Урок для 2 класса "Jobs and Professions"
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (2 класс)

Знакомство с новой лексикой


Microsoft Office document icon professions.doc38 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Coursebook/Lesson : Vereshagina 2/Professions

Aim: By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to name different kinds of professions, make sentences with them and read simple phrases

Skills: listening, speaking, reading

New language: professions

Recycling: mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle”



Interaction Skill

T does/says

P say/do


1 min

“Eyes, eyes, are you ready?

Yes, we are.

Ears, ears, are you ready?

Yes, we are.

Hands, hands, are you ready?

Yes, we are.

Legs, legs, are you ready?

Yes, we are.

Shoulders, shoulders, are you ready?

Yes, we are.

Children, children, are you ready?

Yes, we are.”

Repeat and do the actions


Vocabulary Practice

5 min

Shows pictures to children

Repeat the professions



3 min

 “I am a teacher.  I am not a pupil. I am a teacher.”

Talk about themselves

All class

Making sentences

7 min

Look at the screen, read and translate the sentences, insert the missing words into the sentences

Read and translate the sentences, put in the missing words

All class

Song “I am a pupil?”

4 min

Listen and join in the singing

All class


10 min

Reads the sentences alone, reads the sentences with the pupils

Read the sentences, read the sentences together with the whole class and the teacher, read the sentences together with the whole class  



5  min

“My mother is an engineer. Her name is Maria Petrovna. My father is a worker.  His name is Sergey Petrovich.”  

Tell about their parents

All class

Game Echo

2 min

Shouts a word and then says it quietly



Results of the lesson

5 min

Summarises the results of the lesson, gives homework

T- class

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