Сценарий сказки "12 месяцев" для 4 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.
план-конспект занятия по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему
Театр близок и понятен детям. И причина этой близости - игра. Дети с огромным удовольствием играют в театральных постановках (сказках, инсценировках и др.).После участия ребенка в сказках, сюжетно-ролевых играх, инсценировках усиливается интерес к английскому языку. В процессе подготовки дети запоминают все роли: и свои, и чужие; стараются помочь друг другу.
Театральная деятельность повышает развитие речевых навыков и умений. Появляется возможность совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки; отрабатывать и использовать речевые клише и фразы; учиться умению аудировать и слушать других детей.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Зимняя поляна в лесу. На ней сидит ворон. Выбегает волк.
Wolf. Ou-u-u! There is nobody in the forest. Where are the hares? Where are the squirrels? I shall eat everybody!
Raven. Cr…cr…cr… Lie! You cannot eat everybody.
Wolf. I am hungry.
Raven. Go away! I see a Soldier. He is coming here.
Волк убегает. На поляне появляется заяц и две белки.
Hare. It is cold today. It is terribly cold! Squirrels! Let’s play tag.
First Squirrel. Let’s play, Hare. Who begins?
Second Squirrel. Let’s count!
First Squirrel. Let me count!
One, two, three, four.
Let us play a little more.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Don’t be slow! You must catch.
Белки разбегаются.
Hare. It’s dishonest! I don’t want to play with you. (убегает)
На поляну с противоположных сторон выходят солдат и падчерица.
Soldier. Hello, girl! What are you doing here?
Stepdaughter. My Stepmother ordered me to bring firewood. And what are you doing here?
Soldier. I am looking for a nice fir-tree for our Queen. Tomorrow there will be many guests in our palace. Our Queen is a girl. She likes New Year’s parties. But she hasn’t got a mother. She hasn’t got a father.
Stepdaughter. I haven‘t got a mother too.
Soldier. What a pity! Poor girl! Let me help you with your
Stepdaughter. Thank you for your kind words! Oh! I know where a
wonderful fir-tree is. I can show it.
Soldier. OK! Come on!
(Занавес закрывается)
Перед занавесом выходят Декабрь и Январь.
December. Well, brother January! Take over household duties. Look!
There is a lot of snow in the forest, ground has a blanket of snow,
ice covered lakes and rivers.
January. Thank you, brother December. Your work is good! But what are
birds and animals doing now?
December. Some animals are sleeping now. Birds are in the hot countries.
Hares and squirrels, wolves and foxes have got warm winter
January. Well, let’s go and see.
Комната в королевском дворце. В комнате доска, парта, учительский стол. За партой королева, перед ней учитель.
Queen. I don't like writing. My hands are dirty!
Teacher. However, Your Majesty, may I ask you to write down four
lines only?
Queen. All right! Dictate!
Teacher.The grass is green.
The sun is bright.
The swallow is singing
And flying to us.
Queen. I shall write "the grass is green" only. "The gra-a-ass is..."
Входит министр
Chancellor. Good morning, Your Majesty! May I ask you to put Your
signature? To four edicts only.
Queen. Write! Well! But then I shall not write "green"! Give me your
papers! (подписывaem.)
Chancellor. Thank you very much, Your Majesty! (Министр уходит)
Queen. I am tired. Tell me something.
Teacher. What?
Queen. I don't know. Something about New Year.
Teacher.Well. There are twelve months in the year.
Queen. Really?
Teacher. It is true! They are January, February, March, April, May,
June, July, August, September, October, November,
Queen. You have got a brilliant memory!
Teacher. Thank you, Your Majesty. Months come one by one. February
never comes before January, and September never comes before
Queen. But I want April before January!
Teacher. It is impossible! Besides, each month is good. We can skate
and sledge in December, January and February. There is the first
dripping of melted snow in March. And we can see the first flowers
— snowdrops in April.
Queen. OK. I want April now. I like snowdrops very much. I have never
seen them.
