Для учащихся 3 класса
Настоящие знания мы получаем, когда ищем ответ на вопрос, а не когда узнаем сам ответ. Ллойд Александр
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Предварительный просмотр:
Таблицы чтения гласных.
A | |
A [ei] — в открытом слоге | lake, make |
A [æ] — в закрытом слоге | rat, map |
A [a:] — в закрытом слоге на r | car, bar |
A [εə] — в конце слова гласный + re | care, fare |
A [ɔ:] — сочетания all, au | all, tall |
O | |
O [əu] — в открытом слоге | no, home |
O [ɒ] — в закрытом ударном слоге | lot, boss |
O [ɜ:] — в некоторых словах с «wor» | word, work |
O [ɔ:] — в закрытом слоге на r | horse, door |
O [u:] — в сочетании «oo» | too, food |
O [u] — в сочетании «oo» | good, look |
O [aʊ] — в сочетании «ow» в ударном слоге | now, clown |
O [ɔɪ] — в сочетании «oy» | boy, joy |
U | |
U [yu:], [yu] — в открытом слоге | blue, duty |
U [ʌ] — в закрытом слоге | butter, cup |
U [u] — в закрытом слоге | put, bull |
U [ɜ:] — в сочетании «ur» | purse, hurt |
E | |
E [i:] — в открытом слоге, сочетании «ee», «ea» | he, meet, leaf |
E [e] — в закрытом слоге, сочетании «ead» | head, bread |
E [ɜ:] — в сочетаниях «er», «ear» | her, pearl |
E [ɪə] — в сочетаниях «ear» | near, dear |
I | |
i [aɪ] — в открытом слоге | nice, fine |
i [aɪ] — в сочетании «igh» | high, night |
i [ɪ] — в закрытом слоге | big, in |
i [ɜ:] — в сочетании «ir» | bird, girl |
i [aɪə] — в сочетании «ire» | hire, tired |
Y | |
Y [aɪ] — в конце слова под ударением | my, cry |
Y [ɪ] — в конце слова без ударения | happy, family |
Y [j] — в начале слова | yes, yellow |
Таблицы чтения согласных.
С | |
C [s] — перед i, e, y | place, cinema |
C [tʃ] — в сочетаниях ch, tch | children, catch |
C [k] — в остальных случаях | cat, picnic |
s | |
S [z] — в конце слов после гласных и звонких согласных | places, dogs |
S [ʃ] — в сочетании sh | she, show |
S [s] – в остальных случаях | sport, dress |
T | |
T [t] — кроме сочетаний th | tell, time |
T [ð] — в сочетании th | the, brother |
T [θ] — в сочетании th | think, fifth |
G | |
G [dʒ] — перед е, i, у | page, energy |
G [ŋ] — в сочетании ng в конце слова | song, interesting |
G [g] — в остальных случаях | go, big |
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Олимпиада по английскому языку 3 класс
Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.
1. Поставь имена ребят в алфавитном порядке.
A) 758314926 Б) 751834926 В) 758134926 Г) 581349276
2. Помнишь ли ты глагол to be? Какие формы глагола и местоимения отсутствуют в ячейках?
A) 1. an, 2. are, 3. it, 4. we Б) 1. am, 2. are, 3. it, 4. we
В) 1. am, 2. were, 3. is, 4. we Г) 1. an, 2. as, 3. it, 4. go
3. Закрась клеточки, используя код справа, и узнаешь зашифрованную букву.
A) M Б) X В) N Г) K
4. Слово в каждом секторе обозначает цвет. В каждом слове не хватает одной и той же буквы (в секторе №4 эта буква повторяется дважды). Какая буква отсутствует в каждом слове?
A) S Б) M В) E Г) I
5. Каких частей тела не хватает ребятам? Выбери подходящий вариант.
A) 1. hair, eyes 2. month, ears Б) 1. hair, ears 2. mouth, eyes
В) 1. hands, nose, ears 2. month, ears Г) 1. hair, nose, eyes 2. mouth, ears
6. Сколько слов по теме «Animals» ты видишь в змейке?
