Компьютерная презентация к празднику "Хэллуин"
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Компьютерная презентация к празднику "Хэллуин"
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The second team is “Ghost hunters” Ghost hunters are the best, you won't have a rest
4 IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT HALLOWEEN 1. Halloween is one of the oldest festivals in Great Britain. 2. Halloween is celebrated on October 31st . 3. The full name of the festival is “All Hallows Eve”.
The history of Halloween People celebrated New Year on November 1 st . It was a holiday of the end of the“Sun Season” and the start of the “Dark and Cold Season”. P eople made lamps of pumpkins and said « These lamps help the sun to live in winter »
I n the year 835 the Roman Catholic Church made the 1 st of November a church holiday of all saints, who do not have a special day in the year.
This holiday was called “All Saints Day” or “All Hallows Day”.
People started to celebrate another holiday on October 31 st “All Hallows Eve”. Now we call this festival “Halloween”.
Traditions of Halloween
People dress up as witches, ghosts, devils, cats or bats
Houses are decorated with pumpkins, candles and lamps
Trick or Treat
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“Halloween Stories” “One Halloween night…............” 5 minutes for this task
Quiz 1. Where does Halloween come from? (a) America (b) Ireland and Scotland (c) England (d) Portugal
2. Halloween is celebrated in ......... on the 31st day of the month. (a) September (b) November (c) January (d) October
3. Where does the name Halloween come from? (a) Hello Ween (“Ween” is the name for a ghost) (b) It’s the name of an old Celtic leader? (c) All Hallow’s Eve
4. On Halloween , people usually dress up in various and strange .......... These are outfits that people don't usually wear and they do this to celebrate this mysterious holiday . (a) uniforms (b) curtains (c) costumes (d) shoes
5. Children really like Halloween because they can dress up and take part in an activity where they go from house to house and collect candy from the residents who are at home at the time. When children approach the homes , they say "Trick or .........!" (a) Trump (b) Treat (c) Trudge (d) Trim
6. Why did people put a lantern outside their house? (a) to frighten evil spirits (b) to be friendly to the spirits (c) to see while they had a party
7. In order to celebrate Halloween, some people carve .......... These are large , round, orange vegetables that are harvested in autumn. (a) pumpkins (b) oranges (c) potatoes (d) peaches
8. What is a pumpkin? (a) a fruit (b) a vegetable (c) a kind of melon
9. People usually use the outer shells of these large vegetables as Halloween decor . They scoop out the meaty part of the vegetables, carve out faces, put candles inside of them and then place them in a window or on a porch on Halloween. These are called ......... o'Lanterns. (a) Tom (b) Jordan (c) George (d) Jack
10. A popular game at Halloween parties is called ......... for apples . This is when people try to grab an apple — that is floating in a tub of water — with only their mouths . Usually, there are many apples floating inside the tub and the participants must keep their hands behind their backs . (a) hopping (b) shoving (c) licking (d) bobbing
11. Sometimes, children and adults alike will dress up as .......... This costume is simple to make because all you need is a white sheet with cut-out holes for your eyes, nose and mouth. This outfit is meant to symbolize people who have died and are stuck between worlds. (a) mummies (b) witches (c) cats (d) ghosts
12. Dracula, an evil ........., is a symbol of Halloween. Legendary stories say that Count Dracula turns into a bat at midnight and sucks humans' blood . (a) witch (b) wiccan (c) ghoul (d) vampire
1 3 . At Halloween party guests traditionally bob for? (a) Turnips (b) Oranges (c) Apples
Thank you for your good job. Our lesson is over. Goodbye!
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