Teacher. April will come soon. You have to wait only three months or 90
Queen. 90 days! But I can't wait! Tomorrow we shall have a New Year's
party. I want to have snowdrops for this party!
Teacher. Your Majesty! You can't break the law of Nature!
Queen. Well! There will be a new law of Nature! Teacher! Sit
down at my desk and write! I'll dictate to you! (Учитель берет
свиток бумаги и пишет под диктовку королевы)
"The grass is green.
The sun is bright.
There are a lot of flowers in our forest. Bring a basket of snowdrops to our
palace for the New Year's party! And a full basket of gold is awaiting you!
(поворачиваясь к двери, кричит) " Chancellor! [‘tʃӕnsələ]
Входит министр, несет печать. Королева ставит печать и отдает приказ министру.
Set my seal and proclaim my order!
Chancellor.(глядя в приказ) But Your Majesty!
Queen. This is my order!
На сцену перед занавесом выходят глашатаи.
First Herald. Attention!
Second Herald. Attention!
First Herald. The grass is green.
Second Herald. The sun is bright.
First Herald. And there are a lot of flowers in our forest.
Second Herald. He who will bring a basket full of snowdrops...
First Herald. Will get a basket full of gold!
Second Herald. Bring a basket of snowdrops to the Queen's palace for the New Year's party!
First Herald. A basket full of gold is awaiting you!
Деревенский дом. Мачеха накрывает на стол для ужина. Ее дочь сидит у камина и перебирает корзинки
Daughter. Mummy! Is this basket big?
Mother. Yes, it is. (берет другую корзину, потом третью) And this basket is bigger. And this is the biggest one. We can buy many different things. We'll have enough money to buy a stone house, a horse, a sheep and a pig. You will eat on gold, sleep on gold and wear gold.
Daughter. OK. I'll take this basket. I want to find snowdrops for our Queen! I want to have gold! (направляется к двери)
Mother. (удерживая ее) No, you don't go to the forest. It is very cold now.
Daughter. I want to go and I'll go!
Mother. You will freeze to death!
Daughter. Well, then go to the forest yourself. (отдает корзину матери)
Mother. What?! You don't love me!
Daughter. I do love you, but I love gold more than you. (плачет) If you don't want to go to the forest, let my sister go there!
Mother. OK. We'll give her the biggest basket we have.
Входит падчерица.
Mother. Is it snowing?
Stepdaughter. Yes, it is. It is terribly cold. I am frozen!
Mother. It is winter. It is always cold in winter. But you must go to the forest again.
Stepdaughter. Why?!
M o t h e r. Go to the forest and pick some snowdrops.
Stepdaughter. Are you joking?
Daughter. No, I am not. This is the Queen’s order! You'll bring snowdrops and we'll get the biggest basket of gold. (Отдает корзину падчерице) Take a basket and go away and don't come back without snowdrops.
(Перед занавесом выходит падчерица)
Заснеженный лес. В глубине сцены – поляна; на поляне горит костер. Падчерица подходит к лесу, кутаясь в рваный платок.
Stepdaughter. It is so dark here. I cannot see my hands before my face. (Оглядывается. Занавес открывается) Oh! I see a light.
(Около костра стоят двенадцать месяцев.)
December. Who are you? What brought you here?
Stepdaughter. I have to pick a full basket of snowdrops.
Все переглядываются и смеются.
January. Snowdrops in January? Is it a joke, girl?
Stepdaughter. My stepmother sent me here for snowdrops and I can’t return without them.
February. What are you going to do?
Stepdaughter. I shall stay in the forest and wait till the month of April comes. I would rather freeze here than return without snowdrops. (Садится и плачет)
Месяцы шепчутся
April. Brother January! Let me take your place for a single hour.
January. OK. But April cannot come before the months of February and March.
February. I don't mind. We all know this girl. We meet her in the forest in every season.
July. And we, summer months, know her, too. She is a good girl.
September. Autumn months like her for her kind heart.
March. We must help her.
January. So be it! (Стучит три раза посохом)
January yields his place. Now, it is your turn, brother February.