A) 5 Б) 6 В) 7 Г) 9
7. Следуй по лабиринту и по дороге собирай буквы. Какое слово у тебя получилось?
A) mother Б) Monday В) monkey Г) money
8. Соотнеси высказывания с картинками.
A) 1с2e3b4a5d Б) 1e2c3b4a5d В) 1с2b3e4a5d Г) 1b2e3c4d5a
9. Соотнеси описания в рамках с людьми на картинках.
A) 1с2d3f4b Б) 1g2d3f4b В) 1с2a3f4e Г) 1g2d3f4e
10. Прочитай и выбери правильный вариант.
a) We don’t drink juice.
b) We doesn’t drink juice.
a) Does Harry like cheese?
b) Does Harry likes cheese?
a) Gwen, do you like coffee?
b) Gwen, does you like coffee?
a) Has she got a cat?
b) Have she got a cat?
a) A: Do you like fish?
B: No, I don’t.
b) A: Do you like fish?
B: No, I doesn’t.
a) This is not my book.
b) This are not my book.
a) My sister has got two children.
b) My sister has got two childrens.
A) 1.a, 2.a, 3.a, 4.a, 5.a, 6.a, 7.a Б) 1.a, 2.a, 3.a, 4.a, 5.a, 6.a, 7.b
В) 1.a, 2.a, 3.a, 4.b, 5.a, 6.a, 7.a Г) 1.a, 2.b, 3.a, 4.a, 5.a, 6.a, 7.a
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа п. Солидарность
Елецкого муниципального района Липецкой облас
Стартовые (входные)
контрольные работы
по английскому языку
Составлены учителем английского языка
I квалификационной категории
Валовой А.Ф.
Входная контрольная работа
по английскому языку
для обучающихся 3 класса
Цель работы – контроль навыков аудирования на основе материала, пройденного во 2 классе, контроль лексических навыков на основе материала 2 класса, контроль умения соотносить вопрос с ответом, используя грамматические навыки 2 класса
На выполнение данных работ отводится от 30 до 35 минут.
Содержание работы
Часть I. Аудирование
Прослушай текст и выполни задания.
Текст для аудирования
Betty is a nice kitten. She has got a mother and four brothers. They live in a big house. Betty and her brothers like to jump and play. They have got friends: pink pigs, yellow ducks, grey rabbits and one red fox. Pink pigs and yellow ducks are funny. Grey rabbits are sad. They are not strong.
A red fox is slim. We can see her in the forest.
1. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос: "What friends have Betty and her brothers got?"
A. Pink pigs and green crocodiles.
B. Pink pigs, yellow ducks, grey rabbits and one red fox.
C. A mouse and a monkey.
2. Закончи предложение в соответствии с прослушанным текстом.
Betty and her friends like to …
A.… skip and run.
B.… sing and skate.
C.… jump and play.
3. Выбери неправильное предложение в соответствии с прослушанным текстом.
A. They have got friends.
B. They live on a farm.
С. We can see a red fox in the forest.
Часть II. Лексико-грамматический тест.
1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его.
a) I, you, he, my, she
b) red, grey, blue, brave, black
c) can, jump, sing, swim
d) long, slim, nice, five, strong
2. Найди для каждого вопроса подходящий ответ.
1) Can you swim? a) Yes, he can.
2) Is his duck fat? b) Yes, she can.
3) Is Ben's fox slim? c) Yes, it is.
4) Can Ann jump? d) No, it isn't.
5) Can Nick sing? e) No, I can't.
Правильные ответы.
I. 1 – B 2 – C 3 – B
II. 1. a) my b) brave c) can d) five
2. 1) – e) 2) – c)/d) 3) – d)/c) 4) - b) 5) – a)
Шкала оценивания
Количество баллов
Оценка | |
11 - 12 | 5 |
8 - 10 | 4 |
6 - 7 | 3 |
< 6 | 2 |
Входная контрольная работа
по английскому языку
для обучающихся 4 класса
Цель работы – контроль навыков чтения на материале, изученном в 3 классе, контроль лексических навыков по темам «Числительные», «Еда», «Части тела», «Дни недели»,
контроль грамматических навыков по темам «Present Simple», «Исчисляемые / неисчисляемые существительные»
Содержание работы
Часть I. Чтение
Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.
