Own game (English cultural studies)
презентация к уроку

Родичев Марк Эдуардович

Своя игра на тему "Страноведенье Великобритании"


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

A team game!

Слайд 2

Famous People 100 200 300 400 500 Flags and Symbols 100 200 300 400 500 Holidays 100 200 300 400 500 Well-known sights 100 200 300 400 500 Transport 100 200 300 400 500

Слайд 3

Famous People 100 This beautiful lady was a wife of the Prince of Wales.

Слайд 4

Famous People 100 This beautiful lady was a wife of Prince of Wales. Diana Spencer

Слайд 5

Famous People 200 This lady wrote about 80 detective stories.

Слайд 6

Famous People 200 This lady wrote about 80 detective stories. Agatha Christie

Слайд 7

Famous People 3 00 The most influential rock band in history.

Слайд 8

Famous People 3 00 The most influential rock band in history. The Beatles

Слайд 9

Famous People 4 00 He was one of the best British artist, His masterpieces are kept in the National Gallery in London.

Слайд 10

Famous People 4 00 He was one of the best British artist, His masterpieces are kept in the National Gallery in London. William Hogarth

Слайд 11

Transport 6 00 What is the largest airport of London?

Слайд 12

Transport 6 00 What is the largest airport of London? Heathrow

Слайд 13

Flags and Symbols 1 00 What is the nickname of this flag?

Слайд 14

Flags and Symbols 1 00 What is the nickname of this flag? T he Union Jack

Слайд 15

Flags and Symbols 2 00 What is the national symbol of Scotland?

Слайд 16

Flags and Symbols 2 00 What is the national symbol of Scotland? A thistle

Слайд 17

Flags and Symbols 3 00 Which country does this flag belong to?

Слайд 18

Flags and Symbols 3 00 Which country does this flag belong to? Wales

Слайд 19

Flags and Symbols 4 00 Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman?

Слайд 20

Flags and Symbols 4 00 Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman? John Bull

Слайд 21

Flags and Symbols 5 00 You can see a lion and a unicorn on the coat-of-arms of the UK. Which countries do they symbolize?

Слайд 22

Flags and Symbols 5 00 You can see a lion and a unicorn on the coat-of-arms of the UK. Which countries do they symbolize? England and Scotland

Слайд 23

Holidays 1 00 What holiday is this picture associated with?

Слайд 24

Holidays 1 00 What holiday is this picture associated with? Easter

Слайд 25

Holidays 2 00 What vegetable is used to make Jack-o'-lantern?

Слайд 26

Holidays 2 00 What vegetable is used to make Jack-o'-lantern? A pumpkin

Слайд 27

Holidays 3 00 This holiday is celebrated on the 25 th of January

Слайд 28

Holidays 3 00 Christmas

Слайд 29

Holidays 4 00 This holiday is celebrated on the 14 th of February.

Слайд 30

Holidays 4 00 This holiday is celebrated on the 14 th of February.

Слайд 31

Holidays 5 00 How does Santa Claus get into the house?

Слайд 32

Holidays 5 00 How does Santa Claus get into the house? Не gets down the chimney

Слайд 33

London Sights 1 00 This museum is the oldest and the largest.

Слайд 34

London Sights 1 00 This museum is the oldest and the largest. The British Museum

Слайд 35

London Sights 2 00 What palace is Big Ben located in?

Слайд 36

London Sights 2 00 What palace is Big Ben located in? Westminster Palace

Слайд 37

London Sights 3 00 Who built the Tower of London?

Слайд 38

London Sights 3 00 Who built the Tower of London? William the Conqueror

Слайд 39

London Sights 4 00 The coronation takes place in this royal church.

Слайд 40

London Sights 4 00 The coronation takes place in this royal church. Westminster Abbey

Слайд 41

London Sights 5 00 What is the name of Shakespeare’s famous theatre?

Слайд 42

London Sights 5 00 What is the name of Shakespeare’s famous theatre? The Globe

Слайд 43

Transport 1 00 The colour of London cabs is

Слайд 44

Transport 1 00 The colour of London cabs is black

Слайд 45

Transport 200 How do they call such buses?

Слайд 46

Transport 200 What is the most famous lake in Scotland? Double-decker bus

Слайд 47

Transport 300 You can go to England by car using this

Слайд 48

Transport 300 You can go to England by car or by train using this The Chunnel Tunnel

Слайд 49

Transport 400 Over 44,2 million people pass through this British airport each year

Слайд 50

Transport 400 Over 44,2 million people pass throw this British airport each year The Heathrow

Слайд 51

Transport 5 00 What is nickname of the Underground in London?

Слайд 52

Transport 5 00 What is nickname of the Underground in London? The Tube

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