Английский язык. 5 класс. Итоговый контроль.
тест по иностранному языку по теме

УМК для 5 классов: К.М.Баранова, Д.Дули, В.В.Копылова, Р.П. Мильруд, В.Эванс "Starlight".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Final Test

The 5th grade.

Name________________________________________  Date_____________

  • Listening

  1. You will hear  Kelly talking to a friend about her holiday.

Listen and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

  1. Kelly stayed in a hotel while in Queenstown.
  2. Kelly didn’t like the weather.
  3. Kelly tried bungee  jumping.
  4. The locals were very nice to Kelly and Paul.
  5. Paul and Kelly want to return to Arrowtown.

  • Vocabulary

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

                text   *   climate   *   favourite   *   ruled   *   dream

  1. English is my …………………. subject.
  2. My …………….. is to become a famous artist.
  3. In Canada, the ………………. is cold in the winter.
  4. Queen Elizabeth I …………… England from 1558 to 1603.
  5. Nancy sends …………. messages to her friends every day.

  1. Underline the correct item.

  1. On school days, I  go/get  up early.
  2. Paris is the  capital/nation  city of France.
  3. Paul is afraid to climb an  active/ancient  volcano.
  4. The  special/running  effects in that film were amazing.
  5. There are  low/windy  temperatures at night in the desert.

  • Grammar

  1. Choose the correct item.

  1. Kelly is the ….. singer in the class.

        a) worse          b) bad          c) worst

  1. ….. is your favourite subject?

   a) What          b) Where          c) Who

  1. There are ….. islands on the lake.

   a) some          b) any          c) a

  1. How ….. coffee do you drink each day?

         a) lot of         b) many        c) much

  1. Bill plays the guitar very ….

         a) good          b) well         c) best

5. Choose the correct item.

  1. I … my work yet.

     a)  didn’t finish     b)  don’t finish     c) haven’t finished

  1. The girls … about the boys now.

     a)  have talked       b)   is talking        c)  will talk

  1. Nelly … a lot of mistakes in her test yesterday.

     a)  will make          b)  has  made       c)  made

  1. Their winter holidays … in two weeks.

     a) have begun         b)  will begin       c)  began

  1. The children usually … good care of their pets.

     a) take                    b)  took                c) is taking

  •  Everyday English

  1. Choose the correct response.

                        1. Have a good trip!                                 A. My pleasure. It was nothing.

                        2. How about going to the circus.            B. Thanks, the same to you.

                        3. Thanks for your help.                           C. Ice-cream, please.        

                        4. What would you like to have?             D. Thanks. You’re very kind.

                        5. You look wonderful today.                  E. I’m afraid I can’t.                

  •  Reading

 7. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or Not stated (NS).    


                                              Continents and Countries.

              The planet we live on is the Earth. The Earth is round. If you look at the Earth from space, you will  be able to see land, seas, oceans, continents and even countries. Sometimes you can see them through clouds. They look very beautiful when the sun rises or sets.

           There are four oceans and six continents.  The continents are: Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, North and South America. The continents are very large. Oceans and seas wash them and separate them from each other. There are usually many countries on each continent. For example, there are more than 40 countries in Africa, but there is only one large country in Australia. It has got almost the same name as the continent. Australia is very big country, but some countries  are small. Iceland is a very small country. It is situated on an island to the north of Europe.

                The largest country in the world is the Russian Federation (Russia). The smallest country is the Vatican. All the countries have interesting people, places, animals and plants.

                People of different nationalities live in these countries. They speak different languages. Each country has its national flag, anthem and its own traditions and customs.

  1. From space you can see cities, towns and a small villages on the Earth.
  2. Africa is larger than Australia.
  3. Oceans separate continents from each other.
  4. The largest country in the world is Russia.
  5. The smallest country in the world is Iceland.

  1. Fill in:

         centre        postcard         town          forests            sightseeing

                Dear Ben.

                I am writing to you from Elk, a beautiful (1)…… in Poland. My family and I decided to come here this summer, however it is raining while I am writing this (2)…… to you. Hopefully it will be hot again soon.

                There are beautiful lakes and (3)…… here, therefore I go for long walks every day or canoe down the river Elk. I am enjoying  that very much.

                Most afternoons we go (4)…… and then we have dinner at excellent restaurants in the (5)…… of the town. Last night I tried a local fish dish. It was a very interesting meal.

See you soon,


  • Writing

  1. Write a short email to your parents about your new English friend (50-60 words).


  • his/her name, age;
  • a description of his/her appearance (hair/eye colour, height, weight);
  • his/her favourite hobby, school subject and sports;
  • his sports star and film star.


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