Для учащихся 5 класса
Я слышу - я забываю. Я вижу - я запоминаю. Я делаю - я понимаю. Конфуций
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Предварительный просмотр:
The plan of the lesson
Grade: 5 A
The theme: Where is Great Britain?
The purpose: To talk about Great Britain.
The aims:1. Educational: to give some more information about Great Britain, its culture, traditions, sightseeing.
2. Developing: to develop students oral speech, logic thinking, written and reading skills.
3. To bring up students to respect other countries traditions, culture, national symbols.
The type of the lesson: travelling lesson
Methods of the lesson: question-answer, demonstrative, jig-saw etc…
The Procedure of the lesson
I Organization moment
- Greeting
- Checking
II Warming up
- Do you like to travel?
- Have you ever been outside of your country?
- Could you live in a foreign country for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather fly or take a train?
- Would you rather take a train or take a bus?
- Would you rather plan a trip or just go and see what happens?
- Which country that you have not been to would you like to visit the most?
- What do you like most about traveling?
- What do you like the least about traveling?
- Would you rather visit a city or go somewhere out in nature?
Children today we are going to travel. Get ready. At first I want to give you 2 picture. You choose one of them and I divide you into two groups. 1. The sun 2. The moon
As you know at first we must buy tickets. I have these tickets. To buy these tickets you needn’t money you need knowledge. If you answer to my question you get a ticket to business class, if you have some mistakes you get ticket to economic class.Ok we are in London. Let’s take double Decker buses.
- The first bus stop is called tick-tack. Distribute each list of words to both teams. Every student on each team should have a paper. Both teams have the same words.
When you call a word, 2 students should stand up, one from each team. The students must then run to the blackboard and race to write a sentence using their word.
The winner is the one with a correct and clearly written sentence.
- My brother bought a ticket yesterday.
- I want to be a pilot.
- The second bus stop is London eye
I give you puzzle. You find 15 things that you need while you are travelling.
Puzzle about travelling
A | T | O | W | E | R | O | F | L | O | N | D | O | N | S |
T | A | T | E | S | U | I | T | C | A | S | E | Z | X | N |
C | A | M | E | R | A | S | E | R | Y | O | L | P | I | M |
D | O | C | U | M | E | N | T | S | A | T | C | O | R | B |
O | P | H | O | N | E | I | P | L | R | B | N | M | O | S |
H | A | T | S | S | T | J | M | F | I | M | O | P | T | I |
V | I | S | A | F | H | J | O | L | J | T | R | E | D | V |
A | B | A | C | K | P | A | C | K | F | G | I | O | Y | P |
S | U | N | G | L | A | S | S | E | S | Y | I | O | P | J |
M | O | N | E | Y | A | D | T | I | Y | S | O | C | K | S |
A | R | C | L | O | T | H | E | S | Y | I | K | O | P | L |
T | I | C | K | E | T | D | T | H | I | N | O | P | L | G |
A | E | D | R | G | J | G | K | E | T | F | U | O | P | U |
X | G | U | I | D | E | B | O | O | K | S | E | Y | T | U |
E | S | T | O | O | T | H | B | R | U | S | H | P | O | N |
Find 15 things we need while travelling
- The third bus stop is Trafalgar square
Two groups sing a song that they are prepared at home
- The fourth bus stop is house of Parliament
Here I give you texts. You must read them and go into the second group and retell the text.
- Two frogs
Two frogs had lived in a village all their lives. they thought they would like to go and see the big city that was about ten miles away.
They talked about it for a long time, and at last they set off to see the city.
It was a hot day, and they soon began to feel tired. They had only gone a little way when one said to the other, "We must be nearly there. Can you see the city?"
"No," said the other frog; "but if I climb on your back I might be able to see it."
So he climbed up on the back of the other frog to see the city.
Now when the frog put up his head, his eyes could only see what was behind, and not what was in front. So he saw the village they had just left.
"Can you see the city?", asked the frog who was below.
"Yes," answered the frog who had climbed up. " I can see it. It looks just like our village."
Then the frogs thought that it was not worthwhile going any farther. They went back and told the frogs round the village that they had seen the city, and it was just like theirs.
2. Love and time
Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions : Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left. Except for Love.
Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a boat. Love said,
"Richness, can you take me with you?"
Richness answered, "Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you."
Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
"I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, take me along with you."
"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!", sadness said in a sullen voice.
Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her.
Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way.
Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder, "Who Helped me?"
"It was Time," Knowledge answered.
