Внеклассное мероприятие по иностранному языку в старших классах "Праздник Рождества"
план-конспект урока по теме
Стимулировать мыслительную поисковую деятельность учащихся через познание нового, эмоционально-ценностного отношения учащихся к традиции празднования Рождества в Великобритании.
- совершенствовать иноязычную коммуникативную компетенцию в совокупности ее составляющих - речевую, языковую, социокультурную, компенсаторную и учебно-познавательную.
- развить индивидуальные способности и таланты обучающихся.
компьютер для презентации, магнитофон, аудиозаписи песен, цветные шары, сладкие призы для конкурсов.
кабинет английского языка украшен новогодней мишурой, гирляндами, плакатами, на доске стенд, посвященный Рождеству в Великобритании, в углу класса стоит рождественская елка, декорации к сказке.
Действующие лица:
- Ведущий
- Mrs. Shtalbaum
- Mary
- Fritz
- Drosselmeyer
- Nutcracker
- Klerhen
- Soldiers
- Great King Rat
- Mice
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Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассное мероприятие по иностранному языку в старших классах "Праздник Рождества"
Стимулировать мыслительную поисковую деятельность учащихся через познание нового, эмоционально-ценностного отношения учащихся к традиции празднования Рождества в Великобритании.
- совершенствовать иноязычную коммуникативную компетенцию в совокупности ее составляющих - речевую, языковую, социокультурную, компенсаторную и учебно-познавательную.
- развить индивидуальные способности и таланты обучающихся.
компьютер для презентации, магнитофон, аудиозаписи песен, цветные шары, сладкие призы для конкурсов.
кабинет английского языка украшен новогодней мишурой, гирляндами, плакатами, на доске стенд, посвященный Рождеству в Великобритании, в углу класса стоит рождественская елка, декорации к сказке.
Действующие лица:
- Ведущий
- Mrs. Shtalbaum
- Mary
- Fritz
- Drosselmeyer
- Nutcracker
- Klerhen
- Soldiers
- Great King Rat
- Mice
Ход праздника
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to see you here this evening and we'll try to do everything for you to spend it in the best way. December is the month of holidays and people all over the world are waiting something special and amazing during these days. They begin to prepare for Christmas and New Year holidays many days before - they buy presents, sew new dresses and there is a special, wonderful atmosphere of holidays everywhere. But who waits these holidays most of all? Of course, children! They dream and imagine the presents, they decorate Christmas-trees, they want to meet with real Santa Claus, they wait miracles and fires, they want all their wishes to become real. And we are sure that if you believe in miracles they will happen. Now we would like to tell you one story which happened many years ago on the Christmas eve. Look and try to believe! Come back in your childhood and believe in miracles like we do it! You are welcome in the world of fairy-tales...
Part 1 - "The Christmas Tree"
(The Shtalbaums are decorating the Christmas tree, put the presents for children on the table. They don't let children come in. When everything is ready their mum calls them to come in).
Mrs. Shtalbaum:
My sweet children! Come here and look -what nice presents the Christ gives you this year!
(Children are running up to their presents. Fritz places his soldiers around him, Mary admires her new dolls and dresses. Soon she notes the Nutcracker among all the dolls).
Ah, my dear mummy! What a nice little man near the Christmas tree! Whose present is it? Mrs. Shtalbaum : Sweetheart, he will crack nuts neatly for you. He is for you, Louisa and Fritz. Look...
(Mrs. Shtalbaum shows how the Nutcracker works - she takes a nut, put it in his mouth and the Nutcracker cracks it).
Mrs. Shtalbaum ;
Dear Mary, take this Nutcracker and take care of him. But don't forget that Louisa and Fritz can also use him.
(Mary takes the smallest nuts and cracks it with the help of Nutcracker. Fritz comes to her and says, laughing...)
I want to try him too!
(Fritz takes the biggest nuts and pushes it in his mouth. The Nutcracker breaks his lower jaw).
Ah, my poor dear Nutcracker!
(She takes the Nutcracker away from her brother).
What a bad Nutcracker! He can't crack nuts! His teeth are not for it! Give me! I will try again!
(Mary begins to cry but she doesn't let her brother to touch the Nutcracker)
I won't give you this nice Nutcracker! You are wicked, Fritz! You let your soldiers to kill each other and beat the horses! Go away!