Tad and Fred
Fred has got a little white puppy. His name is Tad. Tad and Fred are friends. They like to jump and run. They like to play hide-and-seek (прятки). One day (однажды) they play hide-and-seek in the park. Fred wants to find (найти) Tad but he can't see his puppy. Tad wants to find Fred, too. But he can't see his friend. Tad sees a big black dog.
"Where is Fred?" the puppy says. "I am sorry, I don't know" (Я сожалею, но я не знаю), the dog says. Tad wants to find his house. He runs and runs. He sees a big red house. Tad says: "This house is very big. It's not my house". Then he sees a little blue house. Tad says: "This house is very little. It's not my house". Tad runs and runs. He sees a green house. It isn't very big and it isn't very little. Tad says: " It's my house". He sees Fred and his family. It's nice to be at home.
Выбери правильный ответ в соответствии с прочитанным текстом.
1. Fred has got
a) a dog b) a puppy c) a cat.
2. Tad is
a) black b) grey c) white.
3. One day they play hide-and-seek
a) in the park b) in the house c) in the forest
4. Fred wants to find
a) his house b) Tad c) the park
5. "Where is …?" the puppy says.
a) my house b) your house c) Fred
6. His house is
a) green b) blue c)red.
Часть II. Лексико-грамматический тест.
1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его.
a) ten, twelve, tea, fourteen, thirty
b) hockey, tennis, football, corn, basketball
c) cheese, bread, breakfast, meat, cake
d) nose, rabbit, neck, teeth, arm
e) Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Ben.
2. Выбери нужное слово.
a) Have you got many/much friends.
b) He eats many/much bread for breakfast.
c) His friend live/lives in the forest.
d) Cats like/likes milk and fish.
e) They go/goes to the park every day.
Правильные ответы.
I. 1 – b 2 – c 3 – a 4 – b 5 – c 6 – a
II. 1. a) tea b) corn c) breakfast d) rabbit e) Ben
2. a) many b)much c)lives d)like e)go
Шкала оценивания
Количество баллов
Оценка | |
14 – 16 | 5 |
11 - 13 | 4 |
8 – 10 | 3 |
< 8 | 2 |
Входная контрольная работа
по английскому языку
для обучающихся 5 класса
Цель работы – контроль навыков чтения по теме «Семья», контроль лексических навыков по темам «Одежда», «Животные, их места обитания», «Семья», «Школа», контроль грамматических навыков по темам «Present / Past / Future Simple», «Степени сравнения прилагательных»
Содержание работы
Часть I. Чтение
Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.
Yesterday afternoon John’s mother was at work. John was at home with his father. They watched TV together. Then his father said: “Let’s cook dinner for Mum and we can all have dinner!” And they went to the kitchen. The father wanted to have some soup but John didn’t like it. They decided to have fish. The father took the fish and they started cooking it together.
Then John went to his bedroom to do his homework. His father went to his room to read a book. They didn’t go to the kitchen again.
After an hour, John’s mother came home. She was tired. But when she opened the door, she ran to the kitchen and cried: “Oh, no!” The kitchen was very dirty. They couldn’t eat the fish because it was black! John’s mother wasn’t happy. John and his father were sad, too.
But then, John and his father cleaned the kitchen and cooked a pizza for dinner.
Выбери правильный ответ в соответствии с прочитанным текстом.
1. Yesterday John was at home …
a) with his mother
b) with his father
c) with his mother and father
2. Yesterday John’s father said:
a) “Let’s cook dinner for Mum together”.
b) “Let’s do your homework together”.
c) “Let’s watch TV together”.
3. At first they decided to…
a) cook fish for dinner.
b) cook soup for lunch.
c) cook a pizza for dinner.
4. They started cooking fish and …
a) John went to his bedroom to read a book.
b) John went to his bedroom to watch TV.
c) John went to his bedroom to do his homework.
5. John’s mother was unhappy because…
a) John didn’t do his homework.
b) the kitchen was dirty.
c) John and his father cooked a pizza for dinner.