"Time?" thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge smiled and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."
V. The bus stop is Home sweet home
Students I give you riddle. You must find their answers.
Q. What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
A. A clock!
Q. What is the easiest way to double your money?
A. Put it in front of the mirror of course!
Q. What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive?
A. A glove.
Q. It's been around for millions of years, but it's no more than a month old. What is it?
A. The moon.
Now its time to know the name of a group who comes first from travelling.
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
- Автор дает согласие использовать данный ресурс только для ознакомления и проведения уроков.
- Нельзя присваивать себе авторство данного ресурса, даже если будут внесены изменения.
- Нельзя публиковать данный ресурс без согласия автора.
- В случае частичного использования ресурса, ссылка на источник обязательна.
Пояснительная записка | ||
1. | Автор (ФИО, должность) | Кошкина Галина Федоровна, учитель английского языка |
2. | Название ресурса | “Spring” |
3. | Вид ресурса | Рабочий лист |
4. | Предмет, УМК | Английский язык |
5. | Цель и задачи ресурса | Рассмотреть внимательно картинку и выполнить задания. |
6. | Возраст учащихся, для которых предназначен ресурс | 5 класс |
7. | Программа, в которой создан ресурс | Microsoft Word |
8. | Методические рекомендации по использованию ресурса | Скопировать рабочий лист и затем выполнить все задания. |
9. | Источники информации (обязательно!) | |

Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Contrary to much popular belief …………………………………………………………… don’t refer to a period prior to Christmas but to the
days until January 6th.
………………………………………………….. is a popular drink throughout the United States and Canada, and is usually associated
with winter celebrations, it may be added as a flavouring to food or drinks such as tea and coffee.
…………………………………………………….. started in the UK about 800 years ago during the Middle Ages. It was the day when
the alms box, collection boxes for the poor often kept in churches, were traditionally opened so that the contents could be distribu
ted to poor people. Some churches still open these boxes on ………………………………………………….
In Northern Europe Christmas occurred during the middle of winter, when ghosts and demons could be heard howling in the
winter winds. ………………………………….., believed to have magical powers since they remained green through the harsh winter,
were often placed over the doors of homes to drive evil away. Greenery was also brought indoors to freshen the air and brighten
the mood during the long, dreary winter. Legend also has it that ………… sprang from the footsteps of Christ as he walked the
earth. The pointed leaves were said to represent the crown of thorns Christ wore while on the cross and the red berries symbolized
the blood he shed.
Traditional …………………………………………… includes Joseph, Mother Mary, Baby Jesus in a crib and the shepherds who visited
along with an ox, sheep and the camel. Others includes the three wise men who have travelled far and wide to visit the new born
A native Mexican plant, ……………………………………………… were named after a U.S. ambassador to Mexico who brought the
plant to America in 1828. ………………..were likely used by Mexican Franciscans in their 17th century Christmas celebrations.
One legend has it that a young Mexican boy, on his way to visit the village Nativity scene, realized he had no gift for the
Christ child. He gathered pretty green branches from along the road and brought them to the church. Though the other children
mocked him, when the leaves were laid at the manger, a beautiful star-shaped flower appeared on each branch. The bright red
petals, often mistaken for flowers, are actually the upper leaves of the plant.
……………………………..………….. was used by Druid priests 200 years before the birth of Christ in their winter celebrations. They
revered the plant since it had no roots yet remained green during the cold months of winter. The ancient Celtics believed it had
magical healing powers and used it as an antidote for poison, infertility, and to ward off evil spirits. The plant was also seen as
a symbol of peace, it is said that among Romans, enemies who met under ……………would lay down their weapons and embrace.
Scandanavians associated the plant with Frigga, their goddess of love, and it may be from this that we derive the custom of
kissing under the …………………... Those who kissed under it had the promise of happiness and good luck in the following year.
To all European races, ………………………………. was believed to bring beneficial magic and was kept burning for at least twelve
hours and sometimes as long as twelve days, warming both the house and those who resided within. When the fire of …………….
was finally quenched, a small fragment of the wood would be saved and used to light the next year's log. It was also believed that
as long as it burned, the house would be protected from witchcraft. The ashes that remained from the sacred …………………… were
scattered over fields to bring fertility, or cast into wells to purify and sweeten the water. Sometimes, the ashes were used in the
creation of various charms...to free cattle from vermin, or to ward off hailstorms.
