День Битлз
Данное мероприятие открывает неделю иностранных языков в МБОУ "Гимназия №1".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Программа недели иностранных языков
27 февраля
- Перформанс (песни группы «Битлз», раздача флаеров с программой дня)
- Исполнение песен группой ребят 8-х классов под гитару.
- Виртуальная экскурсия в музей Битлз (актовый зал после 3 и 4 уроков)
- Германия и Битлз (презентация на 1 этаже)
- Оформление музея рисунками начальной школы к песням «Б
28 февраля
- Флаеры с программой дня.
- Открытый микрофон (исполнение песен группы Битлз и чтение стихов – 2-3 перемены)
- Немецкий – легко и весело.(на один урок снять -3- открытый урок в 5-х классах)
1 марта
- Флаеры с программой дня.
- Конкурс переводов (3 этаж 4 перемена – чтение лучших переводов - микрофон).
2 марта
- Флаеры с программой дня.
- Страноведческая викторина по Великобритании и Германии(после уроков в актовом зале между командами 7-10 классов с использованием системы голосования VOTUM. Разделы: география, флаги, королевская семья, культура – музыка, живопись, театр).
3 марта
- Флаеры с программой дня.
- Подведение итогов недели и награждение (в актовом зале на 4 перемене).
Номинации открытого микрофона:
- Дипломы I,II,III степени
- Номинация за выразительность
- Номинация за артистичность
- Номинация за оригинальность исполнения
- Номинация за самое смелое исполнение
Номинации конкурса переводов:
- Дипломы I,II,III степени
- «Лучшая рифма»
- «Начинающий поэт»
- «Самый оригинальный перевод»
- «Открытие»
Предварительный просмотр:
1. In early 1956, John Lennon, impressed by the music of Bill Haley, Elvis Presley, decided to organize his own group. It included John’s high school buddies. By that time John played the harmonica and banjo and started to learn the guitar, which was bought for 17 quid by his aunt Mimi. Originally the group was called The Black Jacks and a week later was renamed The Quarrymen — in honor of their school. The Quarrymen played skiffle and tried to be like Teddy-boys. They performed at school concerts, parties — mostly for food or a nominal fee.
On July 6th, 1957 during a concert in the garden of St. Peter's Church, Ivan Vaughan introduced John Lennon to Paul McCartney. John was impressed by the musical knowledge of Paul. Paul conquered his new companions with the ability to tune a guitar. John thought for a while about whether to have such a strong rival for leadership in the group, but two weeks later gave Paul an invitation to join The Quarrymen. 1 minute 10 seconds.
2. Till 1960 the group's name had constantly been changed at every concert. The name Beatals, Silver Beats, Silver Beetles, Silver Beatles and finally The Beatles appeared in April 1960. There is still no clear answer who exactly made that word. According to the memoirs of members of the group, the authors considered Sutcliffe and Lennon, who were keen on the idea to come up with a name that has different meanings.
3. The Beatles gradually moved away from the acoustic style skiffle, playing more a hard electric beat and rhythm and Blues. The first steps of the group in pop music were associated with the copying of songs and style of overseas idols, but that time repertoire began to appear on their songs. Club owner Allan Williams started partially to perform the duties of a group Manager. The first two years Lennon and McCartney managed to write about a hundred songs, and some of them were included in later albums. Before they became popular, John and Paul agreed to subscribe songs together, no matter who wrote them. After 1963, they had rarely written songs together, but all their songs recorded for The Beatles were signed by Lennon-McCartney.
4. In the early 1960-s the British bands became very popular in Hamburg. On the 16th of August, the group left England, and the next day they held their first concert in Hamburg's Indra club. Performance schedule was very tough: as a rule, at the club each group played only one hour, for 12 hours. In the Kaiserkeller The Beatles for the first time had a chance to sing and dance on a really big stage. Daily work and the ability to play music of any genre were decisive factors in the development of The Beatles’ professional skills. In Hamburg the band met with a group of students from the local art College, who played a significant role in the image of the group. Kirchherr proposed a new hairstyle and the jackets without collars and lapels according to Pierre Cardin. "500 hours on stage in Hamburg created the style that would conquer the world," wrote the biographer of the group Mark Lewison. Since 1961, the fame of the Liverpool Quartet had been constantly growing. After touring in Hamburg, the Beatles had his own style and sound.
5. In February 1962, the first recording of The Beatles for BBC radio tookplace. In April, The Beatles went on the third tour in Hamburg with the rank of the best rock group in Liverpool. The moral climate within the group contributed to the joint work. John and George had already released solo records, all four members of the group were already family men and felt the need to spend more time with their wives and children. All these nuances gradually led to the disintegration. Work on the next album was abandoned. It was planned to release the CD, make a film and publish the book.
Despite all the difficulties, Let It Be, which is considered the last "lifetime" album the Beatles, was released on 8 May 1970. On May 20 was released a documentary film Let It Be, but at its premiere, none of the Beatles were present because of the band, as such, did not exist.
In 1970-s, a popular topic in the media was the possible reunion of The Beatles. In 1971 in New York a concert was held organized by Harrison, it was also attended by Ringo Starr. In 1974 the jam session took place after the breakup of the Beatles, which was attended by Lennon and McCartney.
Предварительный просмотр:
Уважаемые гимназисты!
Приглашаем Вас принять активное участие в следующих конкурсах в рамках Недели иностранных языков!
- Литературный перевод песен легендарной группы «Битлз» и своих любимых стихов с английского или немецкого языков на русский.
- Исполнение песен на английском и немецком языках, возможно также исполнение песен группы «Битлз».
- Викторина по следующим направлениям – география Великобритании, флаги и англоязычные страны, королевская семья, культура (музыка, живопись, театр).
Предлагаемые тексты песен легендарной группы «Битлз»
Things We Said Today You say you will love me You say you'll be mine, girl, Me, I'm just the lucky kind. Every Little Thing When I'm walking beside her Every little thing she does, There is one thing I'm sure of, Every little thing she does, I’ll Be Back You know, if you break my heart I'll go I love you so, oh You could find better things to do I thought that you would realize You could find better things to do | Imagine Imagine there’s no heaven It’s easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today… Imagine there’s no countries It isn’t hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace… Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world… You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one I hope someday you’ll join us And the world will be as one. No reply (Lennon) This happened once before When I came to your door – no reply. They said it wasn’t you But I saw you peep through your window. I saw the light I saw the light I know that you saw me ‘Cos I looked up to see your face. I tried to telephone, They said you were not home, that’s a lie, ‘Cos I know where you’ve been I saw you walk in the door. I nearly died I nearly died ‘Cos you walked hand in hand With another man in my place. If I were you I’d realize that I Love you more than any other guy And I’ll forgive the lies that I Heard before when you gave me no reply I tried to telephone They said you were not home, that’s a lie, ‘Cos I know where you’ve been I saw you walk in the door. I nearly died, I nearly died ‘Cos you walked hand in hand With another man in my place. No reply, no reply. I'll Follow The Sun One day, you'll look to see I've gone And now the time has come |
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