УМК 3 кл. Тер - Минасова С. Г. "There is no place like home"
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему
Класс: 3 «А» Тема: «THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME» Цель урока: Формирование лексического навыка Задачи: Практические:
Воспитательные: |
формировать у детей положительное отношение к иностранному языку как учебному предмету.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
[l] My House L et's go to my house. L et's go today. I'll show you a ll the rooms Where we work and play. Here is the kitchen Where Mother cooks for me. Here is the l iving room Where I watch TV. Here is the dining room. We eat here every day. And this room is my room Where I s l eep and p l ay.
armchair bathroom bedroom
living room kitchen living room toilet flat – квартира h ouse - дом
What have you got in your house? I have got …….. in my house .
the ground floor – 1 этаж the first floor – 2 этаж the second floor – 3 этаж Where do you live? I live in the …….. .
Ghosts - призраки Downstairs – внизу Upstairs - наверху Other - другой
Homework S/B p. 28 ex. 4 (b) читать, переводить p. 29 выуч . слова
Предварительный просмотр:
№ | Этапы урока | Содержание урока | Приемы работы | Режим работы | Время | ТСО, наглядность | Примечания |
1 | Орг. Момент Мотивационный этап | Stand up. Good afternoon, children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. My name is Maria Valer’evna and today I will be your teacher. Today we are going to learn some new words and do some exercises on the text you have read at home. Now answer my questions. What date is it today? (Today is the 6th of October). What day of the week is it today? (Tuesday).Look through the window. What season is it now? (It is autumn now). Do you like the weather today? | Слушание | T | 4 мин | нет | |
2 | Фон. зарядка | Let’s continue our lesson with a phonetic drill. Today, children, we will practise the sound [l]. Look at me and repeat after me [l];[l];[l]. Look at the blackboard, here you can see a poem. Listen to my reading. My House Let's go to my house. Let's go today. I'll show you all the rooms Where we work and play. Here is the kitchen Where Mother cooks for me. Here is the living room Where I watch TV. Here is the dining room. We eat here every day. And this room is my room Where I sleep and play. Now repeat after me the words with the sound :[l]. Now repeat after me sentence by sentence. Ok, read sentence by sentence one by one. Repeat after me the whole poem. Read the whole poem. Р1, Р2 read, please. Okay, children. Good job! | Хоровая работа Слушание Фронтальная работа | T>Cl Т Р1, Р2.. | 6 мин | презентаци | |
3 | Введение и первичное закрепление новой лексики | Let’s continue our lesson. Let’s do ex. 1 on p. 26. Read the task, please. (читают задание): (Rick, Romy and Foxy get (попадают) into the house of two naughty ghosts(приведений). Listen (No. 21) and name the rooms in their house. Послушай и назови комнаты в их доме). Translate it. And now you’ll listen to the text. There are some new words in this text. Be careful! Look at the screen. Here you can see some pictures and the words. Look at them and translate them. Good. Now repeat after me all together. Ok. Now P1, read these words. P2, P3, P4. Good. Look at the pictures and match them to the words. Well done. Look at the pictures on p. 26 ex. 1. Name the rooms in their house. Listen to the text once again. Р1, name the rooms. And now answer my question. What have you got in your house? For example: I have got an armchair, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room in my house. (отвечают на вопрос) Посмотрите на нумерацию этажей в английском язык. Она существенно отличается от нашей, например: the ground floor первый этаж; the first floor второй этаж; the second floor третий этаж и т.д. Let’s read these words after me. And now answer my question: where do you live? For example: I live in the second floor. P1 where do you live? Thank you very much. Good job. | Слушание Работа с текстом Слушание Фронтальная работа Хоровая работа Слушание Индивидуальная работа Фронтальная работа Слушание Хоровая работа Индивидуальная работа | T>Cl Т Cl >Cl T>Cl Т P1 P2 Cl >Cl Т | 13 мин | Аудиозапись Презентация Презентация | |
4 | Физминутка | I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Stand up, please. Repeat after heroes. | 2 мин | Видео с физминуткой “ my home”. | |||
5 | Тренировка учащихся в чтении стихотворения вслух | And now open your books at p.27. Let’s do ex.2 (b). Your task is to read the poem, but first let’s read some difficult words. (ghosts, downstairs, upstairs, other). Read these words after me. Now listen to the poem. Read sentence by sentence after me. Translate, please. P1, read the first three lines. P2, P3, P4, go on reading. P5, read the whole poem. P6, P7. Good for you. Now answer the questions. Choose the correct item: | Индивидуальная работа Хоровая работа Слушание Фронтальная работа Индивидуальная работа Фронтальная работа | P1, P2 T-Cl T Cl-Cl P1, P2 Cl-Cl | Презентация Аудиозапись | ||
6 | Дача домашнего задания | Now open your record books and write down your homework. Your first task is to learn the new words. Выучить слова на стр. 29. The second task is to do read and translate the text on. P. 28. Ex. 4 (b).(перевод письменно) p. 29 ex.6 (a). Open your books at p. 28, ex. 4 (b). Listen to this text. | Индивидуальная работа Фронтальная работа | 3 мин | Слайд с домашним заданием аудиозапись | ||
7 | Рефлексия | Thank you very much for your job. Today you have worked very good. I wish you good luck, children. Stand up. The lesson is over. Goodbye. | Индивидуальная работа | 2 мин |
Предварительный просмотр:
Stand up. Good afternoon, children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. My name is Maria Valer’evna and today I will be your teacher. Today we are going to learn some new words and do some exercises on the text you have read at home.