Часть II. Лексико-грамматический тест.
1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его.
a) boots, shoes, trainers, trousers
b) ocean, river, lake, desert, sea
c) granny, postman, grandpa, dad, brother
d) sheep, horse, cow, camel, whale
e) Maths, PE, Thursday, Reading, Russian 2. Выберите правильное слово.
1) Last year they … study English.
a) began b) begins c) will begin
2) In winter my grandmother doesn’t … her flowers every day.
a) watered b) water c) waters
3) He … London next summer.
a) visits b) visited c) will visit
4) … the children play snowballs in the park yesterday?
a) Do b) Will c) Did
5) In summer the days are … than in winter.
a) long b) longer c) the longest
Правильные ответы.
I. 1- b) 2 – a) 3 – b) 4 – c) 5– b)
II. 1. a) trousers
b) desert
c) postman
d) whale
e) Thursday
III. 1) – a) 2) – b) 3) – c) 4) – c) 5) – b)
Шкала оценивания
Количество баллов
Оценка | |
14 – 15 | 5 |
11 – 13 | 4 |
8 – 10 | 3 |
> 8 | 2 |
Входная контрольная работа
по английскому языку
для обучающихся 6 класса
Цель работы – контроль лексических навыков по темам «Школа», «Путешествуя по городу», контроль грамматических навыков по темам «Present / Past / Future Simple», «Present Continuous»
Содержание работы
I. Put in the words: play, speak, exchange, taught, take, hobbies, an interview, stay.
Denis Korolev is a ten-year old student. His 1)_______ are sport and music. He can 2)______ the guitar well. He likes to 3)______ pictures of his friends. Denis can 4)_______ and read English. Last year Barbara Grey from Great Britain 5)______ him and his friends. She is going to arrange a students' 6)_______ . Yesterday Denis gave 7)________ to a youth magazine about the Russian-English student exchange. Denis is going to 8)_______ with his pen-friend's family.
II. Make up the dialogue. Put the phrases in the correct order.
A. – You are welcome. Have a nice day.
B. – Excuse me, am I far from Trafalgar Square?
С. – How can I get there?
D. - I'm afraid you are.
E. - It's very easy. Take bus No.64 and you'll be there in ten minutes.
F. – Thank you very much.
III. Choose the correct translation.
1. Сейчас ему необходим только горячий чай.
a) He is needing only a cup of hot tea at the moment.
b) He needs only a cup of hot tea at the moment.
2. Что Вы хотите?
a) What do you want?
b) What are you wanting?
3. Тише! Он пишет статью о Москве.
a) Keep silence! He is writing an article about Moscow.
b) Silence! He writes an article about Moscow.
4. Have you ever been to an ancient castle?
a) Вы бывали когда-нибудь в старинном замке?
b) Вы собираетесь побывать когда-нибудь в старинном замке?
5. This book is worth reading.
а) Эту книгу следует прочитать.
b) Эту книгу стоит прочитать.
Правильные ответы
I. 1)hobbies 2)play 3)takes 4)speak 5)taught 6)exchange 7)an interview 8)stay
II. 1 – B 2 – D 3 – C 4 –E 5 – F 6 – A
III. 1 – b) 2 – a) 3 – a) 4 – a) 5 – b)
Шкала оценивания
Количество баллов
Оценка | |
18 – 19 | 5 |
13 - 17 | 4 |
9 – 12 | 3 |
< 9 | 2 |
Входная контрольная работа
по английскому языку
для обучающихся 7 класса
Цель работы – контроль навыков аудирования по теме «Праздники», контроль лексических навыков по теме «Животные», контроль грамматических навыков по темам «Present / Past / Future Simple», «Present Continuous», «Present Perfect»
Содержание работы
I. You will hear some short texts about holidays in Great Britain. Guess what holiday is described in each text.
Christmas, Hallowe'en, Mother's Day, St.Valentine's Day, New Year's Day, Easter
1. On this day people visit their mothers and give them flowers and small presents. Husbands and children help with the meals and washing up.
2. On this day people usually visit their friends. They try to be the first person to wish good luck to their friends in the new year. There is a lot of dancing and eating. At midnight everybody joins hands and sings a special song.