……………………………………………… commemorating the nativity, or birth of Jesus Christ, were purportedly first written in Latin
in the 4th and 5th centuries, but they didn't become associated with Christmas until the 13th century. Saint Francis of Assisi,
the Roman Catholic saint of animals and the environment, is often credited with incorporating upbeat Latin hymns into
Christmas services. The energetic, joyful songs were sung in sharp contrast to the somber Christmas music of the day.
The origin of the …………………………………………………….. is a tale of a kindly Saint Nicholas.
Key: The twelve days of Christmas, eggnog, Boxing Day, the boughs of holly, Nativity
Scene, poinsettia, mistletoe, the Yule log, Carols, hanging stockings
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
First, label the children. David is wearing a red jumper and brown trousers, Lily is wearing a blue striped T-shirt and Marina is wearing a green jumper and a blue skirt.
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Find the mistakes
- It was hers car.
- I saw they at the cinema.
- Mary and Jill is my best friend’s.
- Ours house is bigger then yours.
- Jack lost him favourite toy.
- Helen gave my a new bike.
- Diana found she’s torch under the bed.
- The old lady was cooking a delicious cake for we.
- That is the girl that stole my jacket!
- Who’s scissors are these?
- There not my! There Jackie’s.
- Have you found some sour cherries?
- I heard somewhere whistling outside.
- Look out at the window and see who is it!
- It’s a fine day.The birds are flying on the sky.
- She’s got a big leather red square handbag.
- What’s the matter? I’ve got a terrible head - ache.
- He goes to school with the bus every day.
- He did found a book on the floor.
- What is your best friend? Anne or Jill?
- I want to buy one of these books but I don’t know what one to choose.
- Look! Those is my big brother!
- I enjoy watching this cartoons.
- You must to be very careful, otherwise you’ll get hurt.
- Tom enjoy sailing with his father.
- They likes eating ice -cream.
- Did you seen someone?
- He come to school in time.
- She won’t came if don’t invite her.
- May was lost her purse.
- He have to eat many of vegetables.
- No- one came to visiting him.
- How much flowers do you want?
- What do you like? A piece of that lovely banana cake, please.
- That flowers are beautiful!
- Go to the supermarket and buy a lot fruit. I want to do a fruit salad.
- Tom is playing on the computer when I arrived.
- He didn’t came to the party because he was ill.
- How many sugar did you bought?
- May is as tall Daisy.Isn’t she?
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen. Her mother was excessively fond of her; and her grandmother doted on her still more. This good woman had a little red riding hood made for her. It suited the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood.
One day her mother, having made some cakes, said to her, "Go, my dear, and see how your grandmother is doing, for I hear she has been very ill. Take her a cake, and this little pot of butter."
Little Red Riding Hood set out immediately to go to her grandmother, who lived in another village.
As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters working nearby in the forest. He asked her where she was going. The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, said to him, "I am going to see my grandmother and carry her a cake and a little pot of butter from my mother."
"Does she live far off?" said the wolf
"Oh I say," answered Little Red Riding Hood; "it is beyond that mill you see there, at the first house in the village."
"Well," said the wolf, "and I'll go and see her too. I'll go this way and go you that, and we shall see who will be there first."
The wolf ran as fast as he could, taking the shortest path, and the little girl took a roundabout way, entertaining herself by gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and gathering bouquets of little flowers. It was not long before the wolf arrived at the old woman's house. He knocked at the door: tap, tap.
"Who's there?"
"Your grandchild, Little Red Riding Hood," replied the wolf, counterfeiting her voice; "who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter sent you by mother."
The good grandmother, who was in bed, because she was somewhat ill, cried out, "Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up."
The wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then he immediately fell upon the good woman and ate her up in a moment, for it been more than three days since he had eaten. He then shut the door and got into the grandmother's bed, expecting Little Red Riding Hood, who came some time afterwards and knocked at the door: tap, tap.
"Who's there?"
Little Red Riding Hood, hearing the big voice of the wolf, was at first afraid; but believing her grandmother had a cold and was hoarse, answered, "It is your grandchild Little Red Riding Hood, who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter mother sends you."
The wolf cried out to her, softening his voice as much as he could, "Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up."
Little Red Riding Hood pulled the bobbin, and the door opened.
The wolf, seeing her come in, said to her, hiding himself under the bedclothes, "Put the cake and the little pot of butter upon the stool, and come get into bed with me."
Little Red Riding Hood took off her clothes and got into bed. She was greatly amazed to see how her grandmother looked in her nightclothes, and said to her, "Grandmother, what big arms you have!"