(Mary ties up the Nutcracker's jaw with her handkerchief and caresses him).
Shame on you, Fritz! You surprise me! You behave like a bad soldier!
(Fritz comes confused to his soldiers. Mary caresses her Nutcracker and ties up his jaw with the white ribbon of her dress).
Dear Mary! Why do you fuss over this ugly Nutcracker?
(Everybody laughs).
He is not ugly at all! He is the most beautiful man that I have ever met.
(Everybody laughs again).
Part2 - "The Miracles"
Late evening. The parents are going to leave. They say good-bye to Drosselmeyer.
Mummy! Let me stay a little! I have so many cares ...as soon as I finish I will go to bed at once.
Mrs. Shtalbaum;
Don't stay too long, Mary. Good night.
(Mum went out. Mary left her dolls and came to the Nutcracker to look at his jaw).
Oh, my dear Nutcracker, don't be offended with my brother Fritz. He is a very good boy, believe me! I will take care of you. As for your jaw - Drosselmeyer will repair it. OK? Dear Klerhen give up your seat to this poor Nutcracker.
(Mary takes her doll Klerhen and puts the Nutcracker on the chair instead of Klerhen. Mary is going to leave the room, but she hears the rustle, tittering and squeak in the corners. The clock strikes 12 times. Mary steps aside to the wall with fear. Suddenly Fritz's soldiers and the Nutcracker become alive).
I will fight with you, mice! Hey you, my faithful soldiers! Fight with me in this battle!
(The soldiers come to him).
We are ready to help you!
(Klerhen comes to the Nutcracker and hug him).
Oh, my prince! Let me hug you. Be brave and strong in this battle!
(The Nutcracker kisses Mary's ribbon and calls up the soldiers).
Come on! Let's win the victory over them!
(Mice and soldiers are fighting with nuts and sticks. In some time the Nutcracker is surrounded by mice. Mary puts off his left shoe and throws it to the Great Rat. All mice are leaving the room and the dolls become immovable. Mary is falling down in fainting-fit).
Part 3 - "The Illness"
(Mary's room. She is in her bed and Mrs. Shtalbaum is near her. Mary wakes up).
Mrs. Shtalbaum :
How are you, sweetheart?
Oh, mummy! Have those bad mice left? Is my Nutcracker saved?
Mrs. Shtalbaum:
Don't tell nonsense! Mice needn't your Nutcracker at all! You frightened us. You stayed too long yesterday and fell asleep. Maybe you were afraid of one little mouse. You were out of sense. But now everything will be OK.
Mummy! There was a battle in the night! The mice wanted to take the Nutcracker prisoner! I threw my shoe to them and I don't remember what happened later.
Mrs. Shtalbaum:
That's enough for you, Mary. Calm down. Your Nutcracker is saved and there are no mice here.
(Drosselmeyer comes in).
How are you, my ill Mary?
(with anger)
Why didn't you help me last night? You were bad.
Don't be angry with me, Mary. I have good news for you.
(Drosselmeyer shows her the Nutcracker with his repaired jaw. Mary is happy. She claps her hands).
But Mary, confess that the Nutcracker is not beautiful and slim. If you want I can tell you the story why he is so ugly.
Dear Drosselmeyer, tell me this story, please.
OK! Listen to me very attentively.
Part 4 - "The story about a firm nut"
Once upon a time there were King and Queen. One day very beautiful princess Pirlipat was born. Her mother worried about her very much and ordered the soldiers to guard near her all days long. King and Queen invited many famous and important people to celebrate their daughter's birthday. The Queen was cooking the meat in the kitchen and soon she heard a strange voice: "Let me eat meat!"
Who was it?
It was Queen of Mice, who lived in the same palace. The Queen gave her meat, but there were many other mice there and they climbed on the table to eat too. King punished that Rat and drove her away the palace. But Rat couldn't forgive him for that and swore that she would hurt the princess.
What a bad Rat!
Yes, Mary. That's why Queen took care and looked after her daughter so much. One night Rat came to the princess and made her ugly. King and Queen were crying for a long time. King ordered his server-master Drosselmeyer to bring back princess's beauty.
But how was it possible?