(Передает посох февралю)
February. (Тоже стучит три раза посохом)
Now it is up to you, brother March. (Передает посох Марту)
March. (Тоже стучит три раза посохом)
Now it is up to you, brother April (Передает nocox.)
April. (Тоже стучит три раза посохом)
Birds, return and sing your songs,
Disperse the forest gloom.
Bears and squirrels, come along,
Tender snowdrops, bloom.
(Обращается к девочке) Dear girl, take your basket with snowdrops.
Падчерица подходит к месяцам.
Stepdaughter. Thank you very much!
April. Not at all! We've decided to give you our ring. If you want to see us, you'll have to throw our ring and say:
Roll, roll the ring
To the steps of spring,
To the summer porch,[pɔ:tʃ]
To the autumn cottage,
With winter shine
To the New Year's fire!
Stepdaughter. Thank you! Good-bye! Good-bye, brothers months.
All months. Good-bye, girl.
(Девочка уходит. Посох вновь переходит из рук в руки.)
May. Spring is coming, spring is coming.
All around is fair.
Shimmer, quiver on the river,
Joy is everywhere.
June. The summer sun shines hot and high.
Baby birds now learn to fly.
Green, green leaves and tasty fruit,
All things are so good!
July. Come, to the woods
On a sunny day,
Come to the woods
On a day so gay.
Look at the grass,
At the busy bees,
Look at the birds
In the green, green trees.
August. When trees are green and forests are green.
And grass is green and long,
It's good to walk in the forest
And listen to birds' song.
September. "Come little leaves,"
Says the wind one day.
"Come over the meadows
With me to play.
Put on your dresses
Of red and gold.
For summer is gone
And the days are cold."
October. Put on your jackets and jeans for fall,
Now it's cold to play at all!
Leaves turn orange, red and brown,
And they all are falling down.
November. Yellow, red, and green and brown,
See, the little leaves come down.
Dancing, dancing in the breeze,
Falling, falling from the trees.
December. OK. Winter is here.
Зал королевского дворца. Посреди зала – пышно разукрашенная елка. В зале много знатных гостей. Они ожидают выхода королевы. Звучит музыка. На сцену выходит королева. Придворные (среди них министр, учитель, прокурор, начальник королевской стражи) и гости наперебой пытаются поздравить ее с Новым годом.
All together. Happy New Year, Your Majesty! Happy New Year! New happiness to you!
Queen. My happiness is new every day, however, it isn't New Year today.
All together (удивляются). Why?
Chancellor. But, Your Majesty, it is New Year today!
Queen. You are wrong! Teacher, how many days are there in a month? Teacher. 31.
Queen. Well! Today is the 32nd of December.
Lady. It is a nice New Year's joke, Your Majesty.
Все смеются.
Queen. (топает ножкой) But I am not joking.
Все перестают смеяться.
It will be the 33d of December tomorrow, then the 34th of December and so on.
Teacher. (хватаясь за голову)It is impossible!
Queen. You again?!
Teacher. Yes, Your Majesty! Again and again! You can execute me but the 32nd of December is nonsense! There are only 31 days in December! Science has proved it and Science is more important to me than my head.
Teacher. Just as you like, Your Majesty, but you will not get the snowdrops.
Queen. Let's wait!
Chancellor. Your Majesty, let me introduce the Ambassador of the Western country and the Ambassador [ӕm’bӕsədə] of the Eastern country to you.
Послы входят и кланяются.
Ambassador of the Western country. Your Majesty, my king charged me to wish you a Happy New Year.
Ambassador of the Eastern country. Your Majesty, my king ordered me to wish you...
Queen. What?
Ambassador of the Eastern country. We wish you luck and health.
Queen. Well! Where are the flowers? Do all people know my order?
Officer. Two women brought snowdrops for you, Your Majesty!
Queen. Call them! Be quick!
Входят мать и дочь.
Queen. Are these flowers snowdrops?
Mother. Yes, of course, Your Majesty. They are from the forest. We found them under the snow.
Queen. (берет корзину с цветами и высоко поднимает ее) Well! New Year has come! You may congratulate me!