Now answer my questions. What date is it today? (Today is the 6th of October). What day of the week is it today? (Tuesday).Look through the window. What season is it now? (It is autumn now). Do you like the weather today?
Let’s continue our lesson with a phonetic drill.
Today, children, we will practise the sound [l]. Look at me and repeat after me [l];[l];[l]. Look at the blackboard, here you can see a poem. Listen to my reading.
My House
Let's go to my house.
Let's go today.
I'll show you all the rooms
Where we work and play.
Here is the kitchen
Where Mother cooks for me.
Here is the living room
Where I watch TV.
Here is the dining room.
We eat here every day.
And this room is my room
Where I sleep and play.
Пойдем в мой дом.
Давай пойдем сегодня.
Я покажу вам все комнаты
Где мы работаем и играть.
Здесь кухня.
Где мама готовит для меня.
Здесь гостиная
Где я смотрю телевизор.
Здесь находится столовая.
Мы едим здесь каждый день.
И этот номер-мой номер
Где я буду спать и играть.
Now repeat after me the words with the sound :[l]. Now repeat after me sentence by sentence. Ok, read sentence by sentence one by one. Repeat after me the whole poem. Read the whole poem. Р1, Р2 read, please.
Okay, children. Good job!
Let’s continue our lesson. Let’s do ex. 1 on p. 26. Read the task, please. (читают задание): (Rick, Romy and Foxy get (попадают) into the house of two naughty ghosts(приведений). Listen (No. 21) and name the rooms in their house. Послушай и назови комнаты в их доме). Translate it. And now you’ll listen to the text. There are some new words in this text. Be careful!
Look at the screen. Here you can see some pictures and the words. Look at them and translate them. Good. Now repeat after me all together. Ok. Now P1, read these words. P2, P3, P4. Good. Look at the pictures and match them to the words.
Well done.
Look at the pictures on p. 26 ex. 1. Name the rooms in their house. Listen to the text once again. Р1, name the rooms.
And now answer my question. What have you got in your house? For example: I have got an armchair, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room in my house.
(отвечают на вопрос)
Посмотрите на нумерацию этажей в английском язык. Она существенно отличается от нашей,
например: the ground floor первый этаж; the first floor второй этаж; the second floor третий этаж и т.д. Let’s read these words after me. And now answer my question: where do you live? For example: I live in the second floor. P1 where do you live? Thank you very much. Good job.
I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Stand up, please. Repeat after heroes.
And now open your books at p.27. Let’s do ex.2 (b). Your task is to read the poem, but first let’s read some difficult words. (ghosts, downstairs, upstairs, other). Read these words after me. Now listen to the poem. Read sentence by sentence after me. Translate, please.
Озорные Призраки
В большом старом доме
Две маленькие озорные призраки живут.
Их зовут Лиззи и Зив.
Лиззи любит играть внизу
1: в гостиной и на кухне,
Где есть столы и стулья.
Зив любит прыгать наверх'
2: в ванной, туалете и спальни,
Где есть кровати и кресла.
Весь день они бегают из комнаты в комнату
В гости друг к другу
3. “Прекрати, пожалуйста! - говорит их мать.
P1, read the first three lines. P2, P3, P4, go on reading. P5, read the whole poem. P6, P7. Good for you.
Now answer the questions. Choose the correct item:
1. What are the names of 2 ghosts? a)-Lizzy and Ziv; b)-Foxy and Rick;
2. Where do they live? a) in a big new house; b) in a big old house;
3. Where does Lizzy like to play? a) upstairs; b) downstairs;
4. What does Ziv like to do upstairs? a) jump; b) play
Well done! Now open your record books and write down your homework. Your first task is to learn the new words. Выучить слова на стр. 29. The second task is to do read and translate the text on. P. 28. Ex. 4 (b).(перевод письменно) p. 29 ex.6 (a).
Open your books at p. 28, ex. 4 (b).
Listen to this text.
Thank you very much for your job. Today you have worked very good. I wish you good luck, children.
Stand up. The lesson is over. Goodbye.
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