Инсценировка на английском "Пряничный человечек"
материал (подготовительная группа) на тему
Адаптированный сценарий сказки для детей подготовительной группы.
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Инсценировка «Пряничный человечек» на английском языке
Сценарий Heidi Butkus «The Tale of the Gingerbread Man» адаптирован Лебедевой А.Н., Лебедевой А.Д., педагогами английского языка АНО «Павловская гимназия»
Дети исполняют первую песню:
Oh, this is the tale of the Gingerbread Man,
Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
Oh, this is the tale of the Gingerbread Man,
Running, away as fast as he can.
Narrator: Once upon a time there was an old woman, an old man a little girl and a little boy. (Выходят на сцену, здороваются). Christmas was coming.
Grandma: Christmas day, happy day
Grandpa: We are glad and very gay
Little girl: We all dance and sing and say
Little boy: Welcome, welcome Christmas day!
Narrator: Christmas was coming, so the children asked their Grandma to make some holiday cookies.
Little girl: Grandma, grandma let’s make some cookies.
Little boy: we want some Christmas cookies please.
Дети исполняют вторую песню:
Let’s make Christmas cookies,
Lots of Christmas cookies,
Let’s make Christmas cookies,
Christmas cookies please!
Grandma: Help me please to make the Christmas cookies!
Little girl: Ok! We need some flour, and some milk.
Little boy: Two eggs, some sugar and butter.
The boy and girl pretend to mix and bake the cookies, using spoons, a bowl, and a pan.
Narrator: So they made some wonderful gingerbread man cookies and put them in the oven.
Grandma: Keep an eye on the cookies!
Grandpa: And don’t open the oven.
Дети исполняют третью песню:
While the chorus repeats the song a second time, the little boy and girl sit down on either side of the oven and pretend to watch the cookies bake.
Don’t open the oven,
Don’t open the oven,
Don’t open the oven,
Not until I say;
Don’t open the oven,
Don’t open the oven,
Don’t open the oven,
Let’s see if you obey.
Little boy: Lets open the oven, I am so hungry!
Little girl: Ok!
Narrator: So they opened the oven and out popped the Gingerbread man.
G.Man: I am a gingerbread man. I can run really fast!
Little girl: Grandma, grandma, the cookie ran away!
Little boy: You told us not to open, but we did not obey!
Narrator: The gingerbread man ran away singing this song…
Дети исполняют четвертую песню:
Run, run,
As fast as you can,
You can’t catch me,
I’m the Gingerbread Man!
Narrator: The Old Man, Old Woman and the children ran fast but they couldn’t catch the gingerbread man. And soon they had to sit down to rest. (Уходят со сцены и садятся).
Now some farmers working nearby saw the gingerbread man running down the street. He looked delicious and they were hungry.
Farmer1: We are farmers.
F2: We are very hungry.
F3: Lookie lookie theres a cookie, running down the street!
F1: Stop gingerbread man!
F2: You are delicious and nutritious!
F3: We want to eat you!!
Narrator: But the gingerbread man ran away singing…
Дети повторяют четвертую песню.
Narrator: The farmers Ran after the gingerbread man as fast as they could but they couldn’t catch him. (Уходят).
Next the gingerbread man passed by three bears.
Вear1: We are farmers.
В2: We are very hungry.
В3: Lookie lookie theres a cookie, running down the street!
В1: Stop gingerbread man!
В2: You are delicious and nutritious!
В3: We want to eat you!!
Narrator: But the gingerbread man ran away singing…
Дети повторяют четвертую песню.
Narrator: The bears Ran after the gingerbread man as fast as they could but they couldn’t catch him. (Уходят)
Finally the gingerbread man passed by a hungry fox. The gingerbread man looked delicious and the fox was very hungry.
Fox: I am a fox! I am so hungry!! And I like cookies! Stop gingerbread man!
Come a little closer, I really cannot hear you!
Дети исполняют пятую песню:
Come a little closer,
I really cannot hear you.
Narrator: So the gingerbread man got a little closer and repeated a little more loudly
Gingerbread man: Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me,I am the gingerbread man!
Дети повторяют четвертую песню.
Narrator: But the clever fox pretended not to hear him!
Fox: Come a little closer! I really cannot hear you!
Дети повторяют пятую песню.
Narrator: So the gingerbread man got a little closer and shouted right in the fox’s ear
Gm. Run, run as fast as you an you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man!
Narrator: The fox grabs the g.m. and dragged him away to his den. And so that was the end of the gingerbread man.
Дети исполняют шестую песню:
Oh, that was the end of the Gingerbread Man,
Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man.
Oh, that was the end of the Gingerbread Man,
The fox ate him up with some tea and some jam.
That was the end of the gingerbread man!
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