3. On this day people send cards to their friends, parents and relatives. People put trees in their rooms and decorate them with toys and coloured lights. On this day children get up early in the morning. They want to see a stocking full of small presents on their beds. A traditional dinner on this holiday is roast turkey, roast potatoes and pudding.
4. People send special cards to people they love. They shouldn't write their names on the cards. The person who gets the card must guess who sent it.
5. At this holiday schools close for two weeks. People give each other chocolate eggs. Sometimes parents hide eggs in the house or in the garden and children look for them.
6. On this day they say ghosts and witches come out. Children make lanterns out of pumpkins. Some people have parties and dress as witches and ghosts. It is celebrated on the 31st of October. Children walk from house to house and ask "Trick or treat?"
II. Put in the words: feeding time, full of fun, so, fight, shared, last Sunday, watch, jumped out, looked.
Have you ever been to the zoo at 1)______? I was there 2)______. It was 3)______ interesting to 4)_______ the animals. As usual the monkeys were 5)_____. Big birds were stretching their wings and flying down to their food. Two dolphins 6)_____ of the water to catch their fish. Baby lions had a 7)______ for their meat. The elephant 8)________ hungry and I 9)_______ my orange with him.
III. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. The town … founded in 1368.
a) is b)was c)were
2. They … already … Christmas presents for all their relatives. Now they are decorating the house.
a) will … buy b) are going … to buy c) have … bought
3. What … your sister … at the moment?
a) is … doing b) has … done c) does … do
4. Look! She … our pudding.
a) is liking b) likes c) like
5. Next month I … in France.
a) am b) will be c) have been
Правильные ответы
I. 1 - Mother's Day 2 - New Year's Day 3 – Christmas 4 - St.Valentine's Day 5 – Easter
6 - Hallowe'en
II. 1) - feeding time 2) - last Sunday 3) – so 4) – watch 5) - full of fun 6) - jumped out
7) – fight 8) – looked 9)- shared
III. 1 – b 2 – с 3 – a 4 – b 5 – b
Шкала оценивания
Количество баллов
Оценка | |
19 – 20 | 5 |
15 - 18 | 4 |
10 – 14 | 3 |
< 10 | 2 |
Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий сказочной постановки в рамках предметной недели по английскому языку
Little Red Riding Hood
(Красная шапочка)
Красная Шапочка (Girl)
Мама (Mum)
Бабушка (Granny)
Волк (Wolf)
1 Охотник (Man 1)
2 Охотник (Man 2)
Реквизит: корзинка (с любым содержимым, изображающим еду), стулья и покрывало (изображающие кровать), подушка (съеденная бабушка), искусственные цветы, игрушечные ружья, костюмы персонажей.
(Красная Шапочка выходит на сцену, обращается к публике)
Girl: Hello! I'm Little Red Riding Hood. (выходит Мама) And this is my Mum.
Mum: Go to your Granny. (протягивает девочке корзинку с едой) Give her the cake and the pot of butter.
Girl: All right, Mum. Goodbye!
Mum: Goodbye! (мама уходит).
(Девочка идёт по сцене, напевая, собирая цветы. Появляется волк.)
Wolf: Hello, little girl! What's your name?
Girl: Little Red Riding Hood.
Wolf: Where are you going?
Girl: To my Granny.
Wolf: Where does she live?
Girl: In a little house near the forest.
Wolf: Oh, I see. Goodbye!
Girl: Goodbye!
(Волк убегает со сцены. Девочка медленно уходит, собирая цветы.)
(Выходит бабушка, садится в "кровать". Вбегает волк, стучит в воображаемую дверь.)
Wolf: Knock-knock!
Granny: Who's there?
Wolf: (тоненьким голосом, вкрадчиво) It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!
Granny: Come in, please. (волк заходит и набрасывается на бабушку) …Oh, a wolf! Help, help!!
(Бабушка убегает со сцены, волк бежит за ней.)
(Волк возвращается, поглаживая живот - под одежду можно подложить подушку, изображающую съеденную бабушку. На волке одежда бабушки, очки.)
