Мероприятие по английскому языку "Мир Уолта Диснея"
план-конспект урока иностранного языка (4 класс) на тему
Тема: “Hobbies. Cartoons. WaltDisneyWorld” Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В. “EnglishIV”
Цели: - обобщить и систематизировать знания по теме «Творчество Уолта Диснея», проконтролировать навыки лексико-грамматического оформления высказывания, стимулировать детский интерес к дальнейшему изучению предложенного материала;
- развивать оперативную память, навыки поискового чтения, стимулировать творческий поиск детей;
-воспитывать стремление к активному культурному отдыху детей, знакомить их с классическими произведениями мультипликации.
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Технологическая карта урока обобщения и систематизации ЗУН по теме.
Тема: “Hobbies. Cartoons. Walt Disney World” Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В. “English IV”
Цели: - обобщить и систематизировать знания по теме «Творчество Уолта Диснея», проконтролировать навыки лексико-грамматического оформления высказывания, стимулировать детский интерес к дальнейшему изучению предложенного материала;
- развивать оперативную память, навыки поискового чтения, стимулировать творческий поиск детей;
- воспитывать стремление к активному культурному отдыху детей, знакомить их с классическими произведениями мультипликации.
№ | Этапы урока | Инструкции учителя | Содержание учебного материала | Формы и методы обучения | Средства обучения | t | Обратная связь |
1. | Организационный этап: сообщение темы, цели, задач урока | Stand up. Get ready for the lesson. Good morning, children. Sit down please. Today at the lesson we will speak about cartoons. Cartoons are animated stories. You can watch them on TV. As for me, I like watching cartoons very much. I watch both Russian English cartoons. | Do you watch cartoons? Do you like watching cartoons in your free time? What cartoons do you like to watch? What is your favourite cartoon? What is your favourite cartoon character? | фронтальная: ответы на вопросы учителя | голос учителя | 1 | ответы на вопросы учителя |
2. | Этап ознакомления | We will speak about foreign cartoons. So we will speak about cartoons made in America. Many of them are famous all over the world. | Who is one of the most famous cartoon makers all over the world? | фронтальная: аудирование речи учителя | голос учителя, картинки | 1 | контроль понимания темы и целей урока |
3. | Этап тренировки: первичное применение приобретенных знаний | Now let’s read about Walt Disney and his studio. We will get some information about his biography and creative work. Get ready to answer my questions. Now, please, tell me about Walt Disney. Let’s watch a short episode from a cartoon of that time. Guess its title. Now let’s try and sing the song. Now let’s speak about the characters of Walt Disney cartoons. So you see that in time Disney cartoons became more and more colourful, bright and interesting. But Walt Disney wanted to create a fairy land not only in the screen. | ex.16, p. 290 “Walt Disney World” Jenya, what do you know about Walt Disney? Natasha, what do you know about his life? Alesha, what do you know about his characters at that time? “The Three Little Pigs” the song “Who’s afraid of the BIG BAD WOLF” Nikita, whom did Disney want to make the main character of his cartoons? What do you know about Mickey Mouse? Artem, what do you know about other characters? Are they bright? Are they funny or boring? Iriny, what do you know about a special place in California? Dasha, what can you do in Disneyland? | фронтальная: чтение по цепочке фронтальная: развернутые ответы на вопросы учителя фронтальная: хоровое пение, частичная инсценировка фронтальная: работа с текстом, аудирование коротких сообщений друг друга | учебник голос учителя, текст видеокассета “Sing Along Songs” учебник, текст, речь друг друга | 3 4 2 3 4 | контроль навыков чтения контроль понимания текста контроль артикуляции слов песни ответы на вопросы учителя контроль навыков поискового чтения |
