Викторина 6 класс
методическая разработка (6 класс) по теме
Викторина "Знаете ли вы Британию?" для учащихся 6 классов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Викторина «Знаете ли вы Британию?
6 класс
Цели: 1. Активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся.
2. Обогатить знания учащихся новыми сведениями.
Оборудование: 1. Презентация Microsoft Power point
2. Стенды+раздаточный материал
Участники: 1. 4 ведущих (10 класс «А»)
2. 2 команды шестиклассников
3. ученики 8 класса «Б» (сценка “Наlloween”)
We are glad to see you at our Quiz “Do you know Britain?” Today we are going to speak about this wonderful country, about its political system, traditions, sights, interesting facts and famous people.
We need 2 teams of three pupils.
1. Участники викторины получают задание составить карту Великобритании из четырех частей (поместить на стенд). А также подобрать названия четырех частей страны (карточки с названиями).
The first task:
Make the map of Great Britain from 4 parts. And put them on the stand.
Put the names of the parts of the country: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Пока команды выполняют задания: вопрос к залу –
What is the official name of the country? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
(Группа поддержки, ответившая правильно на вопрос получает дополнительный бал для своей команды)
Проверка выполнение заданий командами.
2. The second task:
What are their capitals?
England – London, Scotland – Edinburgh, Wales – Cardiff, Northern Ireland – Belfast. (карточки с названиями столиц)
Группа поддержки может помочь своей команде поместить названия столиц на стенд.
Проверка выполнения задания.
3. The third task:
What are the national flowers of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?
Поместить на стенд флористические символы.
England – red rose, Scotland – thistle, Wales – daffodil and leek, Northern Ireland – shamrock.
Спросить знают ли ребята историю этих символов.
What do you know about the history of these symbols?
Ведущие рассказывают об истории возникновения флористических символов.
England – red rose
The floral symbol of England is the red rose. Earlier, it decorated the arms of the House of Lancaster. The Lancastrians argued for the throne of England with the Yorkists whose arms had a white rose. The war for the throne between the Lancastrians and Yorkists became known in the history of the country as the War of the Red and White Rose. It lasted 30 years (1455-1485). When the Lancastrians won the war, their arms of the Red Rose became the symbol of the whole England.
Scotland – thistle
The Scottish symbol is a wild plant called the Thistle. At one point, the Scandinavians planned to attack a Scottish village. But since the Scots knew they were coming, they started to prepare for war. Late at night, the Scandinavians came on their bare feet so as to not awaken the Scottish warriors in the village. But the thorns of the thistle hurt their bare feet. Their howls of pain pierced the silence and the Scots awoke to fight the enemy.
Wales – leek (daffodil)
The Welsh symbol is a vegetable called the Leek (or, on occasion, the flower, the daffodil). The patron saint of Wales, David, ate only leeks and bread. In memory of this Christian Saint, the leek became the symbol of Wales. Daffodils which burst into flames by the 1st of March celebrate the revered Welsh saint.
Northern Ireland – shamrock
The Irish symbol is another wild plant called the Shamrock. This plant helped St Patrick explain to the people of his country what the Holy Trinity is.
4. The fourth task:
The capital of England is London. Do you know the most interesting places of this city?
Презентация. Показ слайдов. Назвать достопримечательности Лондона.
5. Scotland – the birthplace of a famous poet – Robert Burns. Burn’s poetry is loved and enjoyed by all his countrymen. They love Burns for the generosity and kindness of his nature, for his patriotism and truthfulness.
Listen to the poem
My Heart in the Highlands
My heart in the highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart in the Highlands a-chasing the deer,
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe
My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of valour, the country of worth,
Wherever I wander, where I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Farewell to the mountains, high cover’d with snow,
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below,
Farewell to the forests and wild-handing woods,
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.
My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here.
My heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer.
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe,
My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go.
6. Northern Ireland.
Do you know what holiday is celebrated on the 31st of October?
What country does this holiday originate from?
If you want to know where it comes from, the pupils of the 8th form will tell you a story about this holiday.
It’s Halloween!
It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!
The Moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can’t be seen
On any other night:
Skeletons and ghosts,
Grinning goblins fighting,
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on the magic brooms.