Wolf: Oh, I'm still hungry. I'll wait for the girl. (Волк садится на "кровать". Появляется Красная Шапочка, стучит в "дверь".)
Girl: Knock-knock!
Wolf: Who's there?
Girl: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!
Wolf: Come in, please.
(Девочка входит, показывает волку корзинку с едой.)
Girl: I've got a cake and a pot of butter for you.
Wolf: Thank you. Come nearer, please.
(Девочка подходит к волку, разглядывает его. Говорит с удивлением, показывая на себе соответствующие части тела.)
Girl:Why have you got such big eyes, Granny?
Wolf: To see you better. (протирает глаза.)
Girl: Why have you got such big ears, Granny?
Wolf: To hear you better. (прикладывает ладонь к уху, делая вид, что прислушивается.)
Girl: Why have you got such big teeth, Granny?
Wolf: To eat you! (вскакивает, набрасывается на Красную Шапочку.)
Girl: Help, help!
(Появляются охотники.)
Man 1: Stop! Hands up! (Охотник наводит на волка ружьё, волк поднимает руки вверх, пытается убежать.)
Man 2: Catch the wolf!
(Охотники уводят волка, возвращаются с бабушкой)
Granny: Thank you!
Girl: Thank you very much!
Man1, Man2: Not at all!
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Find the mistakes
- It was hers car.
- I saw they at the cinema.
- Mary and Jill is my best friend’s.
- Ours house is bigger then yours.
- Jack lost him favourite toy.
- Helen gave my a new bike.
- Diana found she’s torch under the bed.
- The old lady was cooking a delicious cake for we.
- That is the girl that stole my jacket!
- Who’s scissors are these?
- There not my! There Jackie’s.
- Have you found some sour cherries?
- I heard somewhere whistling outside.
- Look out at the window and see who is it!
- It’s a fine day.The birds are flying on the sky.
- She’s got a big leather red square handbag.
- What’s the matter? I’ve got a terrible head - ache.
- He goes to school with the bus every day.
- He did found a book on the floor.
- What is your best friend? Anne or Jill?
- I want to buy one of these books but I don’t know what one to choose.
- Look! Those is my big brother!
- I enjoy watching this cartoons.
- You must to be very careful, otherwise you’ll get hurt.
- Tom enjoy sailing with his father.
- They likes eating ice -cream.
- Did you seen someone?
- He come to school in time.
- She won’t came if don’t invite her.
- May was lost her purse.
- He have to eat many of vegetables.
- No- one came to visiting him.
- How much flowers do you want?
- What do you like? A piece of that lovely banana cake, please.
- That flowers are beautiful!
- Go to the supermarket and buy a lot fruit. I want to do a fruit salad.
- Tom is playing on the computer when I arrived.
- He didn’t came to the party because he was ill.
- How many sugar did you bought?
- May is as tall Daisy.Isn’t she?
Предварительный просмотр:
Present Simple
A. Write the third person singular of these verbs. Follow the example:
answer: answers | stop: | study: |
write: | say: | finish: |
go: | have: | sell: |
find: | travel: | think: |
wash: | remember: | fly: |
B. Rewrite the sentences by correcting the mistakes:
1. She don’t want to come with us.
2. What time you have lunch?
3. They no have breakfast at home.
4. Vitamins is important in your diet.
5. We go often to the cinema.
6. This car doesn’t is beautiful.
C. Put the verbs in the correct sentence by using Present Simple rules (positive or negative).
talk eat believe speak like know drink
- Margaret _________________ four languages – English, French, German and Spanish.
- I _________________ my job. It’s very boring.
- “Where’s Martin?” “I’m sorry. I _________________.”
- Sue is a very quiet person. She _________________ very much.
- Jim _________________ a lot of tea. It’s his favorite drink.
- It’s not true! I _________________ it!
- That’s a very beautiful picture. I _________________ it very much.
- Mark is a vegetarian. He _________________ meat.
D. Make questions according to the answers:
1. ________________________________________________________________________?
I wash my hair twice a week.
2. ________________________________________________________________________?
I live in London.
