made of.
What are our sailors made of?
What are our sailors made of?
Pitch and far,
Pig-tail and scar,
That’s what our sailors are made of.
What are our soldiers made of?
What are our soldiers made of?
Pipe clay and drill,
The foeman to kill,
That’s what our soldiers are made of.
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
Birdies, build your nest:
Weave together straw and feather
Doing each your best.
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
Flowers are coming too.
Snowdrops, lilies, daffodillies
Now are coming through.
It’s lovely, lovely spring
And birds begin to sing.
The sun is very high
It’s smiling in the sky.
It’s lovely, lovely spring
And all the children sing.
They sing a merry song
They sing: “Ding-dong.”
My dear, dear Mummy
I want to kiss your face
I want to do be happy
Today and all days
Be happy, happy
Today and all days.
O and P and Q and R
S and T and U and V
W X and Y and Z
Now I know the Alphabet.
Rich man, poor man,
Beggar man, thief,
Doctor, lawyer,
Merchant, chief.
Mickey Mouse built a house
Under an apple tree.
Mickey Mouse called his house
Number twenty-three.
Three little monkeys
Jumping on the bed,
One fell of and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,
”No more little monkeys
Jumping on that bed!’
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
And Saturday, too.
One, two, three, four,
Five, six, seven days,
Each day different and
Every day new.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Touch the ground.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Show your shoe.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
That will do!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Go upstairs.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Say your prayers.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Switch of the light.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Say good night!
Good night, Baby,
Good night, Baby,
Good night, Baby,
It’s time to go to bed.
Merrily we roll along, roll along, roll along,
Merrily we roll along as of to bed we go.
In winter it is cold and snowy.
In spring it is warm and foggy.
In summer it is hot and sunny.
In autumn it is rainy, cloudy and windy.
This is my right hand,
I’ll rise it up high.
This is my left hand,
I’ll touch the sky.
Right hand,
Left hand,
Roll them around.
Left hand,
Right hand,
Pound, pound, pound.
Oh beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain.
America, America,
God shed His grace on thee
And crowned the good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York island,
From the redwood forests to the Gulf Stream waters.
This land was made for you and me.
Dashing through the snow
In a one –horse open sleigh,
Down the hill we go
Laughing all the way.
Balls on bob-tail ring
Making spirits bright.
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight.
Jingle, bells, Jingle, bells all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
Get up, little Freddy,
Breakfast is ready,
Butter and cheese,
All that you please.
Milk and bread
For little Fred,
Tea and jam
For brother Sam.
The sun is shining.
I love the Sun.
Me too.
The Sun is shining.
I love the Sun.
Me too.
The Sun is shining.
The Sun is shining today.
It’s raining today.
I love the rain.
Not me.
It’s raining today.
I love the rain.
Not me.
It’s raining today.
I love the rain.
It’s raining, raining today.
It’s snowing today.
I love the snow
I’m cold.
It’s snowing today.
I love the snow.
I‘m cold.
It’s snowing today.
It’s snowing, snowing today.
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,
Brother John, Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing,
Morning bells are ringing,
This is a cat, cat, cat,
It’s under the mat, mat, mat
And these are cats, cats, cats,
They are under the mats, mats, mats.
This is a bear, bear, bear,
It’s under the chair, chair, chair,
These are bears, bears, bears,
They are under the chairs, chairs, chairs.
This is a fox, fox, fox.
It’s in the box, box, box.
These are foxes, foxes, foxes.
They are in the boxes, boxes, boxes.
Together, together,
Together every day,
Together, together,
We work and we play.
Together, together,
We read our books each
Together, together,
We work and we play.
Together, together,
We write some words each day,
Together, together,
We work and we play.
Together, together,
We write our exercises,
Together, together,
We work and we play.
My Bonny
My Bonny is over the ocean,
My Bonny is over the sea
My Bonny is over the ocean,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me .
Bring back, bring back
Oh, bring back my bonny to me, to me.
Bring back, bring back
Oh, bring back my bonny to me, to me.
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck?
Can you run like a dog?
Can you fly like a bird?
Can you swim like a fish?
And be still like a good child,
As still as you wish?
May there always be sunshine
Bright blue the sky,
Sun up on high –
That was the little boу`s picture.
He drew for you,
Wrote for you, too,
Just to make clear what he drew.
May there always be sun shine,
May there always be blue sky,
May there always be Mummy,
May there always be Me!
