Исследовательский проект «Сходство и различие английских и русских сказок» (На примере сказки «Чудовище Уинделстоунского ущелья»)
проект по иностранному языку (4 класс)
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Research topic:
“The similarities and differences between English and Russian fairy tales"
Work is done by a student of 4 «А" form
MBOU Gymnasium №1
English teacher
Naumenko N.F.
Hello, I am Padalka Egor, a student of 4 "A" class. The purpose of my research is to find out if there are similarities between English and Russian fairy tales, and if so, how similar are ours and their tales and how much they differ from each other.
The object of my research is the English folk tale "The Monster of Windelstone Gorge". The Subject of research is the plot, characters and situations in the fairy tale.
This tale belongs to the category of fairy tales based on Celtic traditions.
The main characters are: a king, a queen, a stepmother witch, Princess Margaret and her brother prince Child Wind and a monster snake dragon. The king's wife died. He married a witch. King’s daughter Margaret was very beautiful. The Stepmother hated her and turned her into a dragon snake. The prince wanted to kill the monster. He had a ship and 30 (thirty) warriors. He also had a magic ash berry twig. The prince recognized his sister Margaret by her voice. He kissed the monster three times, and the dragon became a princess again. A wicked stepmother turned into a toad.
This plot reminded me of the heroes of Pushkin’s fairy tale “About the sleeping princess and the seven heroes”. In it the wicked stepmother wanted to destroy the beautiful princess but seven brothers save their sister.
In the fairy tale "About Tsar Saltan" there are 33 (Thirty three) heroes who come out of the sea.
In English fairy tales there are magic twigs and sticks. In our fairy tales there are no such attributes.
In Russian fairy tales, the princesses are also kissed three times, and the heroes fight snakes.
In English and Russian fairy tales people can turn into animals, such as frogs and toads.
In conclusion, I can say that there are more differences in English and Russian fairy tales. However, they have a major similarity: they are all about kindness, justice and love.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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