Творческий вечер, посвященный Уильяму Шекспиру
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Творческий вечер, посвященный Уильяму Шекспиру
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Литературный вечер,
посвященный творчеству В.Шекспира
“Shakespeare in Love”
Сцена оформлена в стиле 18 века. Справа - сад с балконом , на другой стороне - спальная комната. Занавес спущен. Под музыку выходят ведущие в костюмах «шекспировского» времени. Ведущие рассказывают о жизни В.Шекспира, театре «Глобус». Это сопровождается слайдами и фрагментами из кинофильма «Влюбленный Шекспир.
Затем объявляется конкур чтецов. Студентки в образе прекрасных дам читают сонеты на английском языке, одновременно демонстрируются слайды с переводом на русский язык.
Затем ведущие организуют игру со зрителями и предлагают известные шекспировские высказывания, которые стали крылатыми выражениями. Зрителям необходимо найти эквиваленты на русском языке.
Далее зрителям предлагают окунуться в прекрасное и посмотреть отрывки из пьес В.Шекспира «Укрощение строптивой » и «Отелло» на русском языке
«Гамлет» и «Ромео и Джульетта» на английском языке в исполнении студентов.
В конце вечера подводятся итоги конкурса чтецов, вручаются памятные подарки конкурсантам и участникам вечера.
- Good afternoon everybody. Our meeting today is dedicated to the greatest playwright in the world - W. Shakespeare.
- His name is appreciated all over the world. We hope that you will enjoy
listening to his immortal words.
( Фрагмент из кинофильма “Shakespeare in Love” )
- The name of William Shakespeare is known all over the world. The last half of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries are known as the Golden Age of English literature. It was the time of the English Renaissance and sometimes it is called "The Age of Shakespeare"
2 ведущий:
- People often call Shakespeare "Our National Bard", "The Immortal Poet of Nature" or "The Great Unknown". We really know few facts of his life and many of them are doubtful, but some facts are well known and proved by documents.
- The first fact of Shakespeare's biography is that he was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford - upon - Avon. His father, John Shakespeare, was a glover and a dealer in corn, meat, wool and leather, and other farm products. William's mother Mary Arden, was the daughter of a rich farmer in the village of Wilcote
( слайд «Дом, в котором родился и жил Шекспир.»)
2 ведущий:
- In his childhood William went to the Stratford Grammar School, where besides reading and writing he was taught Latin and Greek. At that time there were no theatres in England. Groups of actors traveled from town to town and played in different places, usually out-of-doors. Sometimes actors came to Stratford. Young William went to see all their shows and liked them very much. He wanted to become an actor. Sometimes he wrote little plays himself and staged them with his friends.
( Сцена с собачкой из кинофильма“Shakespear in Love”)
- W e also know that being 18 years old William married Anne Hathaway, who was 9 years older than himself. They had a daughter Susanna, Their first child was born in 1583. And then twins- a son Hamnet and a daughter Judith followed in 1585. It is presumed that later that year Shakespeare left for London. He joined a group of actors there. Now Shakespeare was a young man of twenty-one.
2 ведущий:
- Indeed, Shakespeare wrote many sonnets - 154. They are very popular and loved by people. All of them were translated into different languages. Many of Shakespeare's sonnets are devoted to a friend..
- The woman to whom the sonnets are dedicated is known under the name of the Dark Lady. Shakespeare admires her beauty. He stresses the darkness of her hair, eyes and heart. She is shown to be wicked and lying. She is false and vicious, but the poet can't help loving her.
Let’s enjoy listening W.SH.’s sonnets.
(Конкурс чтецов сонетов В.Шекспира на английском языке )
Игра со зрителями.
- All the world is a stage.
- To be or not to be.
- Have more than you show.
- Speak less than you know.
- The beginning of the end.
- All is well that ends well.
- Brevity is the soul of wit.
- Much ado about nothing.
- There the rub.
