Developing writing skills. Setting description in story - writing.
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Предварительный просмотр:
The Three Friends
Long ago and far - far away there was a village. In this village there lived three friends. Their names were Dick, Rick and Nick. They loved to spend time together. Sometimes they watched TV or played cards; sometimes they went fishing or cycling; but most of all they liked to cook for each other.
One day Dick decided to make a tasty dinner for his friends, so he went hunting to the forest. Several hours passed, but he could not find any animals. Suddenly he realized that he was lost. He shouted, “Help!” but no one could hear him. He walked and walked and walked… and came to a cave. He shouted, “Help!” even louder. There was no answer. Dick was so tired but he had to move on. He walked and walked and walked… and came to a valley. This time he screamed as loudly as he could, “Rick! Nick! Help me!” Poor Dick felt so tired, scared and hungry that he fell asleep under the tree. A strange noise woke him up. He opened his eyes and was amazed! He was in a boat in a sea! What could he do? He did not shout, he did not scream, he only started to cry. Suddenly he saw an island in the distance. Dick jumped out of the boat and swam to it quickly. He decided to try last time and shouted with all his strength, “Rick! Nick! Please, help me!!!” He waited for some time and listened. “Diiiiiick! Diiiiick! Diiiiick! Where are you?” his friends yelled. Dick could not believe his ears. “I am here! I am here!” he shouted back and ran towards the boys who were coming out of the trees. “Finally, we have found you, dear friend!” exclaimed Nick. The three friends gave each other a hug and sailed back home.
“Sorry”, said Dick, “I have not made a nice dinner for you”. “But you have made us so worried”, Rick replied, and the three friends laughed.
Предварительный просмотр:
The Three Friends
Long ago and far - far away there was a village.
In this village there lived three friends. Their names were Dick, Rick and Nick. They loved to spend time together. Sometimes they watched TV or played cards; sometimes they went fishing or cycling; but most of all they liked to cook for each other.
One day Dick decided to make a tasty dinner for his friends, so he went hunting to the forest.
Several hours passed, but he could not find any animals. Suddenly he realized that he was lost. He shouted, “Help!” but no one could hear him. He walked and walked and walked… and came to a cave.
He shouted, “Help!” even louder. There was no answer. Dick was so tired but he had to move on. He walked and walked and walked… and came to a valley.
This time he screamed as loudly as he could, “Rick! Nick! Help me!” Poor Dick felt so tired, scared and hungry that he fell asleep under the tree. A strange noise woke him up. He opened his eyes and was amazed! He was in a boat in a sea!
What could he do? He did not shout, he did not scream, he only started to cry. Suddenly he saw an island in the distance.
Dick jumped out of the boat and swam to it quickly. He decided to try last time and shouted with all his strength, “Rick! Nick! Please, help me!!!” He waited for some time and listened. “Diiiiiick! Diiiiick! Diiiiick! Where are you?” his friends yelled. Dick could not believe his ears. “I am here! I am here!” he shouted back and ran towards the boys who were coming out of the trees. “Finally, we have found you, dear friend!” exclaimed Nick. The three friends gave each other a hug and sailed back home.
“Sorry”, said Dick, “I have not made a nice dinner for you”. “But you have made us so worried”, Rick replied, and the three friends laughed.
Предварительный просмотр:
It was __________________ and __________________ . There you could see _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. There was the smell of ____________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. You could hear the sounds of ____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
You felt ___________________________ and __________________.
Предварительный просмотр:
tree grass flowers
bushes birds nest
path mushroom berries
leaves rain snow
river lake pond
rainbow waterfall sky
clouds sun
Предварительный просмотр:
Describing setting
Read the beginning of the story.
Anna and Tom passed a big house on their way home from school every day. Who lived there? No one knew. All around the house there was a high wall. Through the gate they could only see the beginning of the garden.
One day the children were bored. They decided to have an adventure and explore the garden. Anna and Tom climbed the high wall and jumped down on the other side. They stopped and looked and listened…
Now imagine what they could see, hear, smell and feel there. Continue the story and describe the setting.
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Stories with Familiar Settings
Learning Intention: I can compose and punctuate a series of sentences to describe a familiar setting.
Put pictures of various settings on the board. Ask children what they can see in the pictures. Let them come to the board in turns, pick a piece of paper with setting description, read it aloud and stick it under the picture it refers to (Word document file “Warm-up” is attached).
Main Teaching Activity
Ask children to explain the meaning of the word “setting”. Remind of the four questions they should answer when describing it – what they see/what they hear/what they smell/how they feel.
Introduce the story. Read it to the children from the Interactive Whiteboard or the Projector (Word document file “Story” is attached). Stop while you read checking understanding and asking questions on the content. Discuss the setting – Was there any setting description at all? No!
Watch the presentation about the places the characters of the story visit. (Power Point “Presentation” file is attached). As you look through the slides, explain the importance of including the setting description in the story. E.g. “The first place is village. Do we know anything about the village? Was it a small village on a hill (slide 1), or a dark scary village at night (slide 2), or a nice village in the mountains (slide 3), or a rich village on the seaside (slide 4)? We do not know, because there is no setting description in the story!”
Explain that the task is to describe the setting of the places that the characters visit.
Individual Activity
Each child is given one of the places from the story, a writing frame (Word document file “Writing frame” is attached) and a wordlist, if necessary (Word document file “Vocabulary list for lower ability” is attached).
Display the story with the gaps for the setting descriptions on the big screen or use a big photocopy on the board (Word document file “Story with gaps” is attached). Stick the children’s description into the gaps and read the renewed story. Does it sound in a different way? Why? Discuss how the setting descriptions change the images created in the reader’s mind. Emphasize the importance of setting description.
The children are asked to read the beginning of the story and continue it with the appropriate setting description (Word document file “Homework” is attached).
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