Контроль чтения 4 класс
материал по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему

Текст и задания


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Предварительный просмотр:

Прочитай отрывок из книги «Чудесное лето» (Thimble Summer by Elizabeth Enright) и выполни задание после текста.

“Garnet!” called her mother from the house. “Get dressed this minute!”

“Will Timmy get a prize at the competition, mother?” Garnet asked.

“I hope,” said her mother.

Garnet went up to her room. She put on the blue dress and shoes. She looked wonderful.

“Mr Freebody is here with his car, let’s put Timmy in the box,” Garnet’s mother said.

“I’m going to ride in the car with you, Mr Freebody,” Garnet told him.

“It’s time to start.”

“Citronella!” called Garnet, “Ride with us.”

“It’s a good day for a fair,” said Mr Freebody, “it isn’t cold, it isn’t hot.”

And they drove. Soon they could see New Conniston.

They saw little homes, then big important shops, the park and the place of the city where the fair was.

“I like a fair,” said Mr Freebody.

They stopped near the first pavilion. The man there was fat and kind. His name was Fred Lembke. He and Mr Freebody put Timmy in a nice clean cage.

“He’s a fine little pig,” said Mr Lembke. He took a notebook from his pocket and asked Garnet all about Timmy.

There were a lot of things to see and do at the fair.

First the girls looked at all the other pigs in the pavilion. Some pigs were bigger than Timmy.

“Well,” said Garnet, “I think Timmy is the nicest pig.” “He’s the most beautiful, too,” said Citronella.

(after Elizabeth Enright)

Выполни задания к тексту

Выбери вариант, который соответствует тексту, обведи букву выбранного ответа (а или b).

  1. Timmy was

a) a pig.        b)        a boy.

  1. Garnet wore

a) a dress.        b)        shorts.

  1. Garnet, Citronella, Mr Freebody        and Timmy went

a) for a walk.        b)        to the        fair.

  1. The weather was

a) nice.        b)        cold.

  1. They stopped near pavilion

a)        number 4.        b)         number         1.

  1. Garnet told Mr Lembke some things about

a)        Mr Freebody.        b)        Timmy.

  1. Timmy was

a) fatter than the other pigs.                b) nicer than the other pigs.        

  1. The biggest pig in the pavilion was

a)        Timmy.        b)         another         pig.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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