Christmas Story
тест по иностранному языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Christmas Story
Once upon a time there was a girl called Alice who lost her cat. Smudge, the cat, was a very special animal because it could talk. It talked only to Alice, who was very upset when she could not find Smudge. She thought someone may have heard them talking together. Not knowing that Smudge would talk only to Alice, the thieves hoped they could sell the cat for a lot of money.
One Christmas afternoon, Alice was calling for Smudge to have his dinner. She called upstairs but he did not come down, so Alice called for him outside. She opened the back door. It was very cold outside, there was a lot of snow on the ground.She noticed some footprints in the snow. Who did they belong to
Nobody had been outside. The footprints were of very large feet. Somebody had taken Smudge away.
Alice made up some posters on her computer, they said: “ Have you seen a black cat with big green eyes?
His name is Smudge. Please telephone Alice on 206810”. Alice’s Christmas Day was very sad, she decided to go to bed without having supper. Two days passed by with no word of Smudge.
Then there was a telephone call for Alice. It was the animal centre, they had a black cat that answered to the name of Smudge. Alice ran out of the house with just her nightdress on, she could not wait to see Smudge. Alice arrived at the animal centre and was taken to see her cat. Her dream had come true, because Smudge had been found safely.
When Alice got home Smudge told her what had happened. He had been very scared. The thieves had tried to sell him but not one wanted to buy him because he would not talk to anyone except for Alice.
The thieves got angry with him and threw him by the roadside. He had been walking for hours trying to find his way home. He was very hungry and tired.
Alice made him a lovely special Christmas dinner which he ate up without stopping. Then they went to the bed together and fell peacefully asleep.
- A Sad Holiday
- The Happy End
- Bad People
- Snowy Afternoon
- An Unusual Cat
- Good News
- Where is the Cat?
Complete these sentences using the words:
Arrive, shake, explain, voice, stay, luggage, ticket, travel, sad, seaside, forget, sound.
- Last summer she ----- with her friends.
- My friends have ------ in London yet.
- I don’t think it is very comfortable ------ by train.
- I spent my summer at the ----- last year.
- She has bought a ------- for a London train.
- He ----- his head in answer to my question.
- Icouldn’t ------- new grammar to my friends.
- Ann looks ---- her Granny is ill.
- He always speaks in a quiet ------ voice.
- I don’t like to travel with a lot of -------.
Translate these sentences:
Наш поезд прибыл на железно-дорожную станцию города Лондона.
Моя бабушка подарила мне интересный подарок.
Мы провели замечательные каникулы на побережье в прошлом году.
Они остановились в отеле с друзьями.
Он вчера меня не понял.
Сегодня мы катались на коньках и лыжах.
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