Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку во 2,3 классах по теме "We visit the Great Kingdom"
план-конспект занятия по иностранному языку (2 класс) на тему
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку во 2,3 классах по теме "We visit the Great Kingdom"
Предварительный просмотр:
на тему: «We visit the Great Kingdom»
Учитель английского языка
Малафеева Ирина Андреевна
Симферополь – 2012
Theme: We visit the Great Kingdom
The aims of the lesson:
Educational: To develop pupils listening, speaking skills on the theme “We visit the great Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.
Practical: To practice pupils to work in group and to talk about Great Britain and to be active.
Cultural: To teach pupils to take interest in the theme of Great Britain and to enrich their knowledge about this country.
The type of the lesson: message new information, competition.
The method: communicative, interview, a trip to Great Britain
Other subject connection: geography
Visual aids: pictures, presentation, computer, projector, blackboards.
Teacher: Dear boys and girls, today we will go to a kingdom. People speak English in the kingdom.
Where do people speak English?
Ps: В Великобритании. In Great Britain, Canada, Australia.
T: We will go by red bus. (The wheels on the us)(звук ветра влетает мерри попинс).
MP: Is it school number six?
Ps: Yes, it is.
T: Who are you ?
MP: My name is Merry Poppins. I ‘m from London. I’m a nanny( baby-sitter). I speak English. Do you go to a kingdom? Let’s go together with my friends. Friends? Friends? It’s strange. Where are they? I don’t know where they are. Help me.
Look! Do you know them? (проговаривают имена героев)
MP: Winnie-the –Pooh and Piglet, Cheshire cat and Alice, Bambi and rabbit Thumper, Peter Pan and Captain Hook.
Postman:(вбегает почтальон). I have a secret letter (показывает письмо).
MP: читает письмо. They are in the kingdom. What kingdom is it? Children help me, please.
T: Children, maybe our poem can help?(дети рассказывают стих и переворачивают буквы, на них надпись Great Britain) "Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
MP: Thank you, children. They are in Great Britain. Great Britain is a big kingdom. There are four countries (хором): (слайд 4 страны): Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland. Where do my friends live?(слайд с вопросами картинка страны и вопрос)
T: Let’s help Merry Poppins. Do tasks and we’ll open the secret where they live. We have four tasks and four secrets. We have 2 teams: the 2nd b and the 2nd A. Here are our teams. (входят под музыку).Teams have captains. Teams have names and mottos. So, the first task is greeting. The prize is one secret.
Merry Poppins listen to our children and choose who open the secret.
So, the first team of the second A form, please, your name and motto. (дети называют девиз и название)
We are Bees "We are little funny bees, we are flying like this ZZZZZ"
T: Thank you, Bees. Take your seats. And now your turn 2nd B, please.
We are Bears “We are bears, we are fat, we are stamping like that”.
T: Thank you too, Bears. Now Merry Poppins, tell us which name and motto was the best.
MP: l like both teams.
T: Ok, both teams open the secret. Bears and Bees you get the bus. Look at the screen. (отрывок мультика)(на картинке Шотландия и пятачок. Выходит Piglet
Piglet: Hello! My name is Piglet. I live in Scotland. I speak English. I have a friend. He likes honey (слайд). What is his name?
Children (teams): Winnie- the Pooh. (выходит Винни пух)
Winnie-the- Pooh: Hello! I’m Winnie-the – Pooh. I’m from Scotland. I have many friends. I like honey, but bees don’t like me.
T: Thank you, Friends. Be our guests.
M P: Come here my dear friends, I’m very glad to see you.
T: The next task for team is to name the time. Look at the screen. What is this?
Children: It is a clock.
T: Big Ben – big clock. How do we ask about the time? What is the time, please? Look at the screen.
Teams: It is two o’clock.
T: You have a task. Teams, answer two questions. Winnie –the- Pooh, ask our teams about the time. If the team doesn’t know the answer, another team can answer. Here is the picture for the first team.
Winnie-the Pooh: What is the time, please?
(What is the time, please? – Children: It is six o’clock. Children: It is one o’clock) Children: It is 11 o’clock. Children: It is 12 o’clock)
T: Pupils, let’s help Bears and bees to open the secret. (с остальными детьми). Winnie-the- Pooh, ask, please, our children about the time. Ask a question for each class 2a and 2b.