4. | Этап речевой практики совершенствование навыков составления монологического высказывания | There are a lot of cartoons created by Walt Disney. Many of them are based on famous fairy-tales. Let’s watch an episode from the early years. I’m sure you will guess the name of this cartoon easily. Look at the line at the bottom of the screen and try to sing this song. I will tell you one secret. The first English book my mother read in the original was “Alice in Wonderland”. Let’s watch it. You know that many of the stories didn’t have a happy end. So Walt Disney decided to change their plot. One of such cartoons is “The Little Mermaid”. Let’s watch the end of this cartoon. One of the most remarkable cartoons by Walt Disney is “The Lion King”. I’m sure all of you have watched it. Even now after Walt Disney died there is a studio named after him “Walt Disney Pictures” and it continue creating popular cartoons and films. | Do you know such cartoons? Write down as many as you can remember. “Pinocchio” the song “Little wooden head” How did she get in the Wonder land? Whom did she met there? “Alice in Wonderland” Have you watched this cartoon? Did you like it? Please, tell us about it. Alesha, I know that it is your favourite cartoon. Please, tell us the story. “The Lion King” They are made with the help of computers now. Do you know any of them? | парная: запись названий в тетрадь фронтальная: хоровое пение фронтальная: просмотр видеосюжета, ответы на вопросы учителя фронтальная: просмотр видеосюжета, рассказ о мультфильме (основное содержание) индивид.: рассказ о любимом мультфильме фронтальная | голос учителя, иллюстрации к мультфильмам видеокассета “Sing Along Songs” видеокассета “Alice in Wonderland” видеокассета “The Little Mermaid” видеокассета “The Lion King” иллюстрации к мультфильмам | 2 4 3 4 4 3 | контроль скорости проговарива-ния контроль понимания содержания сюжета контроль л\г оформления монологич. высказывания |
5. | Заключительный этап: подведение итогов урока, сообщение домашнего задания | At home get access to our site and have an interesting personality quiz. It will show what character from Walt Disney’s cartoons you are (^^) | Do you like Walt Disney cartoons? Do you want to watch them in English? Then get ready for our project for the whole class. ex.17, p. 299 (good reading) ex. 18, p. 230 (+\-) | фронтальная: запись д\з в дневник | голос учителя, доска | 2 | контроль записи домашнего задания, выставление оценок |
внеклассного мероприятия
по английскому языку
«Walt Disney World»
для учащихся 4-х классов начальной школы
Рязань – 2006
- воспитательная: воспитывать нравственных качеств на примере личности и поступков героев мультипликационных фильмов Уолта Диснея: доброты, милосердия, смелости, трудолюбия, целеустремленности, уважительного отношения к старшим, честности, чувства долга и других;
- развивающая: развивать любознательность, стимулировать интерес к дальнейшему самостоятельному изучению материала;
- практическая: познакомить детей с классическими произведениями мультипликации, совершенствовать навыки монологического высказывания, ведения беседы, проговаривания и хорового пения.
Форма проведения внеклассного мероприятия: праздник для учащихся 4-х классов (соответствует тематическому планированию по учебнику Верещагиной И.Н., Афанасьевой О.В. “English IV” тема “Hobbies.Watching Cartoons. Walt Disney World”)
Средства, оформление помещения:
- телевизор, видеомагнитофон;
- стенгазета, посвященная творчеству Уолта Диснея, рисунки с рассказы учащихся, подготовленные дома по теме
«Мою любимый герой Диснея»;
- кассеты с мультфильмами Уолта Диснея на английском языке:
“Alice in Wonderland”
“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”
“The Lion King”
“The Little Mermaid”
“Sing Along Songs”
Сценарий мероприятия
Compere: Good morning, children. Today we shall speak about cartoons. I’m sure you know the name of the greatest cartoon-maker all over the world. He is Walt Disney.
Jenya: Walt Disney world! The world of beauty and enchantment of wonderful fairy-tales and funny stories. To many people in our century this name means the world of cartoons. His name is very famous and not only in America.
Natasha: Walt Disney was born in Chicago on December the fifth, 1901. Then his family left that city in the North of America for a place in the South. When Walt Disney grew up, he began to draw pictures and create cartoons. But first they were short cartoons about life and war. They were for adults.
Compere: Walt Disney has created a lot of short cartoons and many longer films. His first cartoons were silent. His characters were not so beautiful and live-like as they are today.
Alyosha: In the first original drawings Walt Disney used circles for heads, bodies and ears. But then his characters became more and more shaped. Each picture was drawn in pencils or pens by Walt Disney himself and later by his studio cartoonists. Even when Walt Disney became very popular he didn’t give up drawing.
