Начальное образование в России и Великобритании
проект по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему
Материал к научно-практической конференции младших школьников
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Предварительный просмотр:
Научно-практическая конференция младших школьников
«Я познаю мир»
«Начальное образование
в Великобритании»
секция «Английский язык»
Арданкина Анастасия
Манько Полина
4 класс, МБОУ СОШ № 21
с. Красносельское, Динской район
Научный руководитель:
Худаева Ольга Владимировна,
учитель английского языка
с. Красносельское, 2017 г.
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………7
Chapter 1.……………………………………………………………………….8
Chapter 2………………………………………………….…………………….9
«Начальное образование в Великобритании и в России»
Арданкина Анастасия
Манько Полина
4 класс, БОУ СОШ № 21
Краткая аннотация
Данная работа представляет собой исследование различной информации по теме «Образование в Великобритании и образование в России», которая позволяет изучить какие школы бывают в Великобритании и России, их название, этапы обучения, изучаемые предметы. Какие схожие и отличительные черты начального образования есть в Великобритании и России, что любят делать английские и российские школьники.
«Начальное образование в Великобритании и России»
Арданкина Анастасия
Манько Полина
4 класс БОУ СОШ № 21
Цель данной работы: познакомиться с начальным образованием в Великобритании и России, выяснить в каком возрасте дети начинают обучение в школах Великобритании и России, какие предметы в расписании учеников, чем любят заниматься английские и российские школьники.
Объект исследования: начальное образование в Великобритании и России.
Для выполнения поставленной цели были определены следующие задачи.
- изучить этапы начального образования в России и Великобритании;
- выяснить набор школьных предметов в начальном образовании;
- выявить наличие школьной формы для учеников в школах;
Приемы исследования:
- изучить научно-популярную и учебную литературу по теме исследования;
- познакомиться с сайтами, содержащими полезную информацию по выбранной теме;
- найти, выбрать и обобщить необходимую информацию по теме.
Методы исследования:
- метод зрительного восприятия информации (работа с познавательной литературой);
- метод передачи информации с помощью практической деятельности;
- метод теоретического уровня (изучение и обобщение собранного материала).
Полученные данные: изучив и обобщив полученную информацию можно сделать следующие выводы:
- начальное образование в Великобритании имеет 2 этапа, в России – 1 этап;
- учебный год в Великобритании начинается в первый вторник сентября,
в России 1 сентября;
- школьники носят школьную форму в России и Великобритании;
- в расписании уроков есть как одинаковые предметы (математика, чтение, родной язык) так и разные;
- школьники обучаются по 5 дней в неделю;
- суббота и воскресенье в обеих странах для школьников выходные дни;
- возраст для поступления в школу в Великобритании – 5 лет, в России – 7 лет.
«Primary education in
Great Britain and in Russia»
section «English»
Ardankina Anastasiya
Manko Polina
4 form, school № 21
Krasnoselskoe, Dinskoy district
Krasnoselskoe, 2017
Good afternoon! Let us introduce our project. We have an English lessons at school twice a week and we have been learning English since the second form, and in our textbooks there is no enough information about primary education in Great Britain and in Russia. We want to know more. Our aim is to find and learn some more information and interesting facts about education in these countries. So we want to know:
- how many days do English and Russian pupils go to school ;
- when are their days off;
- what are the main subjects in timetable;
- do pupils wear school uniform;
- do they spend much time outdoors;
- what is the school age in Great Britain and in Russia;
- when is the first day of school year in both countries;
We have read some books about Great Britain, looked through some interesting sites in Internet and have found a lot of useful information. Now you can listen to what we found.
Chapter 1
Gooday Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Jane. I am from Great Britain. I’m in the 4th form. I want to tell you about our primary education. In my country school begins at the age of five. In England the school year begins in September, but not always on the first day of the month, as school never begins on Monday. We think that Monday is not a good day to start school, so we usually begin our study on the first Tuesday of September. English children have classes five days a week. Classes usually begin at 9 o’clock and are over at four. Saturday and Sunday are our days off. Schools in England have names, not numbers. They often get the names after the place where they are. (Green Hill School, Cedar Grove School) or after some famous or important people (St. Mary School). I go to St. Paul School.