My little friend,
Listen, my friend,
Pease is the dream of the people.
Hearts old and young
Never have done
Singing the song you have sung.
Soldier, lad, stay!
Hear what we say –
War would make all of us losers.
Pease is our prize.
Millions of eyes
Anxiously gaze at the skies.
Down with all war!
We want no more.
People stand up for your children!
Sing everyone –
Pease must be won.
Dark clouds must not hide the sun.
HOW OLD ARE THEY? …………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
NUMBERS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
THE NUMBER SONG …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
HOW ARE YOU? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
COLOURS ...................................................................................................................... 2
WATCH ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………… 2 SPORTS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 DO YOU KNOW MARY? …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Good night ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
A duck family……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Big Ben………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
What do you do at this time?......................................................................................... 5
What does the clock say? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
You take your little hands ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
My friend………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
What do I like? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
He likes chicken………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Jonathan Beam………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
He likes chicken………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Who likes what?........................................................................................................... 11
We wish you Merry Christmas………………………………………………………………………………… 11
My pet……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
What colour are they………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Alouette…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
I love my dog…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
I found a cow………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
I must……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
What do we do with?................................................................................................... 16
Head and shoulders………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Fingers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17
What can`t you do without……………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Only one heart………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
What do you wear?..................................................................................................... 18
Shoes and Boots …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Grasshopper……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
The kittens clothes………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20
Let`s play………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20
My mother………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
Seasons…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21
Winter……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22
When does snow blow?................................................................................................ 22
Spring………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22
Summer…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23
When trees are green?.................................................................................................. 23
Fall ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
World weather………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24
Butterfly………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
Little cabin in the wood ………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
A Sailor went to sea………………………………………………………………………………………………..26
What does the animals say?.......................................................................................27
Put the pen …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27
If you happy march ………………………………………………………………………………………………..28
Stand up………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….29
Wake up………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….29
Bread and Butter…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30
Can you talk?...............................................................................................................31
I like to skip…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31
For my salad ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 32
Sandwich song ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33
One, two, three ………………………………………………………………………………………………………33
If you go to Rome ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34
The cat and the mouse …………………………………………………………………………………………..35
The bird house ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….36
Why do you cry, Willy? ...............................................................................................36
I have many pensiles ………………………………………………………………………………………………37
Work ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………38
Dear mummy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………38
Wash the dishes …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39
Some little children ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 39
Breakfast ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 40
I have no legs ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 40
I`m not small ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41
Clapp ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 42
I put right hand in ………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 43
Snow flakes ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .44
Seasons ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….46
Hands on your hips ………………………………………………………………………………………………..46
I love my cat ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..47
Bird ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..47
Cuckoo …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..49
When the snow is on the ground …………………………………………………………………………...49
I wonder ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..50
I love all kinds of animals…………………………………………………………………………………….51
Cat and mouse ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...51
Bend your head ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..52
What are little boys made of? ………………………………………………………………………………..53
Spring is coming……………………………………………………………………………………………………..55
It`s lovely………………………………………………………………………………………………………………55
Mummy ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….........56
The ABC ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….56
Rich man, poor man ……………………………………………………………………………………………….56
Jumping ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….57
Week ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..57
Teddy Bear ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..57
Goodnight ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………57
Winter ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………58
Right hand, left hand ……………………………………………………………………………………………..59
America the Beautiful ………………………………………………………………………………………… 59
This is land……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 60
Jingle bells ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .60
Breakfast ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 60
The sun is shining ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 61
Are you sleeping? ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 62
This is cat ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 62
Together ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .63
My Bonny ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….63
May there always be sunshine…………………………………………………………………………… 64
Использованная литература:
- Верещагина И.Н, Притыкина Т.А. «Английский язык»; Учебник для Ш кл. школы с углубленным изучением английского языка М. Просвещение 1996 г.
- Galina Dolya «Happy Enqlish» , Издательство «
- Димент А.Л. «Тематические вечера на английском языке» Книга для учителя; Из опыта работы.
М. Просвещение, 1988
4. Куликова И.В. «Мы учим английский» Издательство «Росмэн» 1994 г.
5. Журналы: «Иностранные языки в школе» № 6 2000 г., № 1 , 2001 г., № 1 2002 г. №2, 3 2004 г. , № 2 2005 г.
Сборник стишков, рифмовок, песен на английском языке для младшеклассников /Сост. Абрамова Е.А. –Верхневилюйск, 2020 /
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