I. Этап самоопределения к деятельности
Словесный | 2 мин | - Good morning, girls and boys! My name is Marina Nailevna. I`m very glad to see you! - Sit down, please. - Let`s sing a song!
| Приветствуют учителя - We are glad to see you too!
Поют песню: (Chorus) Good morning Good morning Hello, and how are you Early in the morning I say good morning Hello, and how are you (Verse) In the morning I clap my hands In the morning I do my dance In the morning I shout “Hurray!” This is going to be a wonderful day | Л:самоопределение |
II. Актуализация знаний и мотивация
Словесный | 10 мин | - Let`s start our lesson, but first I`d like you to answer my questions: - What date is it today? - What day of the week is it today? - What season is it now? - What’s the weather like today? - Thank you. - Now let’s have a phonetic drill. Look at the screen and say what sound we are going to practise today. - You’re right. Today we are going to practise the sound [ei]. Look at me and repeat after me: [ei], [ei], [ei]. - Look at the screen. Here you can see a poem. Listen to the speaker very carefully:
- Who can translate this poem?
- Read the words with the sound [ei]: maypole, day, maypole, May, maypole, maypole. - Read this poem line by line after me. - Read this poem line by line one by one. - Who can read the whole poem?
- Good for you. Thank you. Now you will watch the video about how children celebrate the 1st of May in Britain. |
Отвечают на вопросы: - It`s the 16 of February today. - It`s Friday today. - It`s winter now. - It`s cold/warm and windy/cloudy/sunny today. - I think, we are going to practice the sound [ei]. Повторяют за учителем: -[ei], [ei], [ei].
Слушают стихотворение: “Dancing round the maypole Dancing all the day, Dancing round the maypole On the first of May, Dancing round the maypole, What a merry bunch, Dancing round the maypole, Till it`s time for lunch!” Переводят стихотворение: «Танец вокруг Майского дерева, Танец целый день, Танец вокруг Майского дерева, Первого мая Танец вокруг Майского дерева, Что за весёлая компания! Танец вокруг Майского дерева, До самого обеда!» - maypole, day, maypole, May, maypole, maypole. -“ Dancing round the maypole Dancing all the day, Dancing round the maypole On the first of May, Dancing round the maypole, What a merry bunch, Dancing round the maypole, Till it`s time for lunch!”
Смотрят видео | П: осознание и произвольное построение речевого высказывания в устной и письменной форме
VII. Включение в систему знаний
Словесный (беседа)
Динамическая пауза | 10 мин
2 мин
5 мин
10 мин | - Yes, you are right. Now we will play “My game”. Team up in groups of 4 people. You will choose the questions and answer them in groups. The easiest questions cost 10 points and the most difficult questions cost 40 points. You are to answer one by one question by question. You may use your books. The winner will get the price in the end of the game. Are you ready? Let`s play! The first team, choose the question, please. Questions about Mother`s Day and Father`s Day: - When do people celebrate Mother`s Day and Father`s Day in Great Britain and in the USA?- 10
-What did people call Mother`s Day in the past?- 20 -What do children give their mothers and fathers on these special days?- 30 -Do we celebrate Mother`s Day and Father`s Day in Russia? - 40 Questions about Arbor Day: -When do people celebrate Arbor Day? – 10
-Where do people celebrate Arbor Day?- 20
-What do people do on this day? – 30 -Who was the 1st man, who thought about protecting forests? – 40 Questions about Pancake Day: -When do people celebrate Pancake Day?- 10
-Where do people celebrate Pancake Day? – 20
-What is traditional to eat pancakes with? – 30
-What kinds of competitions are traditional on Pancake Day? - 40 - I have one more question for you. It`s for 30 points. What other interesting traditions are there in England and in the USA? - Good job! You`re wonderful! Count your points. How many points do you have? The … team has the greatest number of points. You`re winners! Take your price. I see you are tired. Stand up and repeat the movements after the heroes. (“Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes”) - Very good, sit down. - Now let`s revise three forms of the Irregular verbs. First let`s play. You are to take out one verb from the “Magic box” and name it`s 3 forms: eat be hide sing ride give throw know - Now I`ll throw you a toy to you and name a verb. You are to catch it and say 3 forms of the verbs. think send write buy spend take I`ll give you cards. In the task you are to fill in the gaps. You have 10 minutes. Вариант 1: choose |
| ate |
| покупать |
| made |
| быть |
| written |
| met |
| find |
| резать |
| думать |
| sent |
| hid |
| go |
Вариант 2: come |
| come |
| ridden |
| проводить, тратить |
| spend |
| got |
| давать |
| do |
| sang |
| знать |
| take |
| had |
| said |
| told |
| бросать |
- Your time is up. Hand in your cards. Open your record books, write down your homework. At home you are to read the texts at pages 25, 28-29. | Слушают установку учителя для игры в командах
- In Great Britain Mother`s Day is in March and in the USA it is in May. Father`s Day is in June. - In the past people called it Mothering Sunday. - Children give cards, presents and special cakes on these special days. - In Russia we celebrate Mother`s Day in November. Father`s Day is in June.
-People celebrate Arbor Day on the 22 of April. - People celebrate Arbor Day in the USA, Britain, Canada and many other countries. - On this day people plant a lot of trees. - Sterling Morton was the first who thought about protecting forests.
-In Britain people celebrate Pancake Day in February or in March. - People celebrate Pancake Day in Britain and in the USA. - It is traditional to eat pancakes with lemon juice and sugar. - On Pancake Day there are pancake tossing competitions in many places in Britain. - Cheese-rolling races are very popular in England. Every year in the USA people enjoy a pumpkin-throwing competition.
Выполняют упражнения
-eat - ate-eaten - be – was/were-been -hide -hid-hidden - sing-sang-sung - ride – rode – ridden
-give-gave-given -throw-threw-thrown -know - knew-known
-think-thought-thought - send-sent-sent -write - wrote-written - buy – bought-bought -spend-spent-spent. -take - took-taken. Выполняют работу на карточках
choose | выбирать | chose | chosen | eat | есть | ate | eaten | buy | покупать | bought | bought | make | создавать | made | made | be | быть | was/were | been | write | писать | wrote | written | meet | встречать | met | met | find | находить | found | found | cut | резать | cut | cut | think | думать | thought | thought | send | отправлять | sent | sent | hide | скрывать | hid | hidden | go | идти | went | gone |
come | приходить | came | come | ride | ехать верхом | rode | ridden | spend | проводить, тратить | spent | spend | get | получать | got | got | give | давать | gave | given | do | делать | did | done | sing | петь | sang | sung | know | знать | knew | known | take | брать | took | taken | have | иметь | had | had | say | сказать | said | said | tell | рассказывать | told | told | throw | бросать | threw | thrown |
Записывают домашнее задание | П:структурирование знаний П: осознание и произвольное построение речевого высказывания в устной и письменной форме
VIII. Рефлексия деятельности (по продукту) | 5 мин | - Подведем итог нашего урока. На карточках вы видите фразеологические обороты. Выберете один из них, чтобы оценить свою работу на уроке: - Шевелить мозгами ( use brains) - Краем уха (listen with half an ear) - Хлопать ушами ( fall on deaf ears) - Good for you! Thank you for your lesson. |
Оценивают работу |
П: рефлексия способов и условий действия. |