At the age of five primary school children go to infant schools or infant classes where they spend two years till they are seven. Their classes are not formal, but they learn how to read, count and write. Infant pupils often sit on the carpet on the floor and listen to their teacher. They draw or play games. In infant schools children spend much time outdoors. They usually run and jump, sing songs, dance and play a lot. Infant pupils learn how to use money in their classroom shop. They look at the pictures in interesting books, draw pictures in pencil and colour them. They learn how to get on with other children.
When we are seven we go to junior school, where spend four years till we are eleven. So in my country children spend six years in primary school. Junior school are real schools. The atmosphere is more formal in junior classes than in infant school. Pupils sit in rows and follow a regular timetable. Their subjects are: English, Maths, History, Nature Study, Geography, Art, Music. We have swimming, P.E. and Religion in our timetable, too. But we spend a lot of time outdoors. We visit different museums and other famous and interesting places. Sometimes our teachers take us to London or other big cities.
There are ten classes and a big hall in my school. We have many trees and flowers near our school and when it is warm and the weather is fine we are often outdoors. My classroom is very comfortable and clean. There are twenty desks , teacher’s table two windows, blackboard and a bookcase in my classroom. In our school we wear uniform. It is a white blouse, grey skirt and a tie. That is all. Thank you.
Chapter 2
Gooday Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Polly. I am from Russia. I’m in the 4th form. And I want to tell you about our primary education, too. In my country school begin at the age of seven. In Russia the school year begins on the first of September. It is a great holiday for all children in our country. All pupils are very happy to meet their teachers and classmates after summer holidays. Russian children have classes five days a week. Classes usually begin at 8 o’clock and are over at two. Saturday and Sunday are our days off. Schools in Russia have numbers and sometimes names. They often get the names after some famous or important people (the Hero of Soviet Union Nikolay Gastello). I go to school № 21.
At the age of seven after kindergarden children enter the first class of primary school. Our primary school is a real school. There are four forms in primary education in Russia. The atmosphere is formal. Pupils sit at the desks and follow a regular timetable. Our subjects are: Russian, English, Maths, Reading, Nature Study, Art, Music, Handicraft lesson, P.E., and Religion in our timetable. We learn to read, write, count and think at our lessons. Many pupils attend sport sections or other clubs and societies after classes. I prefer sports and I go to the gymnastics sport section. Also we spend a lot of time outdoors, too. We visit different museums in Dinskaya and in Krasnodar. Sometimes our teachers take us to Sochi or other big cities. We have autumn, winter, spring and summer holidays.
There are six classes and a big hall in my school. We have many trees and flowers near our school and when it is warm and the weather is fine we are often outdoors, we play different games there. My classroom is very comfortable and clean. There are fifteen desks, teacher’s table two windows, blackboard and a bookcase in my classroom. Also we have a computer and active board in it. In our school we wear uniform. It is a black dress and white or black apron, and a badge. That is all. Thank you.
After these very interesting stories we can make the main conclusions:
- pupils in both countries go to school five days a week;
- their day off are Saturday and Sunday;
- the main subjects are the same;
- pupils wear school uniform;
- pupils spend many time outdoors in both countries;
- in Great Britain school begins at the age of five and in Russia at the age of seven;
- in Great Britain study begins on the first Tuesday of September and in Russia on the first of September.
That is all. Thank you very much.
- Vereshchagina I.N., Pritykina T.A., English III, учебник английского языка, Москва, «Просвещение».
- Vereshchagina I.N., O.V. Afanasyeva., English IV, учебник английского языка, Москва, «Просвещение».
- Учебное пособие Great Britain, Москва, Дрофа, 2009
- В.В.Ощепкова, Britain in Brief., книга для чтения, Москва, «Просвещение», 1993 г.
- http://www.educationuk.org/russia/articles/uk-key-facts/
- www.google.ru/
- http://londonmania.ru/stories/famous-british?page=1
- http://adelanta.info/encyclopaedia/bomonde/
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