Compere: Now, children, let’s watch an extract from Walt Disney’s early cartoon “The Three Little Pigs”…
Oh, you see, it’s a very nice cartoon! Now let’s sing “The BIG BAD WOLF” together with the three little pigs.
He doesn’t take no
Time to play,
Time to play,
Time to play,
All he does is
Work all day.
You can play
And laugh and fiddle
Don’t think you
Can make me sore.
I’ll be safe,
And you’ll be sorry
When the wolf
Comes to your door.
Who’s afraid of the
Who’s afraid of the
See, I told you
What would happen
When that big wolf
Came around.
Only bricks and stones
Are wolf-proof.
Now at last
You’re safe and sound.
Who’s afraid of the
Who’s afraid of the
Compere: Do you like the song? It’s very easy but funny, because this is a cartoon for children. But how are the cartoons made? How do the characters move? Let’s find out.
Yura: If we want to create a cartoon we start with an easy idea, with a simple figure drawn on a sheet of paper. Then we need a story, but we keep it simple. We make a plan of each stage with drawings. Sometimes people are not very good at drawing, but the main thing is not the picture we draw, but the detailed plan we have had. Then we draw each picture with new movements of the character. The most important thing is to keep practicing and having fun with cartoon – making.
Compere: That is how Walt Disney created most of his early cartoons. He had to draw each picture, each slide to make his heroes move. Some of his characters appeared in one or two cartoons and there are whole series about others. Do you know the name of the most famous of his characters? One day he had an idea to make a mouse the main character of the cartoons. He called him…
All pupils together: Mickey Mouse!
Compere: Have you ever watched cartoons about him? Raise your hands.
The pupils raise their hands.
Compere: Please, clap your hands if you like him!
Compere: Mickey Mouse is a very old character. Even your parents and grandparents know him. This character has his own story. What do you know about Mickey?
Nikita: Mickey Mouse is a funny friendly little thing, who can speak, dance and sing and who can live like a man. He appeared on the screen for the first time in 1928. He became very popular and soon Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse were famous stars. He is the main character in over 120 different cartoons. Today he appears much as he did in the early days but his costume is changed a bit. Originally Mickey Mouse was voiced by Walt Disney himself.
Compere: Soon after that many other characters appeared. The second favourite is Donald Duck.
Lera: Donald Duck is one of the most popular Disney’s characters. He appeared on the screen in 1934. Donald Duck has a very good heart. But he won’t give in even if he’s up to his beak in trouble. Donald will keep struggling although he’s not always right. He refuses to let anyone or anything stand in his way. There were 128 Donald Duck cartoons, but he also appeared in a number of others with Mickey Mouse, Goofy, and Pluto.
Compere: And what do you know about other characters of Disney cartoons which appeared later?
Artyom: Some of Disney’s characters are bright, some are not, but all of them are usually kind and friendly. And Disney’s characters are always clever. In fact Disney has created a special animal world full of optimism and success.
His stories always end happily. All his films are easy and nice to watch. The audience always feels comfortable and enjoys his cartoons very much.
Compere: So you see that in time Disney cartoons became more and more colourful, bright and interesting. But Walt Disney wanted to create a fairy land not only on the screen. So he created Disneyland.
Ireny: One day an idea came to Disney. He wanted to create a special place, a special land for children and parents to have fun together. So he built Disneyland. It is in California near Los Angeles. It’s the place for children of all ages. The Chief Greater in Disneyland is Mickey Mouse.
Dasha: Disneyland is also a place for parents to return to the world of childhood because that is what happens when they spend a day at Disneyland. At Disneyland you can have a voyage on a boat, you can take a train, you can travel to the stars, take a trip to the mountains, meet all the Disney characters…or just sit in the sun and eat ice-cream!
Compere: Many of the cartoons created by Walt Disney are based on famous fairy-tales. Name as many as you can remember (show pictures)
Pupils: “Cinderella”, “The Beauty and the Beast”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.
Compere: Do you remember the names of the seven dwarfs? They are so funny. They are very different. Watch an extract from this story and name them.
Pupils name the dwarfs they remember and explain why they are called so.
This is Sleepy. He likes to sleep very much. He always yawns.
Compere: Most of Disney characters like to sing. Let’s watch an episode from the fairy-tale of the early years. Guess the title of the cartoon.
