Сказка на английском языке "Гадкий утенок"
материал по иностранному языку (1 класс) на тему

Сергеенко Наталья Викторовна

Курс УМК "Spotlight Starter" предполагает знакомство со сказкой "The ugly dukling". Данная сказка переработана для первоклассников. К сценарию сказки дана презентация с переводом для зрителей. 


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Сценарий сказки Х.К. Андерсена «Гадкий утенок»

(на англ.языке)

«The ugly duckling»

Scene 1.  Author:  It is summer. Mother duck has got six eggs.          

Mother duck:

- Look at my ducklings! Come and see! One, two, three…

- Oh! No! What’s an ugly duckling! Go ducklings! Go and play!

Scene 2.  Author:  They go to the hen. The hen sees the ugly duckling.

Duckling: - Hello! I’m a duckling. What are you?  

The hen:   - You’re so ugly! Go away!

Scene 3. Author:  The ugly duckling sees a cat.

Duckling: - Hello! I’m a duckling. What are you?  

Cat: - I’m a cat. I can play. Can you fly?

Duckling: - No! I can’t fly at all.

Cat: - You’re so ugly! Go away!

Scene 4. Author: The ugly duckling sees a rabbit.

Duckling: - Hello! I’m a duckling. What are you?

Rabbit: - I’m a rabbit. I can jump. Can you jump?

Duckling: - No! I can’t at jump all.

Rabbit: - You’re so ugly! Go away!

Scene 5. Author: The ugly duckling sees a mouse.

Duckling: - Hello! I’m a duckling. What are you?

Mouse: - I’m a mouse. I can climb. Can you climb?

Duckling: - No! I can’t climb at all.

Mouse: - You’re so ugly! Go away!

Scene 6. Author: The ugly duckling sees a dog.

Duckling: - Hello! I’m a duckling. What are you?

Dog: - I’m a dog. I can run. Can you run?

Duckling: - No! I can’t run at all.

Dog: - You’re so ugly! Go away!

Scene 7. Author: The ugly duckling is very sad.

Duckling: - The animals do not like me. I have to go away!

Scene 8. Author: The ugly duckling sees a house and a woman.

Woman: - You look so sad. You’re so funny. Come with me.

Scene 9. Author: But a cat and a hen are very bad.

Cat / hen: You’re so ugly! We do not like you. Go away, today!

Scene 10. Author: It was winter. Now, it is sunny. The ugly duckling sees the white birds.

Duckling: - Hello! I’m ugly. Please, be my friends!

Birds: - Hello, dear friend! You are not ugly! You’re so beautiful! Fly with us, our little brother!

Scene 11. Author: The ugly duckling looks in the water.

Duckling: - I‘m not ugly. I’m big, not small. I’m a swan. I can fly!

Scene 12. Author: The children see the swans in the sky.

Children: - Look! Look! It is a new swan! It’s so beautiful! Good bye, the ugly duckling!

Scene 13. Author:Now, the ugly duckling has got many friends. He is very happy.

(Все дети выходят на сцену на поклон)

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