"All the better to hug you with, my dear."
"Grandmother, what big legs you have!"
"All the better to run with, my child."
"Grandmother, what big ears you have!"
"All the better to hear with, my child."
"Grandmother, what big eyes you have!"
"All the better to see with, my child."
"Grandmother, what big teeth you have got!"
"All the better to eat you up with."
And, saying these words, this wicked wolf fell upon Little Red Riding Hood, and ate her all up.
Moral: Children, especially attractive, well bred young ladies, should never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a wolf. I say "wolf," but there are various kinds of wolves. There are also those who are charming, quiet, polite, unassuming, complacent, and sweet, who pursue young women at home and in the streets. And unfortunately, it is these gentle wolves who are the most dangerous ones of all.
Source: Andrew Lang, The Blue Fairy Book (London, ca. 1889), pp. 51-53. Lang's source: Charles Perrault, Histoires ou contes du temps passé, avec des moralités: Contes de ma mère l'Oye (Paris, 1697).
Предварительный просмотр:
The Three Bears
Once upon a time there were three bears: Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Little Bear. They lived in a house deep in a forest. One day Mama Bear made some porridge. The porridge was too hot. So the three bears went for a walk first.
Just then, along came a little girl named Masha. She saw the house and looked inside. Nobody was there and she came in.
Masha was hungry. She saw three bowls of porridge on the table. First she tried Papa Bear’s porridge from his big bowl. It was too hot. Then she tried Mama Bear’s porridge from her medium-size bowl. It was too sweet. Finally, she tried Little Bear’s porridge from his small blue bowl. It was perfect. She began to eat it.
Masha was tired. So she wanted to sit down. First she sat on Papa Bear’s chair. It was too large. Then she sat on Mama Bear’s chair. It was too high. Then she sat on Little Bear’s chair and smiled. It was very comfortable. Sitting on Little Bear’s chair she ate all his porridge from the small blue bowl. Then she rocked and climbed, rocked and climbed till she broke it.
After the meal Masha was sleepy. She came to another room. There were three beds. First she tried Papa Bear’s bed. It was too hard. Then she tried Mama Bear’s bed. It was too soft. Finally, she tried Little Bear’s bed. It was so comfortable that she fell asleep immediately. Part two.
A little while later, the three bears came home. The bears looked at the table. Papa Bear roared: “Who has been eating my porridge?” Then Mama Bear roared:” Who has been eating my porridge?” A Little Bear saw his bowl and cried:” Who has been eating my porridge and now it is all gone?”
Then the bears looked at their chairs. Papa Bear roared: ” Who has been seating on my chair?” Then Mama Bear roared:” Who has been seating on my chair?” And Little Bear saw his chair and cried:” Who has been seating on my chair and now it is broken!”
Then the bears went to their bedroom and looked at their beds. Papa Bear roared:” Who has been sleeping in my bed?” Mama Bear roared: “Who has been sleeping in my bed?” And Little Bear looked at his bed and cried: “Who has been sleeping in my bed…Look, there she is, catch her, catch her!”
Masha opened her eyes, saw the bears, jumped out of the bed and ran away. She ran as fast as she could. And the three bears never saw her again.
Перевод основных слов и выражений
The Three Bears – три медведя
Once upon a time – давным-давно
a house – дом
deep in a forest – глубоко в лесу
one day – однажды
porridge – каша
too hot – слишком горячая
went for a walk – пошли погулять
Just then – как раз в этот момент
looked inside – заглянула внутрь
nobody was there – там никого не было
came in – зашла внутрь
hungry – голодный
a bowl – миска
on the table – на столе
first – сначала
she tried – она попробовала
medium-size – среднего размера
sweet – сладкий
finally – наконец
perfect – идеальный
tired – уставший
sit down – сесть
a chair – стул
comfortable – удобный
Then she rocked and climbed – потом она качалась на нем
broke it – сломала
after – после
sleepy – хотела спать
another room – другая комната
a bed – кровать
hard – жесткий
soft – мягкий
she fell asleep immediately – она сразу заснула
A little while later – немного позже
looked at – посмотрели на
roared – зарычал
Who has been eating my porridge? – кто ел мою кашу?
it is all gone – ее нет
Who has been seating on my chair? – кто сидел на моем стуле
it is broken – он поломан
Who has been sleeping in my bed? – кто спал на моей кровати
Look, there she is, catch her! – смотрите, вот она, ловите ее!