3. ________________________________________________________________________?
I watch TV every day.
4. ________________________________________________________________________?
She has lunch at home.
5. ________________________________________________________________________?
He gets up at 7:30.
6. ________________________________________________________________________?
They go to the cinema.
7. ________________________________________________________________________?
I go to work by bus.
Предварительный просмотр:
A. Write the verbs in Present Simple:
Sophie´s Mother
1. Sophie´s Mother _______________ (work) in Paris.
2. Her office _______________ (be) in a big building.
3. Every morning she _______________ (get up) at nine o´clock.
4. She _______________ (be) a very important architect.
5. She _______________ (drink) coffe and _______________ (eat) toast for breakfast.
6. She _______________ (read) the newspaper.
7. She _______________ (take) the train in the morning.
8. She and her Daughter _______________ (go) to the cinema the Friday´s.
9. She always _______________ (have) new projects.
10. She _______________ (build) a house whit a pool.
B. Fill in the verbs in Present Simple:
1. He _______________ potatoes for dinner.
2. I _______________ a milkshake three times a day.
3. She _______________ to Spain once each year.
4. We _______________ English and Italian.
5. They _______________ in Hawaii.
6. We _______________ volleyball
7. I _______________ to school everyday.
8. Susan _______________ in a factory.
9. The baby _______________ all the night.
10. Chase _______________ old films.
C. Do, Does, Don´t or Doesn´t:
1. He ________ in Chile.
2. She ________ love him.
3. I ________ understand you.
4. You ________ have lucky.
5. We ________ watch that movie.
6. I ________ remind my homework.
7. She ________ eat pork.
8. He ________ drive a Ferrari.
9. We ________ expect visitors.
10. They ________ do the mess in the kitchen.
11. ________ She is in the school?
12. ________ You visit Rome last year?
13. ________ You think I´m sexy?
14. ________ It plays with the ball?
15. ________ I love you?
D. Choose the best option:
1. Mark ________ to the school.
a)does b)walk c)walks d)do
2. Suzy ________ classic ballet.
a)dances b)do c)dance d)does
3. Lucy ________________to sleep at 7 o´clock.
a)goes b)do c)doesn´t go d)don´t
4. ________ Santiago and Rebecca eat cupcakes?
a)do b)don´t c)don´t eat d)does
5. ________ Meiko love cherry flowers?
a)do b)don´t c)doesn´t d)does
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Read the sentences and put the numbers accordingly:
___ the number of Dwarves Snow White lived with
___ the Celsius freezing point
___ days in April
___ days in a quarantine
___ the number of letters in the alphabet
___ an unlucky number
___ days in February, non-leap year
___ number of toes in a human foot
___ teeth in the normal human mouth
___ the number of years in a millennium
___ in Italian is dieci
___ in Spanish is catorce
____ the number of months in a year
___ the number of performers in a duet
___ days in December
___ in French is un
___ degrees in a right angle
___ the number of sides in a hexagon
___ books in a trilogy
___ minutes in an hour
___ legs on an octopus
___ the number of cents in a half-dollar
___ children in a set of quadruplets
___ days in February, leap year
___ players on a soccer team
___ in Latin is quindecim
___ number of hours in a day
___ the Celsius boiling point
7 - The number of Dwarves Snow White lived with
0 - The Celsius freezing point
30- Days in April
40 - Days in a quarantine
26 - The number of letters in the alphabet
13 - An unlucky number
28 - Days in February, non-leap year
5 - Number of toes in a human foot
32 - Teeth in the normal human mouth
1000 - The number of years in a millennium
10 - In Italian is dieci
14 - In Spanish is catorce
12 -The number of months in a year
2 - The number of performers in a duet
31 - Days in December
1 - In French is un
90 - Degrees in a right angle
6 - The number of sides in a hexagon
3 - Books in a trilogy
60 - Minutes in an hour
8 - Legs on an octopus
50 - The number of cents in a half-dollar
4 - Children in a set of quadruplets
29 - Days in February, leap year
11 - Players on a soccer team
15 - In Latin is quindecim
24 - Number of hours in a day
100 - The Celsius boiling point
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр: