Yugoria By Antokhin Mikhail Kuzmich
творческая работа учащихся

Перевод стихотворения "Югория"(Михаил Кузьмич) на английский язык


Предварительный просмотр:


 By Antokhin Mikhail Kuzmich

Yugoria... Taiga sounds of harmony

Your rivers streams slowly

 Give me   sounds of light energy

Of   life and earth destiny .

I love your whole lot of spaces

 I love your water flows   and lakes,

 I love the   lightens o’er smily face;

 You are our lords of souls and minds

 You maintain this clement ancient world

 Discarding vanity and corruption,

You   keep the wisdom of traversed road

And you delve into modernity with trepidation

 (You are the immortal cell)

You are the key living forever

And drain the cup of woe with your friends

And   your voice is everywherе

Sounds the same with the others

Yugoria... Not youthful fervor —

I   give   you my love as a warrior,

 And if I   worthy of your love ,

Ready to defend

Up   to my last breath

For   your prosperity


 Translated   by

 Bashirov Aidar (15 years, 9th form)

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