Masha opened her eyes – Маша открыла глаза
jumped out of the bed – выпрыгнула из кровати
She ran as fast as she could. – она бежала так быстро, как могла
never saw her again – никогда ее больше не видели
Предварительный просмотр:
The three little pigs
The three little pigs are brothers. They are going into the forest. They want to build three houses.
"Let’s build our houses here," says the first little pig, Percy. "Yes," says the second little pig, Peter. "That’s a good idea," says the third little pig, Patrick.
The first little pig, Percy, gets some straw and he starts to build a house of straw. He sings, "Hum de hum, dum de dum, hee de dum, dee de hum," when he works.
The second little pig, Peter, gets some wood and he starts to build a house of wood. He sings, "Hum de hum, dum de dum, hee de dum, dee de hum," when he works.
The third pig, Patrick, is very clever. He gets some bricks and he starts to build a house of bricks. He sings, "Hum de hum, dum de dum, hee de dum, dee de hum," when he works.
Now all the houses are ready. The three little pigs make a fence and they paint it red.
Три поросенка
Три поросёнка братья. Они направляются в лес. Они хотят построить три дома.
"Давайте построим наши дома здесь" говорит первый поросёнок, Перси. "Да" говорит второй поросёнок, Питер. "Это хорошая мысль" говорит третий поросёнок, Патрик.
Первый поросёнок, Перси, собирает солому и начинает строить дом из соломы. Он поёт: "Хай де хам, дам де дам, хи де дам, ди де хам" когда строит.
Второй поросёнок, Питер, добывает древесину и начинает строить дом из дерева. Он поёт: "Хай де хам, дам де дам, хи де дам, ди де хам" когда строит.
Третий поросёнок, Патрик, очень умный. Он добывает кирпичи и начинает строить дом из кирпичей. Он поёт: "Хай де хам, дам де дам, хи де дам, ди де хам" когда строит.
Теперь все домики готовы. Три поросёнка ставят забор и они красят его красным.
But a big bad wolf lives in the forest. Every day the wolf watches the pigs.
He is hungry and he wants to eat them. He looks at the house of straw and he says, "I can smell a little pig. I want to eat him for my dinner,"
The big bad wolf jumps over the red fence. He goes to the house of straw and he knocks on the door. "Can I come in, little pig? I’m not very big!" he says.
But Percy sees it is a big bad wolf. He says, "Go away! You can’t come in. You’re a big bad wolf, you horrible thing."
But the wolf blows and blows and the house falls down. "Help!" shouts Percy. He runs to his brother Peter’s house.
Now the wolf is very hungry. He wants his dinner. He runs to the house of wood and he knocks on the door. "Can I come in, little pigs? I’m not very big!" he says.
But Percy and Peter say, "Go away! You can’t come in. You’re the big bad wolf, you horrible thing."
But the wolf blows and blows and the house falls down. "Help!" shout Percy and Peter. They run to their brother Patrick’s house.
Но в том лесу живёт большой злой волк. Каждый день волк наблюдает за поросятами.
Он голоден и хочет съесть их. Он смотрит на дом из соломы и говорит: "Я чую поросёнка. Я хочу съесть его на обед".
Большой злой волк перепрыгивает через красный забор. Он идёт к дому из соломы и стучится в дверь. "Я могу войти, поросёнок? Я не очень большой!" говорит он.
Но Перси видит, что это большой злой волк. Он говорит, "Уходи! Тебе нельзя входить. Ты большой злой волк, ты ужасен".
Но волк как дует, подует и домик разваливается. "На помощь!" кричит Перси. Он бежит к домику брата Питера.
Волк уже очень голоден. Он хочет свой обед. Он бежит к домику из дерева и стучится в дверь. "Я могу войти, поросята? Я не очень большой!" говорит он.
Но Перси и Питер отвечают: "Уходи! Тебе нельзя входить. Ты большой злой волк, ты ужасен".
Но волк как дует, подует и домик разваливается. "На помощь!" кричат Перси и Питер. Они бегут к домику брата Патрика.
Now the wolf runs to the house of bricks. The three little pigs are in the house. He knocks on the door. "Can I come in, little pigs? I’m not very big!" he says.
Percy, Peter and Patrick say, "Go away! You can’t come in. You’re the big, bad wolf, you horrible thing."
The wolf blows and blows, and he blows and blows again, but the house doesn’t fall down. It’s a house of bricks and it’s very strong. The wolf sits down and thinks. "I can wait," he says.
