Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для учащихся 7-х классов по теме"Австралия"
методическая разработка (7 класс) по теме
Материал содержит разработку конкурса знатоков "Австралия"и презентацию к данному мероприятию. В разработку включены конкурсы и кроссворды по знанию карты страны, штатов, городов, флоры и фауны.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 5 Курского муниципального района
Ставропольского края.
Конкурс знатоков
Саакян Е.Г.,
учителем английского языка
с. Эдиссия
Цели: обобщение изученного материала по теме «Австралия»; актуализация страноведческого материала.
Оборудование: карточки с кроссвордами; задание на карточках для конкурса «Города Австралии»; картинки или рисунки животных; карточки с названиями австралийских городов; карточки с заданием «Подпиши на карте».
Ход мероприятия:
Teacher: - Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you.
- Today we shall know more about the Unknown Southern Land that is about Australia.
- First of all we must divide into 2 teams. Think of the name of your team.
- Before we shall ask you some questions about Australia listen to some interesting information.
Narrator 1: - Australia is “the most” country in many ways. It is also the oldest, the flattest and the driest continent in the world.
Narrator 2: - Australia is the oldest continent, because some rocks are more than 3 million years old.
Narrator 1: - Australia is the flattest continent of all. But still it has mountains.
Narrator 2: - Australia is the driest continent of all after Antarctica. Most of it is a semi-desert. South-east is not so dry compared to the rest of the land, so it is good for living.
Teacher: -I shall ask you some questions about Australia.
Команды по очереди отвечают на вопросы учителя.
- What are three Australian deserts? (They are the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and the Gibson Desert.)
- In what places of Australia are fruit, wheat and potatoes grown? (Fruit is grown along the Murray River. Tasmania is the producer of potatoes, pears and berries of different kinds.)
- How many territories are there in Australia? (There are two territories in Australia.)
- What state of Australia is the largest? (It is Western Australia.)
- What state does the capital of Australia belong to? (This city doesn’t belong to any state.)
- What are the states of Australia? (They are New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania.)
- Is Australia a continent or an island? (It is both a continent and an island.)
-Thank you, children. I see, you know many interesting things about Australia.
2. Конкурс «Штаты Австралии»
-I shall give you the maps and you must write down states of Australia. You have only 1 minute. Let us check up your task.
Команды получают задание на карточках «Подпиши на карте».
Учитель показывает правильный вариант карты и выставляет баллы.
3. Конкурс «Города Австралии»
-Each of these states has their own cities and capitals. What cities do you know?
Ученики называют австралийские города, а учитель вывешивает таблички с их названиями.
-Now we’ll listen to you reports about the most famous cities of Australia.
Ученики представляют свои сообщения о различных городах Австралии.
-Who can say what city is the capital of Australia? (It is Canberra.)
-What city is the largest city of Australia? (It is Sydney.)
-I shall give you the cards. On the left side you can see some descriptions. On the right side you can see the names of some Australian cities. Your task will be to match the stories and find the name of city. So you will have 2 minutes for doing this task.
Ученики выполняют задание в течение 2-3 минут.
Задание на карточках:
- It contains a lot of government buildings Canberra
built in 1923-1927. Melbourne
Its population is 310 000 people. Perth
It is an important center of learning. Brisbane
- It is founded in 1804. Alice Springs
It is the oldest city of Australia. Hobart
It is surrounded by a small agricultural area. Sydney
- Its population exceeds 1 million people. Sydney
It is a large center of the wine export. Brisbane
Famous for Adelaide’s Festival of Arts held Adelaide
every 2 years. Melbourne
- Its population exceeds 1 million people. Canberra
It is the only large Australian city with Brisbane
Subtropical climate. Perth
It is a very beautiful city with a lot of parks Hobart
and gardens.
An important export center.
Its main exporting items are: wool, meal, wheat, sugar.
- It is the largest city of Australia. Canberra
Its population is about 3.5 mln people. Perth
It was founded on the 26 th of January in 1788. Hobart
It is the first European settlement in the country. Sydney
- It is the second largest city of Australia. Sydney
Its population is about 3 mln people. Melbourne
It is the financial center of the nation. Alice Springs
- It is the major west coast city. Canberra
Its population exceeds 1 million people. Perth
It is the most beautiful Australian city Adelaide Which citizens remind many Americans Alice Springs
of several cities in Southern California.
A sea port.
- It is one of the most important city Alice Springs
of the country. Perth
It is a cattle center. Hobart
It is connected with Adelaide by the railroad line.
Narrator 1: Australia is on the other side of the world. For us it is an upside-down world. Australia is sometimes called “down-under” because of its geographical position. Australia is sometimes called “Kangaroo land”, “the land of wattle «or “The lucky country”.
Narrator 2: The seasons here are the way round. Summer is from December to February (New Year is in the middle of summer), autumn is from March to May, winter is from June to August (the middle of winter is in July) and spring is from September to November.
Teacher: - What can you say about the climate in Australia? Is it dry, hot? What can you say about the deserts?
(It may rain at any time of the year and there are often long periods of drought.)
- What animals and birds can live under such a climate?
(A lyrebird, a cockatoo, a buffalo, a rabbit, a dingo, an eucalyptus, a koala, a rat, an anteater, a duckbill, an emu, a kangaroo.)
- Now we listen to the reports about the animals.
(Учащиеся представляют свои сообщения о животных. На доске вывешиваются названия животных).
- Now you will do the crossword. Let us check up the crossword. How many words did you guess?
- This animal has sharp spines, which help it to be protected from enemies.
- It is known as a flower feeder. It has a long, thin tongue tipped with bristles for soaking up its food.
- It is the largest bird of Australia. It is also one of the largest birds in the world. It cannot fly but it is a good runner.
- This animal spends most part of its life in eucalyptus trees and eats only the leaves of these trees.
- It is known as a wild dog.
Teacher: Let’s count our balls. Who is the winner?
All of you were active and attentive today. Thank you. Good buy.
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