In masks and gowns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the King and Queen,
For oh tonight it’s Halloween!
- As you know Halloween is a festival when people celebrate the return of the dead who come back to visit places where they lived.
- On this day people dress up as witches, ghosts, devils, cats or bats.
- People usually carve a pumpkin and put the candle inside. It is called “Jack-o’lantern”. Do you know why it is called like that?..
- According to the Irish legend there was an Irish man called Jack who was so bad that neither God nor Devil wanted to take him to their realms. Poor Jack was destined to wander in the darkness for ages!
- But one day he came to God and said: “Please, help me, God! I can’t go on living like this! I’m scared – I can’t see anything in the darkness!” And God who was very kind and full of mercy told Jack: “Ok, I’ll help you – here is a pumpkin for you. I carved it and put the candle inside so you can make your way through the darkness with this lantern!”
- Since then a carved pumpkin has been called “Jack-o’-lantern”. The Irish partly migrated to the USA and brought this holiday with them. So the Americans also started to celebrate Halloween traditionally every year.
- But where are our pumpkins?
- Look – they are coming! Let’s count them: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!!!...
Song: “Five Little Pumpkins”
Five little pumpkins sitting on the gate.
The first one said: “Oh, my, it’s getting late!”
The second one said: “There are witches in the air!”
The third one said: “But we don’t care!”
The fourth one said: “Let’s run and run and run!”
The fifth one said: “I’m ready for some fun!”
“OOOOOOOOOH”, - went the wind and out went the light,
And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!
- Also during this holiday the British and American children roam about the city and knock at the doors saying:
Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat!
- And if the children don’t get any sweets, they really play tricks on people! But if they get sweets, they go away very politely!
- We decided to follow this “Trick-or-treat” tradition and we want to share all the delicious things with you, dear guests!!!
Song: “It’s mine but you can have some”
It’s mine but you can have some,
With you I’d like to share it,
Cause if I share it with you –
You’ll have some, too!
And if I have a cake to eat,
Or if I have a tasty treat,
If you come to me and ask –
I’ll give some to you!
It’s mine but you can have some,
With you I’d like to share it,
Cause if I share it with you –
You’ll have some too!
7. Wales.
There is a very interesting place in Wales. It is a village that has the longest name in the world. Look! Can you read it? How many letters are there in this name?
It has 58 letters. And the translation is very beautiful:
Церковь святой Марии в ложбине белого орешника возле бурного водоворота.
8. The fifth task:
Команды получают карточки с названиями городов Великобритании, разделенные на две части. Составить названия городов.
Form the names of the towns and cities of Great Britain using the following word-parts:
Lon cherster Ox field
Car bridge Liver diff
Cam ford Man burgh
Shef pool Edin don
(London, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford, Cardiff, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield)
9. The sixth task: вопросы для зрителей.
Try to answer the questions.
a) Are all people of Britain English? (no, they are English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish)
b) What is the longest river of Britain? (the Severn)
c) The first woman Prime Minister in Britain was called : Mother Teresa, Princess Diana or Margaret Thatcher? (Margaret Thatcher)
d) What is the name of the Scottish lake where supposedly lives a monster Nessy? (Loch Ness)
10. The seventh task: The sights of Great Britain.
Команды получают плакаты с фотографиями достопримечательностей Великобритании. Подобрать подписи и правильно разместить их на стенде.
Match the names of the sights and the photos.
11. Вопросы для зрителей:
1) When was London destroyed by the Great Fire? (in 1666)
2) What is the birthplace of Shakespeare? (Stratford-on-Avon)
3) What sports originated in Britain? (racing, football, golf…)
4) What is the name of the most famous clock of Great Britain? (Big Ben)
5) Where can you meet admiral Nelson? (Trafalgar Square)
6) What is the most common family in the English-speaking world: Hill, Green, Smith? (Smith)
7) Who is the head of the United Kingdom? ( the Queen Elisabeth the second)
8) What English writers do you know?
9) What English pop group is famous all over the world?
Where is it from? (The Beatles, Liverpool)
11. Подведение итогов. Объявление победителя.
Our quiz comes to the end. Thank you for your attention!
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