The three little pigs, Percy, Peter and Patrick are in the house. They are hungry.
"The wolf is waiting. We can’t go out. We can’t get dinner," says Percy. "What can we do?" asks Peter. "Don’t be sad. It’s OK," says the clever pig, Patrick. "I’ve got an idea. Let’s make a fire."
The three little pigs make a big fire.
Теперь волк бежит к дому из кирпича. Три поросёнка находятся в доме. Он стучится в дверь. "Я могу войти, поросята? Я не очень большой!" говорит он.
Перси, Питер и Патрик отвечают: "Уходи! Тебе нельзя входить. Ты большой, злой волк, ты ужасен".
Волк как дует, подует, дует, и снова подует, но дом не разваливается. Это домик из кирпича и он очень прочный. Волк сидит и думает. "Я могу подождать" говорит он.
Три поросёнка, Перси, Питер и Патрик сидят в доме. Они хотят есть.
"Волк ждёт. Мы не можем выйти. Мы не можем пообедать" говорит Перси. "Что нам делать?" спрашивает Питер. "Не грустите. Всё хорошо" говорит умный поросёнок, Патрик. "У меня есть идея. Давайте разведём огонь".
Три поросёнка разводят большой огонь.
The three little pigs are in the house. There is a lot of smoke from the fire.
"Oh no! We can’t go out! What can we do?" says Peter. "It’s OK," says Patrick, "Listen and watch…"
He goes to the door and he shouts, "The wolf is waiting. He isn’t very clever. He can come down the chimney and eat us."
The wolf is listening. "That a good idea," he thinks. "I’m a clever wolf," thinks the big bad wolf. "I don’t want to wait here. I want to eat the pigs."
He goes down the chimney.
The three little pigs hear the wolf in the chimney. They wait… there is a big CRASH! The big bad wolf falls into the fire! Oh dear! The poor wolf!
Три поросёнка сидят в доме. В нём много дыма от огня.
"Ох нет! Мы не можем выйти! Что нам делать?" говорит Питер. "Всё хорошо." говорит Патрик "Слушайте и смотрите…".
Он идёт к двери и кричит: "Волк ждёт. Он не очень умный. Он может может спуститься в дымоход и съесть нас".
Волк слушает. "Это хорошая мысль" думает он. "Я умный волк" думает большой злой волк. "Я не хочу здесь ждать. Я хочу съесть этих поросят".
Он спускается по дымоходу.
Три поросёнка слышат волка в дымоходе. Они ждут… слышится большой ГРОХОТ! Большой злой волк падает в огонь! О боже! Бедный волк!
The three little pigs are very happy because the wolf is not there. They start to build a big new house.
"Let’s make a house of bricks," says Patrick. "Oh, yes. Straw and wood aren’t very good," says Peter. "We don’t want this house to fall down!" says Percy.
The three little pigs build a big new house. It’s very strong. They make a fence and they paint it red. They sing, "Hum de hum, dum de dum, hee de dum, dee de hum," when they work.
The End
Три поросёнка очень счастливы, потому что волка больше нет. Они начинают строить новый большой дом.
"Давайте построим дом из кирпичей" говорит Патрик. "Ох, да(согласен). Соломенный и деревянный не очень прочный" говорит Питер. "Мы не хотим, чтобы этот дом развалился!" говорит Перси.
Три поросёнка строят большой новый дом. Он очень прочный. Они ставят забор и они красят его в красный. Они поют: "Хай де хам, дам де дам, хи де дам, ди де хам" когда строят.
Предварительный просмотр:
- Автор дает согласие использовать данный ресурс только для ознакомления и проведения уроков.
- Нельзя присваивать себе авторство данного ресурса, даже если будут внесены изменения.
- Нельзя публиковать данный ресурс без согласия автора.
- В случае частичного использования ресурса, ссылка на источник обязательна.
Пояснительная записка | ||
1. | Автор (ФИО, должность) | Кошкина Галина Федоровна, учитель английского языка |
2. | Название ресурса | “Spring” |
3. | Вид ресурса | Рабочий лист |
4. | Предмет, УМК | Английский язык |
5. | Цель и задачи ресурса | Рассмотреть внимательно картинку и выполнить задания. |
6. | Возраст учащихся, для которых предназначен ресурс | 5 класс |
7. | Программа, в которой создан ресурс | Microsoft Word |
8. | Методические рекомендации по использованию ресурса | Скопировать рабочий лист и затем выполнить все задания. |
9. | Источники информации (обязательно!) | |