Winnie-the Pooh: What is the time, please?
(What is the time, please? – Children: It is 5 o’clock.
What is the time, please? – Children: It is 8 o’clock)
T: Good boys and girls, you helped our teams to open a secret.
Merry Poppins: Whose answers were better?
T: Bears ( bees ) open the secret. You get a bus.
Rabbit: Hello! I’m Rabbit Thumper. I live in Scotland too. This is our flag(слайд). I speak English. I like to hop and eat carrot. I have a friend. What is his name? (слайд Scotland бэмби)
Children: Bambi. (выходит Бэмби).
Bamby: I’m Bamby. I live in Scotland too. I speak English too. I like to jump and to eat grass. And this is our symbol – a ( слайд Шотландия _ Бэмби –флаг-символ) – a thistle. Показывают на одежде чертополох))
T: Bamby and Thumper, go to Merry Poppins. She is waiting for you. (уходят под музыку Англия).
T: Thank you, Friends. Be our guests.
M P: Come here my dear friends, I’m very glad to see you.
T: Look at the screen we found four friends (на экране Шотландия – и 4 героя). Let’s go!
T: The next task is to draw the face, but we’ll close your eyes. (Бэмби и кролик завязывают глаза детям платком, висят два плаката на доске с двух сторон)
Draw: head, hair, nose, big ears, little mouth, big eyes.
Проверяем и открываем секрет. Смотрим отрывок мультика. на картинке кот и надпись Англия – выходит Cheshire cat под музыку и музыка тише).
Cheshire cat: Hello! I’m Cheshire cat.
Merry poppins: Да? вы и правда чеширский кот?
Cheshire cat: Yes! I’m Cheshire cat. (чеширский кот слайд- кот Англия надпись). I’m always happy. I live in England. (Англия). I have a good friend. Who is it?
Children: Alice
Alice: Hello! I’m Alice. I like to read books. I live in England. I speak English too. I have many friends too.
T: Thank you, Friends. Be our guests.
M P: Come here my dear friends.
T: We have one more task. Look at the screen and listen about an animal. Is it a right variant or wrong? If it is wrong stamp your feet and say right, if it is right variant- clap your hands. Marry Poppins help me and say what team is the first and what teams name more mistakes. (слайд обезьяна) It is a panda. It is red and yellow. It has two legs. It has a long nose. It has a short tail.
T: (итог). + MP(слайд жираф) It is a giraffe. It is blue and brown. It has six legs. It has a short neck. It has a short tail.
T: (итог). + MP. And now you, team! Show children from your class an animal and they should guess what animal it is. You don’t speak. Children, ask: Is it a lion? Is it a monkey? A team has 1 animal. (под музыку по одному животному каждой команде)
T: подводим итоги. Who opens a secret?
T: Bears, Bees you get the bus and open a secret. (мультик на картинке Питер Пен и Англия - флаг).
Peter Pan: I’m Peter Pan. I live in England. I speak English. This is our flag. I help people. I have a friend. Who is he?
Children: pirate. (под музыку выходит Капитан Крюк)
Captain Hook: I’m Captain Hook. I live in England. I speak English. This our symbol – a red rose (показали на одежде). I am a pirate. I have a big ship. And I have a flag too.(пиратский флаг и ушел под музыку).
T: Thank you Peter Pan and Captain Hook.
Merry Poppins: Oh, my dear friends, come here. I’m very glad to see you.
Teacher: Now children we helped Merry Poppins to meet her friends. We opened all secrets and knew where they lived. Let’s name her friends.
Children: Winnie-the –Pooh and Piglet, Cheshire cat and Alice.
T: Where do they live(на слайд страна)?
Children: They live in Scotland.
T: And who are they?
Children: Bambi and rabbit Thumper, Peter Pan and Captain Hook.
T:Where do they live (на слайд страна)?
Children: They live in England.
T: Yes, that’s right. Thank you our friends. You are very brave and clever. You work together. Let’s count your buses, Bears and Bees. How many buses?
T: Bears (Bees) opened more secrets. They won today. Get the Diploma. Let’s say thank you our friends. Do you like them? Let’s say good bye them and Merry Poppins and sing her a song. “Twist”
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