All together. Happy New Year, Your Majesty!
Queen. Let's dance!
Все танцуют.
Mother. Your Majesty, Happy New Year!
Queen. Yes.
Mother. Yes, our basket is empty.
Queen. Oh! Chancellor! Fill the basket with gold! So, tell us where you picked the flowers?
Mother (дочери). You tell.
Daughter. No, you tell.
Mother. When we heard about your order, we went to the forest. It was dark and very cold in the forest. My daughter is frozen, and me too.
M o t h e r. We walked and walked and came to that place. There were many high trees around a small lake. And there were a lot of snowdrops on the banks of that lake.
Queen. Snowdrops? Give me my fur coat. We'll go to the forest too.
Lady. It is a good idea!
Ambassadors of the Western and Eastern countries. OK. We are ready!
Mother and daughter (падают на колени). Don’t go to the forest We didn't pick these flowers. My stepdaughter did it.
Queen. Where is your stepdaughter?
Mother. (выбегает из зала и возвращается с падчерицей)Your Majesty, this is my stepdaughter. (толкает ее в сторону королевы)
Queen. Come here, dear. I see you are a nice girl. But you are frozen! Give her a fur coat! (офицер подносит шубку)
Stepdaughter. Thank you, Your Majesty.
Queen. I can give you a basket of gold, a lot of dresses. What do you want?
Stepdaughter. Thank you, Your Majesty. I don't want anything from you. (падчерица подносит руку к груди, и королева замечает на ее руке колечко)
Queen. A beautiful ring! Show me you ring, please. (падчерица снимает с руки колечко и отдает королеве, та его разглядывает) Where did you get it? Who gave it to you?
Stepdaughter. I shall not tell you.
Queen. Oh! Well! Then show us where the snowdrops are and I'll give you your ring.
Stepdaughter. I cannot do it!
Queen. Tell me!
Stepdaughter. Never!
Queen. No! (Поворачивается к падчерице) I am asking you for the last time: where are the snowdrops? Will you show them to me?
Stepdaughter. No, I shall not!
Queen. OK. Then say "Good-bye" to your ring! (бросает кольцо)
Stepdaughter. No!
Roll, roll the ring
To the steps of spring,
To the summer porch,
To the autumn cottage,
With winter shine
To the New Year's fire!
Queen. What is she saying?
Ветер, метель, танец снежинок, в вихре танца снежинки уносят падчерицу. Ветер кружит королеву, придворных послов.
Queen. Help me!
Lady. Catch me!
Mother. Daughter! Where are you?
Daughter. I don't know!
Teacher. Let's go home!
Ambassador of the Western country. Where are our horses?
Ambassador of the Eastern country. Coachman! Coachman!
Ветер сбивает всех с ног.
Teacher. Nonsense! We are in the winter forest. It’s too cold here.
Queen. Oh! It’s very cold! Let's go to the palace! Look! It is snowing!
I am frozen! I want to be at home!
Officer. Listen! Somebody is coming here!
Появляется Январь.
January. What are you doing here?
Queen. We want some snowdrops.
January. There are no snowdrops in winter.
Teacher. It is true.
Queen. I know it, but please, help us! I'll reward you.
January. I need nothing. I can reward you! What New Year's presents do you want?
Queen. I want to go home.
Teacher. I want all months to come one by one.
Soldier. I want to warm myself near the fire.
Daughter. My mother and I want fur coats.
January. Take them! (набрасывает на дочь и на мать шубы)
Mother. What fool! What do you need a dog coat for!
Мать и дочь начинают драться и с криком убегают.
Queen. (обращается к Декабрю) May we warm ourselves, please? We are frozen.
December. Yes, you may. Come here, sing our song with us and then you may go home. Our song is a fairy-song. If you sing it, your hearts will be kind and your souls will be kind too.
All together. OK. (Поют песню "The Bells of Christmas".)
Teach e r
Ambassador of the Western country
Ambassador of the Eastern country
First Squirrel
Second Squirrel
First Herald
Second Herald
Twelve Months
Snowflakes , Ladies.
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