тест (иностранный язык, 3 класс) по теме
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test 1
Variant 1
1. Write the plural forms: 4. Make up the phrases:
a box- a dog- 1. Mona, puppy
a plane- a glass- 2.my friend, ruler
a puppy- a rubber- 3. hat, Sam
2. Complete the sentences with am, is, are, isn't, aren't:
1.I...from Canada.
2.He...from Russia, he...from Germany.
3.My friends...teachers, they...students.
4....his schoolbag blue?
3. Ask and answer:
They are brothers.(No)-Are they brothers?-No, they aren't.
1.He is happy.(Yes)
2.We are ten. (No)
3.The dogs are white. (Yes)
4. Her grandma is kind. (Yes)
Test 1
Variant 2
1. Write the plural forms: 4. Make up the phrases:
a fox- a rubber- 1. Lee, umbrella
a kite- a class- 2. his sister, house
a fly- a chair- 3. computer, boy
2. Complete the sentences with am, is, are, isn't, aren't:
1.I... eight.
2.He...a postman, he...a milkman.
3.My sisters...from Moscow, they...from Ufa.
4....her pencil case purple?
3. Ask and answer:
They are brothers.(No)-Are they brothers?-No, they aren't.
1.She is young.(Yes)
2.They are in the kitchen. (No)
3.The pens are blue. (Yes)
4.Sam is clever. (Yes)
Test 1
Variant 1
1.Write the plural form:
1.a potato- 5.a scarf-
2.a box- 6.a table-
3.a jumper- 7.a sea horse-
4.a puppy- 8.a story-
2.Complete the sentences with a,an,the:
1. There is...apple. ...apple is tasty.
- Is mum in … kitchen?
- Mike is … student.
- I've got … hundred books.
3.Make up questions and disagree:
- Denis is washing the car now. ( Who,Gen,What, - )
- They are going to the post office. ( Gen,Where, - )
4.Write about your day.( 6-7 sentences )
Test 1
Variant 2
1. Write the plural form:
1.a dress- 5.a knife-
2.a tomato- 6.a game-
3.a baby- 7.a lady-
4.a shop- 8. a clock-
2.Complete the sentences with a, an, the :
- He's got...jumper. ...jumper is new.
- Harry is mopping the floor in...kitchen.
- Are you...taxi driver?
- There are ...thousand people in the supermarket.
3.Ask questions and disagree:
1.Alvin is watering the flowers in the garden.(Who,Gen,Where)
2.We are buying fruit now.(Gen,What)
- Write about your day.( 6-7 sentences )
Test 2 (4th form)
Variant 1
1.Fill in the right preposition:
...the morning ...noon
...5 o'clock ...the afternoon
...Friday ...night
...half past six ...Sunday
1.A horse can run…(fast) than a snail.
2.The giraffe’s neck is …(long) than the rabbit’s.
3.An elephant is …the(big) of all.
4.Who is …the(good) pupil in your class?
3.Write the sentences using Present Simple and Present Continuous:
1.Emma (mop) the floor.
2.Children (read) books.
3.The cat (drink) milk.
4.Ask questions:
Mechanics fix cars every day. (Gen, Who, What, When, or, tag, -)
Test 2( 4th form )
Variant 2
1.Fill in the right preposition:
...the evening ...night
...8 o'clock ...the morning
...Monday ...noon
...quarter past nine ...Tuesday
1.A mouse is…(small) than a monkey.
2.The cat’s tail is …(long) than the hare’s.
3.A hippo is…the(fat) of all.
4.Who has got…the(many)presents?
3.Write the sentences using Present Simple and Present Continuous:
1.My parents (watch) TV.
2.Lee(write)a test.
3.Alvin (have) lunch.
4.Ask questions:
Butchers sell meat in the shop. (Gen, Who, Where, What, or, tag,-)
Test 2 (3rd form)
Variant 1
1 .Напишите соответствующие местоимения:
your sister his dog
my sister and I my friends
your toys Emma and Lee
Sam her dad
2. Вставьте пропущенные слова - can, have, has, is, am, are:
1.My dog... got five puppies.
2.Ann...nine years old.
3...they got a bike?
4.Children...from Africa.
5.Kate...draw and swim.
6.I...a postman.
3. Задайте общие вопросы и не согласитесь:
1.Mona is a student.
2.Alvin has got a nice house.
3.You can dance.
4.They are teachers.
5.Boys have got new cars.
Test 2 (3rd form)
1 .Напишите соответствующие местоимения:
your brother his kitten
my friend and I my sisters
your planes Mona and Erlina
John her mum
2. Вставьте пропущенные слова - can, have, has, is, am, are:
1.My puppy... got a long tail.
2 .Mike...seven years old.
3...you got a computer?
5.Pam...sing and skate.
6.I...a milkman.
3. Задайте общие вопросы и не согласитесь:
1.Tony is his friend.
2.Emma has got a new bag.
3.We can ride a horse.
4.They are from Germany.
5.Children have got books.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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