Subject : “ Animals”- урок английского языка во 2 классе.
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (2 класс) на тему

Прокофьева Елена Владимировна

Objective : 1) to teach pupils listen and repeat  new worlds;

                    2) to train the structures of  the lessons;

                    3) to teach to say : a ladybird,  a whale, a mammal…


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Предварительный просмотр:

Subject : “ Animals”

Objective : 1) to teach pupils listen and repeat  new worlds;

                    2) to train the structures of  the lessons;

                    3) to teach to say : a ladybird,  a whale, a mammal…

Aids:   1) flashcard;    2) pictures.

The   Course   of   the  Lesson.

1.Org. moment.

Stand up, please!

Hello, boys and girls!

Sit down, please.

Get  ready for the lesson. The subject of our lesson are “ Animals”.

2. Repetition:

a) The ABC

b) to count from 1—12

c) Сolours ( “What colour is it?” – It is…)

3. Lexico-phonetic  drill

Say  after  me :


Ladybird, ladybird,

Fly away home.

Your house is on fire,

Your children are gone;

All except one,

And  that’s little Ann,

And she crept under

The  warming  pan.

( What  colour is the ladybird?)

4. Poems  about  animals  ( Let’s revise poems about animals)

a) I have  a pet

      It  is  a cat

      His  name  is  Fred

      I like my cat.

b) Frogs  can  jump.

     Rabbits  can  run.

     Fish  can swim.

     Oh, it’s  fun!

c) Pupil : Little bird, little bird

                Can you fly and sing?

                Can you fly, can you flap

                With your pretty wings?

Bird :  I am flying, I am singing,

             I am flapping  with my wings/

             I am flying in the sky.

             You can’t  do it. Why?


d) Little mouse, little mouse,

    In the cheese, in the cheese.

    Please, go out of your hole

    Will  you come to us?

e) Pussy cat, pussy cat,

    Where  have you been?

    I’ve   been to London

    To visit  the  Queen.    

5. Pictures and  sentences  about  animals.( Children  tell the animal  and  composite 3-5 sentenses  about  it.)

Example : This  is a  tiger. His name is Tom. It can jump and run.

Questions : What  colour  is  the tiger? What  animal  do  you like anymore?

6. Physical  pause.

“ What  is  a  whale?”

A  whale  is  not as  small  as  us

Most   whales  are bigger  than a bus!

A  whale  is  not  like  a  fish  in  the sea.

A  whale  breathes air  like you and  me.

A wale  can’t  walk upon  the ground.

A   whale must  swim  to get  around.

A  whale  is  a  mammal  like you  and  me,

But  its  home  is  in  the  deep  blue  sea.

7.  The  Hobbit’s   story. ( Listen  the Hobbit’s  story  and  say,  what  the  pet  he  has  got.)

 I  have  a friend.  It is black. It  can run,  jump  and  swim, but  it cannot  fly.  It  likes  to go  to  the forest.  It  runs  and  jumps  in  the  forest.  Its  name  is  Rex.  It  lives  with  me.  It  likes  my  home. (… a  dog)

8.  Lexical – structures  drill.( Sentenses   about  animals)

9. Work  in  the  text-books.( Open  your  text-books , find  the ex.№ 5, p.66.  Fill  in  the  letters.)

10. The  crossword.

11. The  end  of  the lesson.

        Stand  up,  please.

        The  lesson  is  over.

        Good –bye!

12. Homework


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