Сценарий праздника в начальной школе "Цветочный алфавит" на стихи Сесили Мэри Баркер и презентация
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Сценарий праздника в начальной школе "Цветочный алфавит" на стихи Сесили Мэри Баркер и презентация к празднику в 2 частях
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Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий праздника
“The Flower Alphabet”
по стихотворениям
Сесили Мэри Баркер
“The Flower Fairies and Elves”
для учащихся 2-4 классов
Подготовила Астахова О.Б.
The Flower Alphabet | |
A is for APPLE Crab-apples, Crab-apples, out in the wood, Little and bitter, yet little and good! The apples in orchards, so rosy and fine, Are children of wild little apples like mine.
| B is for BUGLE
At the edge of the woodland Where good fairies dwell, Stands on a look-out, A brave sentinel. With bluebells and campions The woodlands are gay, Where bronzy-leaved Bugle Keeps watch night and day.
C is for CROCUS Crocus of yellow, new and gay; Mauve and purple, in brave array; Crocus white Like a cup of light.
| D is for DOUBLE DAISY Dahlias and Delphiniums, you’re too tall for me; Isn’t there a little flower I can choose for D? Crimson Daisy, now I see You’re the little lad for me!
E is for ELM TREE Soft and brown in Winter-time, Dark and green in Summer’s prime, All their leaves are a yellow haze In the pleasant Autumn days See the line of Elm trees stand Keeping watch through the land.
| F is for FORGET-ME-NOT So small, so blue in grassy places My flowers raise Their tiny faces. By streams my bigger sisters grow, And smile in gardens, In a row. I’ve never seen a garden plot; But though I’m small Forget me not!
G is for GERANIUM Red, red vermilion red, With buds and blooms in a glorious head! There isn’t a flower, the wide world through, That glows with a brighter scarlet hue. Her name – Geranium – everyone knows; She’s just as happy wherever she grows.
| H is for HOLLY
O, I am green in winter-time, When other trees are brown; Of all the trees (So says the rhyme) The holly bears the crown.
I is for IRIS
I am Iris: I’m the daughter Of the marshland and water. Looking down, I see the gleam Of the clear and peaceful stream; Water-lilies large and fair With their leaves are floating there; All the water world I see, And my own face smiles at me.
| J is for JASMINE In heat of summer days With sunshine all ablaze Here, here are cool green bowers Starry with Jasmine flowers.
K is for KNAPWEED Oh, please little children, take note of my name: To call me a thistle is really a shame: I’m harmless old Knapweed, who grows on the chalk, I never will prick you when out for your walk.
| L is for LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY Lovely, lovely things for L Lilac, lavender as well; And, more sweet than rhyming tells, Lily-of-the-Valley’s bells.
M is for MARIGOLD I scatter many seeds around; And where they fall upon the ground, More Marigolds will spring, more flowers To open wide in sunny hours.
| O is for OLD-MAN’S BEARD
This is where the little elves Cuddle down to hide themselves; Into fluffy beds they creep, Say good-night, and go to sleep.
N is for NASTURTIUM Nasturtium the jolly, O ho, O ho! He holds up his brolly Just so, just so! Up fences he scrambles Sing hey, sing hey! All summer he rambles So gay, so gay - Till the night-frost strikes chilly And Autumn leaves fall, And he’s gone, willy-nilly, Umbrella and all.
Q is for QUEEN OF THE MEADOW Queen of the Meadow where small streams are flowing, What is your kingdom And whom do you rule? “Mine are the places where wet grass is growing, Mine are the people of marshland and pool.”
| P is for PANSY Pansy and Petunia, Periwinkle, Pink – How to choose the best of them, Leaving out the rest of them, That is hard I think. Poppy with its pepper-pots, Polyanthus, Pea – Though I wouldn’t slight the rest, Isn’t Pansy quite the best, Quite the best for P?
R is for RAGGED ROBIN In wet marshy meadows A tattered piper strays – Ragged, ragged Robin; On thin reeds he plays. He asks for no payment; He plays, for delight, A tune for the fairies To dance to at night.
S is for STRAWBERRY A flower for S! Is Sunflower he? He’s handsome, yes, But what of me? - In my party suit Of red and white, And a gift of fruit For the feast tonight; Strawberries small And wild and sweet, For the Queen and all Of her Court to eat.
| T is for TULIP Our stalks are very straight and tall, Our colours clear and bright; Тoo many-hued to name them all – Red, yellow, pink or white.
U is a secret letter. It is hidden in BUTTERCUP ‘Tis I whom children love the best; My wealth is all for them; For them is set each glossy cup Upon each sturdy stem.
V is for VIOLET The wren and robin hop around; The Primrose-maids my neighbours be; The sun has warmed the mossy ground; Where Spring has come, I too am found: The Cuckoo’s call has wakened me!
W is for WILLOW By the peaceful stream or the shady pool I dip my leaves in the water cool. I dance, I dance, when the breezes blow, And dip my toes in the stream below.
| X is another secret letter. It is hidden in the FOXGLOVE “Foxglove, Foxglove, What do you see? “ The cool green woodland, The fat velvet bee; Hey, Mr Bumble, I’ve honey for thee!
Y is for YEW Here, on the dark and solemn Yew, A marvel can be seen, Where waxen berries, pink and new, Appear amid the green.
| Z is for ZINNIA Z for Zinnias, pink or red; See them in the flower bed, Copper, orange, all aglow, Making such a stately show. I, their fairy, say Good-bye, For the last of all am I.
Now the Alphabet is said All the way from A to Z. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Bugle Bugle BUGLE
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