my school
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Date: 20.11.17
The theme: “My school ”
Aims: talking about school day, to develop pupils’ communicative skills and abilities using various kinds of activities, to train in speaking, reading, to enlarge pupils’ interest in learning foreign language, to revise the Present Simple.
The visual aids: cards, pictures, tables, an interactive board.
The procedure of the lesson:
I. Org.moment.
3. Now, boys and girls, you should answer the questions:
Where are you from? How old are you?
How are you? What is your mother like?
Are you a girl? Are you tall? Are you clever?
4. Today we have got guests. We are glad to see you. Now boys and girls, you should introduce yourself using the song: “What is your name?”
Let’s start.
What is your name? My name is Altyn.
What is your name? I am attractive.
What is your name? My name is Daulet.
Now tell me please. I am dangerous.
II. Checking up the homework.
III. Main stage:
1. The theme of the lesson is “My school ”.
Today we’ll speak about school day, and do different tasks. I hope that from this lesson we’ll get some information about school.
Now, open your copy-books and write down the theme of our lesson.
2. Boys and girls! What do you associate with the word “school” .
3. Look at the interactive board. There are some words.
Classroom a gym a library a hall a concert
Repeat after me. Can you translate it?
4 Reading.
5. OK. Now you should answer the questions:
1. What is the boy’s name?
2. Where does he live?
3. When does he get up?
4. When does he go to school?
5. What does he like?
6. Writing. OK. Look at the interactive board. You should put each of the following words in the correct place. Open your copy-books and write down these sentences. Who wants to write on the board?
(go, has, learn, have, get)
We … five lessons every day. We … to school. I … English, Maths and. He … breakfast. I … up at seven o’clock.
7. Work in groups.
Now, I’ll divide into 3 groups.
First group. Find the words connected with school.
Second group. “True” or “False”.
Third group. Look at the picture and make-up sentences.
IV. Conclusion. Now, children, today we talked about school day.
You worked hard today. You have done a lot of tasks. Thank you.
V. Results of lesson. You have good marks.
VI. Homework: Write story about your school day.
Our lesson is over. Good-bye.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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