- Cowards die many times before their death.
2 ведущий:
- In 1594 Shakespeare became closely allied to the company of the Lord Chamberlain's Servants, which first occupied a playhouse called " The Theater" and then built the famous Globe Theatre and held their performances there. Shakespeare became the principal playwright to the company. He was also an actor, but obviously not a first- rate one because he usually acted only small parts. But Shakespeare's experience as an actor helped him greatly in the writing of his plays, His knowledge of the stage, and his poetical genius made his plays the most remarkable ever written. Listen to the story about Globe Theatre, that famous theatre of the 16th century.
Globe Theatre
In the middle, there was a kind of house. There the actors dressed and
kept the things which were used in the performance. In front of it there was a platform. This platform, together with the balcony over it, was the stage on which the actors played. They came out of the house to the stage through two large doors. In front of the stage there was a large yard. Round the Yard there were three balconies, one over the other . Both these balconies and the yard were for the people who came to see the performance. The yard and the greater part of the stage were open to the sky. The actors were often very good. They could play, sing and dance. Women's parts were played by boys or young men. An actor of ten played two or three parts in the performance. Music was very important. The performance began at three o'clock. From its beginning till it was over, people could see a flag over the theatre. The people of London loved their theatre very much. Everybody went to the theatre in London both young and old, rich or poor. Those who could not pay much for their tickets stood in the yard. If they were tired they could sit on the ground. Rich men and their wives sat in the balconies and aristocrats were allowed to sit on the stage. People had no newspapers, no radio or television in those days. That's why the theatre played a great role in their lives.
The performance gave them a great enjoyment, but they came to the theatre not only for pleasure, they came to hear the news, to learn something of the history of England or of some other countries. They were taught the great science of life there. That is the story of the famous Globe Theatre. Now be ready to watch some fragments of W. Shakespeare’s plays.
( Фрагмент о театре из кинофильма “Shakespear in Love” )
- All Shakespeare's comedies are full of jokes and puns. The scene is usually set in some imaginary country, and the action is based on stories that are almost fairy-tales. But within these non-realistic settings and plots are placed true-to-life. Аll the comedies are full of love and harmony.. "The Taming of the Shrew" is a well balanced comedy.Petruchio, a gentleman of Verona, of shrewd and hot temper decides to marry Katarina, the elder daughter of a rich gentleman. Katarina is mad but Petruchio decides to tame her. Petruehio doesn't let her sleep and distresses her with his mad behavior. This treatment makes Katarina mad. She surprises everybody with her sweet temper and shyness.
(Сцена сватовства из пьесы «Укрощение строптивой» на русском языке в исполнении учеников)
- Shakespeare's tragedies are the stories of revenge, jealousy, ambition, power, moneyworship. Prince Hamlet suspects that his dead father, King of Denmark was murdered by his uncle Claudius, who has married his mother and become king. The Ghost of his father informs him about the murder and tells him to revenge. Hamlet promises it.
(Сцена в саду, разговор Гамлета с Офелией из пьесы «Гамлет» на английском языке в исполнении учеников)
- "Othello, the Moor of Venice" is a play where Shakespeare shows the consequence of the situation when reason is guided by passions. It is the story of a brave Moorish general in the service of the Venetian state. He marries a beautiful lady.
(Сцена убийства из «Отелло» на русском языке в исполнении учеников)
- The Monteques and the Capulets are the two chief families of Verona, and they are bitter enemies. Their children Romeo and Juliet fall in love with each other and marry secretly with the help of Friar Laurence. During a street battle Romeo kills Juliet's brother Tybalt and as a punishment is banished from the city. Friar Laurence gives Juliet a drink which must render her lifeless for forty hours. Romeo doesn't know it, he gets to the vault, drinks the poison and dies. When Juliet awakens she sees the body of Romeo and stabs herself
(Сцена на балконе из «Ромео и Джульетте» на английском языке в исполнении учеников)
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