3 класс (2 конспекта)
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме
Технологические карты уроков английского языка
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Предварительный просмотр:
Дата: 15.09 .15. Методист:
Класс: 3-2 Учитель: Ганцева А.В.
Тема: A person's appearance Студентка: Трофимова Е.Д., 46 гр.
Цель урока: Отработка лексических единиц по теме «A person's appearance». Фотография доски
1. отработать звук [w];
2. тренировать учащихся в употреблении лексики;
3. тренировать учащихся в составлении своих высказываний
по образцу;
4.формировать умение слушать и понимать английскую речь
на слух. Оборудование: презентация.
1. приучать учащихся к самостоятельной работе;
2. формировать у учащихся положительное отношение
к английскому языку.
1. создать благоприятные условия для снижения
2. способствовать развитию языковой догадки.
№ | Этап урока | Содержание урока | Приемы работы | Режимы работы | Вре мя | Нагл-ть, ТСО |
1 | Орг. момент | Stand up, please. I am glad to see you. How are you? ( We are fine, thanks. And how are you? ) | Слушание Беседа | T
T P1,Р2,Р3 | 1 | |
2 | Проверка домашнего задания | It’s time to check up your homework. Open you Workbooks. | Фронтальная работа | P1, P2, P3 | 6 | Презентация |
3 | Фон. зарядка | Let’s continue our lesson with a phonetic drill. Today we are going to practice the sound [g]. Look at me and repeat after me. [g, g, g]- all together. Look at the screen. Here you can see a tongue twister. Listen to me: The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes. Let's translate this tongue twister. P1, please. Good for you. Now repeat the words with the sound [g] after me: The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes. Let’s read it line by line after me. Read it, line by line one by one. P 1, starts, please. Let’s read the whole poem. All together Let’s read the whole poem one by one. P1, P2, P3. Good. Now I see you can pronounce the sound [g] correctly. Thank you! | Слушание Хоровая работа Слушание Хоровая работа Фронтальная работа | T T Cl T T Cl P1, P2, P3 | Презентация | |
4 | Актуализация знаний | Рage 7,10,14, Exercise 6 (a). 1)Lets review the words. Look at the screen, here you can see some pictures and words. Your task will be to match these pictures with English words. 2)What is it? ( It is a noise) 3)Look at the screen, let’s read them with translation.( про себя) Now you have to fill in the table. Good for you. 4)Think of a sentence using these words. (long, dark, whose, kind, help, say) Good work. Well done. | Хоровая работа Фронтальная работа | T Сl P1, P2, P3 | 15 | Презентация |
5 | Тренировка лексики | Рage 12, Exercise 5 (a). who wants to be a teacher? | Хоровая работа, Индивидуальная работа | T Cl P1, P2 | 10 | Презентация |
6 | Физ.минутка. | Now, children, I see you are tired, let’s relax a little. Children, stand up. Look at the video. Are you ready? Let’s start… Sit down, please. | Хоровая работа | T + Cl | 8 | Видео |
7 | Тренировка употребления лексики | Индивидуальная работа, Фронтальная работа | P1, P2 P1,Р2,Р3 | 3 | Презентация | |
8 | Дача домашнего задания | Children, open your record books and write down your home task. | Слушание | Т | 1 | Презентация |
9 | Подведение итогов | Your marks are … (I’ll give you a five. You haven’t made any mistakes. Your mark is 4, because…) Thank you for our lesson. The lesson is over, goodbye. | Слушание | T | 1 |
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: Breakfast, lunch and dinner Трофимова Е.Д.
Цель урока: формирование лексического навыка. Фотография доски:
1. отработать звук [w];
2. тренировать учащихся в употреблении лексики;
3. тренировать учащихся в составлении своих высказываний
по образцу;
4.формировать умение слушать и понимать английскую речь
на слух. Оборудование: презентация.
1. приучать учащихся к самостоятельной работе;
2. формировать у учащихся положительное отношение
к английскому языку.
1. создать благоприятные условия для снижения
2. способствовать развитию языковой догадки.
