Технологическая карта урока "Мои игрушки"
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку по теме
План-коспект урока по учебнику Spotlight "Мои игрушки"
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Lesson plan “My toys”
Course book: N. Bykova, V.Evans, J. Dooley, M. Pospelova. Spotlight – 3.
Unit 4 “My toys”
Lesson 10a
Aim: By the end of the lesson children will be able to name their toys.
Skills: Learn to name toys, say where they are, develop skills of reading, listening, writing
New language: toy, toy box, teddy bear, ballerina, shelf, toy soldier, in, on, under
Revision: colours, can, jump, run, dance, fly, swing, swim, sing
Stage | Aim | Teacher does (says) | Pupils do | Notes |
Organization stage 1 min | Motivation for learning activities | Hello, dear friends! | Hello! | |
Warm-up 5-7 min | To revise the colours, names of animals and motion verbs | Let’s say our tongue-twister about rabbits: Three grey rabbits in the grass, grow roses for us. Ask: What is this? (T. shows card with animals). What can you do? Say what can animal do? | Pp answer teacher’s questions. Take pictures animal, say what is it, what can it do and show this movement. | Can do this work in pairs and small groups. |
Main stage 18 min | To introduce the topic. To introduce new words: toy, teddy bear, ballerina, toy soldier, shelf, toy box, and prepositions: on, in, under | There are some pictures on the blackboard. T. : Children, look at the blackboard! What do you see? What’s this? This is a …. (Teddy bear, ballerina, toy soldier). Please open your books at page 80 (writes on the blackboard “80”)/ Look at the pictures. Listen to me: This is toys. This is my toys. Ex.1 p.80 – Listening. Look at the rabbit. Where is the rabbit? (T. takes rabbit and put it on the chair.) On the chair. Where’s the rabbit? (T. takes rabbit and put it under the chair.) Under the chair. Where’s the rabbit? (T. takes rabbit and put it in the box.) In the box. In textbooks we’ll do ex.2p.80 | Repeat after teacher chorus and individually Open books, look at the pictures. Toys- игрушки. My toys – мои игрушки. Listen the recorder and repeat after speaker. Look at the teacher, try to understand, says where is the rabbit, first in Russian, than in English after teacher. Look at ex. and answer | Pictures with toys (or toys) Work in small groups, take any toy or toy-animal and ask each other where the toy is? If Pps have problems with the words, revise its again Work in pairs. |
Dynamic stage 4 min | Stand up and do | Teacher says a poem What can I do | Pps repeat after teacher and do movements | I can jump like a frog, I can swim like a fish,’ I can run like a horse, I can dance like a chimp, A can sing like a bird You can do, we can do, I can do too. As a variant can play a game “Circus” |
Pre-story | To introduce the dialogue To predict story To give instructions To develop listening skills | Says: You are going to listen the dialogue about Larry, Lulu and Chuckles. Look at the pictures ex.3p.81. What will be in story? What do you see? What do the children do? Explain activities: Listen very carefully and try to repeat after speaker. | Says the words connected with pictures, toys. Say wеhat they see on pictures: Larry, Lulu, Chuckles, toys, Nanny Shine. Listen and repeat after speaker | |
While story | To develop speaking skills | Role play the dialogue | Read the dialogue | This work can be done in small groups |
Post story | To check understanding | Let’s do ex.4p.81. View the text and answer Whose these toys are? | Pps read the text and find the answer | If children have problems with this task pay attention of children on the keywords. |
End of lesson | To explain HW To personalize | Open your WB at p.44, ex1,2. Look! What will you do at home? Asks if Pps like their work at the lesson, what they do, what task they like more. To assess their work in the classroom | Pps see and explain what they will do. Give their opinios, and marks. | If children have problems to explain the task, revise the words |
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