Английский Петербург - юные экскурсоводы
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме
Из источников информации – книг и Интернет-ресурсов - получить информацию:
1. о первых англичанах и английских местах в Санкт-Петербурге;
2. об известных во всем мире английских садоводах, архитекторах и художниках, творивших в нашем городе;
3. о вкладе англичан в развитие науки и техники;
4. о привычных словах, заимствованных из английского языка;
5. об английских видах спорта, популярных в нашем городе;
6. о любопытных фактах и легендах, связанных с англичанами и Санкт-Петербургом
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Young tour guides
Further our excursion will be held by our young tour guides. They will lead us to the places historically connected with the English architects, landscape gardeners, bridge builders.
- English businessman F. Gardner founded the English club, Lots of Russian aristocrats were its members. Besides the club was famous for its excellent English cuisine. The cooks of the club were considered to be the best in Russia. The English club stopped its existence in 1917. But in 1998 it was reopened.
- Not far from the English embankment between the Moika and the Fontanka there is the beginning of the English prospect of Petersburg which appeared in XVIII century and since 1771 it was called Aglinsky prospect. The English prospect was mainly built up in XIX-XX centuries.
- You can also see English influence on the creation of landscape of English parks. In 1771 Catherine II invited to Russia the English gardener, John Bush. He arranged the English garden in Gatchina and a landscape part of Ekaterinisky park in Tsarskoje Selo.
- . In August, 1781 the English gardener, James Medersom, and an architect Dzhakomo Kvarengi created the English park which became the first landscape park in Peterhof
From the middle of XVIII century and for most of the XIX century the English embankment was the soul of the St. Petersburg’s aristocracy and was the centre of all kinds of celebrations, here boiled secular life of the capital. In mansions on the promenade des Anglais the most famous in the capital balls took place, and held literary and musical evening.
Petersburg was built by Peter the great as the international European centre. British culture impact on all aspects of the life of St. Petersburg - on medicine, education, architecture, and even the names of the streets.
1. The first British arrived in our city in 1704. In St. Petersburg there is the English embankment and English prospect,
2. Our town has kept the creation of the English garden craftsmen, architects and artists.
3. Construction of the first metal bridges and the first shipping company, the production of steam engines, hoisting cranes, metal-working machine tools - all these achievements became possible thanks to the activities of the British Industrialists.
4. The English words has entered in our everyday lives - sport, club, Park, standard etc.
5. Sports fans are proud of the achievements of our athletes in such sports as football, tennis, Boxing is the sport, with which introduced us English.

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