№ | Этап урока | Содержание урока | Приемы работы | Режимы работы | Вре мя | Нагл-ть, ТСО |
1 | Орг. момент | Stand up, please. Good morning, Children. Sit down, please. My name’s Ekaterina Dmitrievna. Today, I will be your teacher. I’m glad to see you. (I’m glad to see you too). Answer my questions: What season is it now? (It is spring Now.) What's date is it today? (Today is the 7th of April). What day of the week is it today?(It is Tuesday) What time is it? (It’s five past nine) What do you usually have for breakfast? | Слушание Беседа | T
T P1,Р2,Р3 | 1 | |
2 | Фон. зарядка | Let’s continue our lesson with a phonetic drill. Today we are going to practice the sound [g]. Look at me and repeat after me. [g, g, g]- all together. Look at the screen. Here you can see a tongue twister. Listen to me: The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes. Let's translate this tongue twister. P1, please. Good for you. Now repeat the words with the sound [g] after me: The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes. Let’s read it line by line after me. Read it, line by line one by one. P 1, starts, please. Let’s read the whole poem. All together Let’s read the whole poem one by one. P1, P2, P3. Good. Now I see you can pronounce the sound [g] correctly. Thank you! | Слушание Хоровая работа Слушание Хоровая работа Фронтальная работа | T T Cl T T Cl P1, P2, P3 | 6 | Презентация |
3 | Актуализация знаний | The trees are green, Blue skies are seen. Grey winter has gone away! The world looks new and green! – Spring Summer is over. September comes. The trees are bare. There is fog in the garden And rain then. – Autumn The ground is white All day and all night This is the season When children can ski, Play snowballs And dance round the New Year Tree. - Winter
And children have plenty of fun and sport. Boating and swimming all day long Will make us healthy and strong. – Summer | Фронтальная работа | P1, P2, P3 | Презентация | |
4 | Тренировка лексики | Рage 49, Exercise 7 (a). Lets review the words. Look at the screen, here you can see some pictures and words. Your task will be to match these pictures with English words. Think of a sentence using these words. (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.) Open your books at page 47, Exercise 3 Say what Topsy and his friends usually have for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. For example: For Breakfast Romy usually has some ice cream. Now look at the screen and tell me what you usually eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Use these phrases. ( For Breakfast I usually have … For Dinner I usually have … . For Lunch I usually have … .)(For example: Ihave porridge for breakfast Open your books at page 48, Exercise 5(a) Let’s read the task. Who can translate? (Саша хочет знать, что Фокси и его друзья делали на субботнике. Разыграйте диалог.) - Ребята, в каком времени разговаривают герои диалога? (Раst Simple) Назовите глаголы из этого диалога. Read the dialogue. Act out their conversation in pairs. Now, you have to choose one or any situation and make up your own dialogue in pairs Please read your dialogue.! Good work. Well done. | Хоровая работа Фронтальная работа Парная работа | T Сl P1, P2, P3 P1 P2 | 15 | Презентация |
5 | Первичное закрепление. Неправильные глаголы | Now you will learn about irregular words. What do you know about irregular words? Why are they so called? Чем они отличаются от правильных глаголов? I will read them you should to repeat after me. Look at the screen, let’s read them with translation. ( page 48, Exercise 5(b)) Now you have to fill in the table. Good for you. Copy their forms in your exercise books. Complete the sentences please. Thank you! make up two your own sentences with these words. | Хоровая работа, Фронтальная работа
Индивидуальная работа | T Cl Р1,Р2, Р3 P1, P2 | 10 | Презентация |
6 | Тренировка употребления лексики | Open your books at page 50, Exercise 3 (a,b) Look at Foxy’s diary and listen to want he says about his school days, Saturdays and Sundays Diary means Дневник. Well Now say what Foxy usually does in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. Look at the example : On school days Foxy usually gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning. | Индивидуальная работа, Фронтальная работа | P1, P2 P1,Р2,Р3 | 8 | Презентация |
7 | Физ.минутка. | Now, children, I see you are tired, let’s relax a little. Children, stand up. Look at the video. Are you ready? Let’s start… Sit down, please. | Хоровая работа | T + Cl | 3 | Видео |
8 | Дача домашнего задания | Children, open your record books and write down your home task. WB p 70-71 №1,2; p 74-75 №1,2; CB p 54 №8а. | Слушание | Т | 1 | Презентация |
9 | Подведение итогов | Your marks are … (I’ll give you a five. You haven’t made any mistakes. Your mark is 4, because…) Thank you for our lesson. The lesson is over, goodbye. | Слушание | T | 1 |
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