Drosselmeyer found out that the princess should eat the nut Krakatuk and one boy should bring this nut to her. Then he should step back 7 steps with closed eyes. For 15 years old master Drosselmeyer had been looking for that special nut. Finally he found this nut and Drosselmeyer's nephew cracked the nuts well. So, when he cracked the nuts the princess became more beautiful. But suddenly the Rat appeared and she didn't let the boy do the last step. Poor boy became the same ugly as princess.
Oh! Poor boy! What happened with that awful Rat? Had anybody caught her?
The Rat died at the same moment. The princess was really angry and Drosselmeyer together with his nephew were driven out the palace.
Oh, what a pity!
This is a story about the Nutcracker. He is still ugly. But he will become beautiful again if he kills the son of that Rat and if one lady loves him.
Ah, if only I could help him!
Mary was thinking about Drosselmeyer's story if it was true or not. She had a great wish to help the Nutcracker.
Part 5 - "The Victory"
(Mary's bedroom. Mary wakes up because of the rustle, tittering and squeak). Mary ;(with fear)
Hey! Mice again!
Great King Rat:
Hi-hi! Give me all your sweets, chocolates and dolls! Otherwise I will hurt your Nutcracker!
(Great King Rat leaves the room and Mary puts her sweets and dolls on the floor. She comes to the Nutcracker).
I will do everything for my Nutcracker to be saved.
(The Nutcracker becomes alive).
Dear Mary! Don't give your sweets and dolls to this Rat! I will fight with him! Can you find a sword for me?
Sure, dear Nutcracker!!! Wait! Just a minute!
(Mary takes a sword of one of Fritz's soldiers and gives it to the Nutcracker. She goes to bed. Soon she hears the noise and get up, crying...).
Great King Rat! Great King Rat!
(But soon the Nutcracker comes in the room with his sword!).
Oh my wonderful lady! I have won and killed that rat! Take my hand and come with me! I will show you the country of miracles!
(Music sounds and some dolls with soldiers are dancing).
Part 6 - "The Final"
(Mary is sitting in the room and mother comes to her. Mary and Nutcracker are dancing too).
Mrs. Shtalbaum:
Dear Mary, Mr. Drosselmeyer and his nephew have just come to visit us. Be a good girl.
(Mr. Drosselmeyer and his nephew come in).
Mary: Good day, Mr. Drosselmeyer. We 'II be glad if you stay for dinner in our house. Nutcracker (nephew): I have some presents for you.
(Nutcracker gives some presents for Mary and her brother. They have dinner together. Nutcracker eats the nuts. Later the Nutcracker takes Mary's hand and asks her to go with him).
Dear Miss Shtalbaum. I am a happy man whose life was saved by you. My wonderful lady, share my life with me!
Mary :
Dear Mr. Drosselmeyer, you are a kind man who rules the wonderful country with good people. I agree to be your wife.
This is the story which we were going to tell you. You see that miracles can become real in our life and it depends only on our wishes and deeds. We hope you liked our performance and it helped you to believe in miracle. Believe and try to make your dreams real! We wish you happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Have a nice holiday!
Праздник заканчивается песнями "We Wish You a Merry Christmas", "Jingle Bells", " Silent Night", конкурсами "Кто быстрее украсит елку", "Рождественский пудинг", "Рождественский головной убор" и компьютерной презентацией " Рождество и Новый год.
1. Christmas Dinner
The typical meal consists of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables, followed by a Christmas pudding. Christmas (or Plum) pudding is the traditional end to the British Christmas dinner.
Putting a silver coin in the pudding is another age-old custom that is said to bring luck to the person- that finds it. In the UK the coin traditionally used was' silver 'six pence'. The closest coin to that now is a five pence piece.
We have a surprise for you. Here are some biscuits with a lucky coin inside one of them. We invite the pupil who has found the coin to come up here. Let's wish them a Merry Christmas and sing a Christmas. Sing songs"Jingle Bells","We wish you a Merry Christmas!"
2. Decorating of Christmas trees with coloured baubles
- There are two teams in this competition.
There are two Christmas trees and two boxes with coloured balls in front of you. Your task is to choose the right ball quickly and hang it on your tree. What colours do you know?
- Children name the colours in English, the teams
decorate their Christmas trees. Who will be the quickest?
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