Pupils: “Pinocchio”!
Compere: You are right! Let’s sing together with the heroes. Look at the line at the bottom of the screen and sing!
Little wooden head
Go play your part.
Bring a little joy
To every heart.
Little do you know
And yet it’s true
That I might be proud of you.
Little wooden feet
And best of all,
Little wooden seat
In case you fall…
My little wooden head.
Happy little chap
With a feather in your cap
Tho’ they made you of wood.
You never give a rap,
Always doing good
As a little puppet should
Chasing each gloomy
Day away.
Little wooden head
With eyes that shine,
Little wooden head
That’s made of pine.
In a weary world
You do your share
Spreading laughter
Little wooden feet
And best of all,
Little wooden seat
In case you fall…
Never let a single
Tear be shed,
My little wooden head.
Little wooden head
Go play your part.
Bring a little joy
To every heart.
Little do you know
And yet it’s true
That I might be proud of you.
Little wooden feet
And best of all,
Little wooden seat
In case you fall…
Never let a single
Tear be shed,
My little wooden head.
Compere: Thank you, your singing was very good. Now I’ll tell you one secret. The first English book my mother read in the original was “Alice in Wonderland”. And this is one of my favourite cartoons. Would you like to watch an extract from it? (teatime with Mad Hatter)
Compere: Alice is a little girl. She is funny but naïve. Her main feature is curiosity. She wants to know everything. And she has good fantasy.
Juliya: Alice comes to the Wonderland where many wonderful things happen to her. She meets the white rabbit who wears clothes and use a watch. And she even goes to the ball of a fairy Card Court. But in the end it finds out to be just a dream.
Compere: As you know, many of the stories by Anderson didn’t have a happy end. So Walt Disney decided to change their plot. One of such cartoons is “The Little Mermaid”. You know that at the end of the original story the mermaid died, but Walt Disney didn’t want his story to end sadly. Let’s watch the end of this cartoon.
Compere: I know that Irina likes this cartoon very much. Let’s listen to her story.
Irina: Mermaid Ariel lived under the sea. She had got a lot of friends. She was very beautiful. One day she met a handsome prince and fell in love with him. She decided to become a human. She went to the sea-witch, named Ursula. Prince Erik loved her, but the witch made a lot of bad things to stop them. But finally her father King Triton helped them and they got married.
Compere: Thank you for your story. Your illustration to this cartoon is wonderful.
Even now after Walt Disney’s death there is a studio named after him – Walt Disney Pictures, which continue creating cartoons. Many bright and colourful cartoons appeared recently. And “Pocahontas”, a story about life of Indians is among them. Let’s listen to her wonderful song about nature and peace.
You think you own whatever land you land on.
The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim…
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name.
You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you,
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew…
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Compere: Do you like this song? It’s very beautiful, but a bit sad. What’s this song about?
Pupils: This song is about the beauty of nature. It tells us that all the people are equal. The main feature of a true man is an honest heart.
Compere: You are right. All the Disney cartoons teach us what features a real man should have. What features would you like to have?
Pupils: I want to be kind, clever, courageous, hard-working…
Compere: One of the most remarkable crtoons by Walt Disney Studio is “The Lion King”. Who wants to tell us the story of Simba?
Alyosha: Simba is a son of King Mufasa. He is the future king. But his uncle Scar kills his dad and Simba runs away. He meets Timon and Pumba and grows up with them. But the wise monkey makes him come back to his kingdom.
Compere: Simba asks his father a very important question about life of all the creatures on our planet, about their fate. His father tells him about the great responsibility each of us has. Let’s listen to the song.
From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see
Than can ever be seen,
More to do
Than can ever be done.
There's far too much to take in here,
More to find
Than can ever be found,
But the sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small
On the endless round…
It's the circle of life.
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope,
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle,
The circle of life…
Compere: You see, all the cartoons by Walt Disney teach us to be kind – hearted and honest. They teach us to struggle for our own way of life. I hope you will watch many of the cartoons from the very beginning up to the end.
Our party is coming to the end. I want to thank you for your illustrations, stories, costumes, posters and compositions. Did you like our party? What was the most interesting moment? Would you like to have another party?
Goodbye. See you later.
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