Сказка на английском языке "Царевна-лягушка"
план-конспект занятия (6 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Сказка на английском языке
Начало, музыка
Рассказчик: Today my friends you can enjoy
A fairy tale instead of toys.
We’ll act a marvelous play for you
We hope kids, you’ll enjoy it too.
A tale of tsar and sons of his.
Now watch the play attentively, please.
(появляется царь и царица)
Царь: We have got three adult sons
And I’m very nervous.
I can’t sleep and I can’t eat
Because they are already fit
And it’s time to marry them.
Царица: I adore my sons,
And I love them all.
Look at them
They are tall and strong
And they like to sing
Old Russian song.
(появляются сыновья, Дубинушка)
1 сын: I am the eldest son.
2 сын: I am the middle one.
Иван: And I am the youngest Ivan.
Царь: Dear sons, I’d like to say
That I have a wish today,
I want to marry you
And these arrows for you.
(даёт три стрелы)
Put them into the air
And where they will fall
You’ll find your pretty girl.
(сыновья прощаются и уходят)
Появляется старший сын)
Ст. сын:
Oh, where is my arrow, oh where?
May be here, may be there.
(Звучит музыка, появл. Куп. Дочь)
Куп. дочь: My dear Prince, I’d like to say
That you’ve found your wife today.
Forget your life that in the past
Let’s go to the palace fast.
(подходят к царю)
Ст. сын: Father, look at my wife!
We’ll be living happy life.
Царь: What a girl, so nice and smart.
(уходят, появляется средний сын)
Ср. сын: Оh, where is my arrow, oh where?
May be here, may be there.
(звучит хороводная музыка, появл боярск. дочь)
Бояр. дочь: My dear Prince I’d like to say
You’ve found your wife today.
Forget your life that in the past
Let’s go to your father fast.
(подходят к царю)
Ср. сын: Father, have a look at my wife
I’ll love her all my future life.
Царь: How nice and pretty she is
Respect and love her always please.
(уходят, появляется Иван)
Иван: I’ve shot my arrow into the bog
And what I see – a wet green frog.
Лягушка: My dear Prince, take me with you
I’ll be a good wife for you.
I am kind and very clever
I was given you forever.
(идут к отцу)
Иван: Father, have a look at my wife!
Can I love her all my life?
Царь: Yes, Ivan. You must be wise
Look, your frog-wife is nice.
(все сыновья встают перед царём)
Царь: So, sons, I’d like to check if your wives
Could sew for my hall
A big nice carpet and that’s all!
(Все уходят, остаётся Иван)
Иван: What to do and whom to ask?
How could the frog fulfill the task.
Рассказчица: The night has come
Ivan is sleeping.
The night is over
And clocks say five
Ivan gets up and sees a carpet
Already made by his wife.
His frog-wife is telling him
“Your carpet’s here.
Take it and go to the palace , dear.
(появляется царь,)
Царь: I’d like to see a carpet of my eldest son!
(старший сын показывает ковёр)
Царь: Your carpet is to cheap
My cat will sleep on it.
Царь: And now, bring me carpet, my middle son!
(средн. сын показывает ковёр)
Царь: I can’t to say that it’s too small
But carpet doesn’t fit my hall.
(уходит ср.сын, подходит Иван)
Царь: Vanya, glad to see you, dear
Now put your carpet here.
How beautiful it is
Put it in my bedroom, please.
Sons, come here. Second task for you to bake
Big delicious butter cake.
(все уходят)
Рассказчица: Ivan is sad, his thoughts are bad
His wife can’t bake the tasty bread
But in the morning very early
The frog has shown him
The cake he’s never seen.
(появляется царь)
Старший сын: it’s our cake, try the piece
Father, price it, please.
Царь: I cannot bite your cake
It’s too hard, put it away!
(подходит ср. сын)
Ср.сын: From our cake bite the piece
And now price it, father, please?
Царь: your cake is soft and very wet
You haven’t baked it ready yet.
(уходит ср. сын, появл-ся Иван)
Иван: It’s our cake. Father, try the piece
And price the cake correctly, please.
Царь: What a tasty big sweet cake!
I’ve never eaten such a bake.
Царица: And I wish to see at once
How my step-daughters can dance.
(Невестки танцуют, Матаня)
Царь: And where is our frog?
Has she gone to her green bog?
May be she is near?
Call her quickly hear.
Царевна-лягушка: You needn’t call me
I am here.
I’ll dance for you, my dear.
(танцует, Сударушка, в конце танца Иван выбрасывает лягушку)
Царевна-лягушка: What have you done?
My dear friend Ivan.
I can’t be with you today
I have to go away.
Иван: I have to find my dear wife
She is the love of all my life!
Царица: Let’s go, my dear, be lucky and brave
And I’ll be saying for you my pray.
2 действие
(появляется Иван)
Иван:My way is long and very hard
I’ve come to place that very dark.
Where to go- I don’t know.
(появляется Лесовичёк)
Who is this? Tell me, please.
Лесовичёк: I am an old man that keeps the wood.
Иван: Tell me the truth. I want to hear
Where is my wife, where is my dear?
Лесовичёк: What a silly thing you’ve done
But I want to help you, Prince Ivan.
If you go this forest through
Your wife will be with you.
Иван: Thank you old clever man
I’ll go through the forest then
(уходят, тревожная музыка, появляется Иван)
Иван: I am hungry, I am cold But I won’t scold
I have to find my dear wife
I don’t afraid to lose my life.
(усиливается тревожная музыка, появляется паук)
Паук: Who are you the ugly man?
What are you doing in my wood?
Иван: I am looking for my wife
She is love of all my life.
Can you tell me where she is
Help me help me spider, please!
Паук: Guess three riddles
And you’ll see
Where your frog-wife can be
Иван: Ask your riddles then
I’ll answer all of them.
Паук: Listen to the first riddle!
What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat?
Иван: A kitten
Паук: It’ right. Listen to the second riddle!
What is it that we often return but never borrow?
Иван: Thanks.
Паук: Correctly. Listen to the third riddle.
What teaches without talking?
(Иван раздумывает, обращается к детям)
Kids, help me to answer the last riddle, please.
What teaches without talking?
Дети отвечают: A book!
Паук: Ivan, You’ve done my task
You’ve answered questions fast
I let you go, enjoy thelife
With your beautiful wife!
(Исчезает, появляется царевна-лягушка)
Иван: Оh, my dear? Oh my love
You are my future, present, past,
My ship, my sail, my ocean,
The wind that brings me home again,
The home for every motion.
Царевна-лягушка: There’s a special place within my heart
That only you can fill.
For you had my love right from the start
And I know you always will.
(песня на английском)
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Очень полезный для меня
Очень полезный для меня материал.Спасибо. Надо будет со своими детками поставить номер.