Методическая разработка урока по теме "Праздники.День рождения"
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок по теме «Праздники. День Рождения»
Цель: Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме «День Рождения».
Задачи: - Активизация лексического материала в речи . Развитие навыков чтения, монологической и диалогической речи. Развитие внимания, памяти, умения выполнять коллективные коммуникативные задания. Способствовать развитию умения сопоставлять факты, развивать творческие навыки, создать условия для развития навыков общения и совместной деятельности.
Оборудование: магнитофон, картинки,6 листов бумаги, плюшевый мишка, книга, клей, торт, свеча, клеящиеся листочки.
План урока:
1. Организационный момент.
2. Please guess the riddle:
It is round. It has a tail. It can fly. I have it in my bag. (a balloon)
What’s this? (It’s a cake)
What’s this? (It’s a candle)
Today we are going to talk about…. What about?
The theme of our lesson is a Birthday.
We are going to visit our friend. She has got her birthday.
Guess: Who is she? ( ответы на вопросы) Who has a birthday? When is her birthday?
Чтение пригласительных билетов (You have pink invitation cards on your desks. Read them and answer the questions
Marry has a birthday today. But we haven’t got a present for her.
But I can help you .(показываю картинки )
What present would you like for your birthday? I’ve got a magic wand. 1,2,3… Here is Marry.
Let’s ask Marry what she would like for her birthday. (Would you like a bike?
Marry I would like something fluffy.
Marry (садится за стол и придумывает меню, чем она будет кормить…)
Today we are going to the party… Let’s remember.
What can people do before the party.
At the party.
After party.
How you sing song…
You eat cake
You eat lollipop
You drink
You play leap-frog
Теперь нам надо узнать, что будет дарить каждая команда
3. ( Работа в группах).
We can see green envelopes on your desks. Open them…. These are letters for each group. You must read the text and fill in the right words. Complete the sentences.
Next task: Each group makes something for Marry.
The first group makes a birthday card.
The second group chooses the present for Marry.
The third group chooses the game.
OK Let’s go to Marry’s party.
Let’s sing song…
- Let’s play the game… what game would you like to play?
So, our party is over. And I would like to give you …. Goody bags.
I have a big present. If you like our party, you would like to have such party at home. Put your hart on this present!
Конспект урока:
Урок по теме «Праздники. День Рождения»
Цель: Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме «День Рождения».
Задачи: - Активизация лексического материала в речи . Развитие навыков чтения, монологической и диалогической речи. Развитие внимания, памяти, умения выполнять коллективные коммуникативные задания. Способствовать развитию умения сопоставлять факты, развивать творческие навыки, создать условия для развития навыков общения и совместной деятельности.
Оборудование: магнитофон, картинки,6 листов бумаги, плюшевый мишка, книга, клей, торт, свеча, клеящиеся листочки.
Ход урока:
1.-Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. How are you? What date is it today? What’s the weather like today?
Today we have guests. Look at them and don’t worry. Work as you usually work at our English lesson. Let’s begin our lesson.
2. Today I’m magician and I have a magic wand. Please? Guess the riddle:
It is round. It has a tail. It can fly. I have it in my bag. (a balloon)
What’s this? (It’s a cake)
What’s this? (It’s a candle)
Look: a balloon, a candle, a cake, presents…… Today we are going to talk about….. what about? - (birthday? About the birthday party, about presents for the birthday)
The theme of our lesson is a Birthday.
Now, We are going to visit our friend. She has got her birthday.
Guess: Who is she? ( ответы на вопросы) Who has a birthday? When is her birthday?
Чтение пригласительных билетов (You have pink invitation cards on your desks. Read them and answer the questions).
Invitation card: Dear Friends! Please come to my birthday party on the 23rd of March at 12 o’clock.
Love. Marry
Marry has a birthday today. But we haven’t got a present for her.
I can help you I have got many pictures. What are these?.(показываю картинки )
What present would you like for your birthday? O.K. I’ve got a magic wand. 1,2,3… Here is Marry. Ashe has birthday today.
Let’s ask Marry what she would like for her birthday. (Would you like a bike? Etc.)
Marry I would like something fluffy.
O.K Marry. Take the menu and choose food and drinks for your birthday.
Marry (садится за стол и придумывает меню, чем она будет кормить…)
Today we are going to the party… Let’s remember.
What can people do before the party. ( buy presents, write cards)
What do we do at the party?( sing songs, dance to the music, drink, eat, play games, etc.)
Show me : How you sing song…
How You eat cake
How You eat lollipop
How You drink
How You play leap-frog
Теперь нам надо узнать, что будет дарить каждая команда
3. ( Работа в группах).
We can see green envelopes on your desks. Open them…. These are letters for each group. You must read the text and fill in the right words. Complete the sentences.
Text : I go to the shop. At the shop I buy presents for Marry, a birthday card and go to Marry’s birthday party. She likes different presents: toys, computer games, flowers, a fluffy kitten. At the party we drink juice, eat sweets and play different games.
- What words do you fill in? (presents, birthday card, games)
4. Next task for you. Each group makes something for Marry.
The first group makes a birthday card.
The second group chooses the present for Marry.
The third group chooses the game.
5. OK Let’s go to Mary’s party. (диалог между гостями и именинницей)
-Hello, Marry!
- Hi!
- Happy birthday to you!
- Oh, thanks a lot.
-This is a present for you!
-It’s the birthday card for you!
Let’s sing song… (все поют песню)
-Oh, I’m happy. Thank you, thank you, my dear friends.
- Oh, It’s my present… A fluffy bear! Great! Hooray!!!
I have a lot of tasty things for you….
- Let’s play the game… what game would you like to play?
So, our party is over. And I would like to give you …. Goody bags.
I have a big present. If you like our party, you would like to have such party at home. Put your hart on this present!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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